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Col Deadmarsh

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Posts posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. Originally posted by Nippy:

    Not to offend you, but what you did was just plain crazy! No amount of Vodka or pistol waving Commasars in the world would make Russian troops go up against those odds in real life.

    "Don't worry men, we will only be out in the middle of a open field with no cover while a Tripod mounted and scoped MG-42 and a Tiger tank with its 88mm HE rounds shoots at us."

    *Ten seconds later the Officer is fragged*

    Lol, yeah I know that sounds crazy but I had no smoke. My on-board mortar team was panicking from the arty on the last turn and my IS-2's didn't have any smoke rounds (what's up with that?)

    I figured the Tiger would just get off 1 shot before my men reached cover. The Tiger might even miss me on my run. The problem was, the MG pinned all 6 squads, I sh*t you not. The Tiger then preceded to pick off the men as they crawled back to safety.

    Originally posted by Cameroon:

    Oh, and I thought I'd throw in that the mortar likely killed the exposed driver. I hadn't considered that the AFV was unbuttoned, but that would definitely do it.

    Yeah, the guy was exposed but he's not the driver, right? He's the commander. So how would the driver be affected?

    [ October 28, 2002, 02:31 AM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]

  2. As I'm halfway through the advanced tutorial (my first CMBB battle) I have to say...this is a completely new game. Frankly, I can't tell whether in the future I will like it more than CMBO or whether I will be screaming at Steve and Charles for ruining what I thought to be the best game on the planet.

    I'm trying to give CMBB a fair shot at winning my heart like CMBO did but it's not easy. There are so many differences, so many changes, that I hardly recognize my old friend.

    In the advanced tutorial, I had a blind mortar round hit 10m away from my IS-2 and immobilze it! This was the first sign that I wasn't playing CMBO: Chapter 2. I mean, this was a heavy tank that had just been rendered useless by a stray mortar round which landed off to it's side. We're talking 60-80mm of armor here! Did it hit the tracks? I never did find out. Hell, in CMBO, that would of needed to hit my tank commander on the head to immobilize a tank of that size. Little did I know, there were more suprises in store for me.

    When I managed to secure the nearby forest for a jumping off point for my attack, I ordered 2 platoons of infantry across a large stretch of open field. Yes, it was wide open but with only a silly MG to deal with and a Tiger tank who was 700 meters away. Sure, I might lose a man or two but they'll get to their destination intact. Wrong. The MG somehow pinned and panicked an entire platoon while the Tiger inflicted mass amounts of casulaties off 2 HE rounds. Those who weren't hit or pinned were freaked out by what happened to the others and followed their lead back to the woods where they started. Now, I'm getting frustrated. "This never happened in CMBO!", I said. "What's going on here?"

    More carnage soon followed. My enemy, now aware of my position, fired some more of that arty my way. 2-3 treebursts the next turn sent every man in that forest running for home. I couldn't believe my eyes. "What have Steve and Charles done to my beloved game?!" I am now on turn 16 and the AI is kicking my ass. I'm in complete shock.

    Will I learn to love the new way or will I become a CMBB hater and stand by my old friend. One thing seems for certain, I don't think I will be able to play both in the future. Embracing one almost seems to mean abandoning the other. I was hoping for an upgrade to the best game around. What I see here is an entirely new product and I'm not so sure I like it. Maybe with time...

  3. Originally posted by Mark Gallear:

    Yep, never seen a Tiger II, Panther in an email points game in CMBO – one opponent thought about buying a Jagpanther – I advised him not to bother. (I think it was good and honest advice).

    The King Tiger in CM is a good choice when playing on a big map. The gun might be a bit of an overkill but the extra armor can keep that thing alive for the entire battle. Just make sure to watch your flanks.

    Although it can be argued that the Tiger I was overpriced because it's slow and not as well armored in the front as the Panther, it is 20 points less, so in the right situation, it's not a bad choice. The trick is to use it for infantry support, not as a tank hunter. When you can get a positive ID on a vanilla Sherman, bring it out and go head to head with the Allies.

    As for the Panther, this was one of the best units in CMBO. Better mobility and frontal armor than the Tiger I and only 20 points more. Explain why you think this unit is overpriced. I've seen plenty in my Email/PBEM games so you must've been the only one not to buy any.

    [ October 23, 2002, 03:20 AM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]

  4. Originally posted by wwb_99:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    Cause the new camera angles in CMBB are annoying. Gimme back my normal 2, 3, and 4 views from CMBO. Why f*ck with something that was right in the first place?

    Did you not notice they added some views, so had to change things so the interpolation worked right. If you dont like it, fine, dont buy the game and quit whining here.


  5. I don't know about the rest of you but after playing the CMBB demo, I just don't have a yearning to go out and buy the game. I don't like the exclusion of the shock waves, nor do I like big battlefields which lend themselves to long-range tank battles. I'm still quite happy playing on the Western Front with my vanilla Shermans.

    I'm sure I'll get CMBB for Xmas, but I feel that once I get it, I'll have to learn a whole new game--one that's completely different from the old one. And once I cross that bridge, I won't ever be able to go back...

  6. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    The whining here would make me vomit but I just came back from the dentist and, with half my face numb, I'm afraid I would end up dribbling it down my shirt.

    Wahh! No shockwaves! - Deal with it. Yes, there needs to be some graphical representation - like maybe a cloud of smoke/dust from the impact of an HE shell - but that is it. The shockwave from the houses was ugly, unrealistic, and silly. The new Dust Cloud effect should be sufficient.

    Wahh! I want text instead of pictures of weapons! - Deal with it. The pictures are important because they tell which half-squads or damaged squads still have their MGs (which are MUCH better at suppressing than rifles). Since the squad can't split it's weapons up to fire at different targets, why do you need text to tell you firepower? If you have a target - aim at it and see the FP total. If you have no target, hit the [enter] key and see what the FP is at the various ranges.

    Wahh! I don't like the unit portraits! Deal with it. They are moddable.

    It is simply amazing to me the levels to which some people will stoop in order to shove a stick in someone else's eye.


    How sad of you to have to call other people's opinions, whining. If you had half a brain, you'd know that whining is accompanied by a certain tone of voice. Since we're talking over the internet here, there is no tone of voice, therefore there is no whining...only opinions.

    How about letting these people express their opinions and stop acting like some self-righteous a**hole? Do you think you can handle that?

  7. I couldn't believe what I saw...

    I had purposely and very carefully put my halftrack in a position where it could fire on the enemy infantry while still maintaining an escape route if another enemy vehicle came along. Well, sure enough my German opponent moved his tank from behind a building and starts firing the mg. He never fired the main gun as the turrett was still swinging around to get a bead on me but the lone fire from the mg alone was enough to make my regular halftrack crew abandon the vehicle and dive for cover.

    Can you believe this? They were 200 or so meters away with an escape route and they never bothered to try to escape. None of the crew sustained injuries from the mg...they just bailed.

    I guess I can chalk this up to one of those random events you sometimes see. Sometimes your soldiers will just flat out let you down....

  8. The more I play this game, the less concerned I am with the graphics, even the tanks. I enjoy the mods just as everyone else does but the tatics now come first. I love the "chess board" aspect of CM, playing a PBEM and having time to survey the battlefield to find out the best strategy to use in any given situation.

    I also kinda dig on the fact that the AI will take over for me when I make a move that is completely absurd for that unit (I.E.--my halftrack is told to advance into line of sight of a Tiger.)

    Other than that, I love how all the tactical layers of this game come together: the arty, mortars, towed guns, armor, all the different advantages and disadvantages of certain units...I never found this in other games.

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