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Col Deadmarsh

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Posts posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. Originally posted by PVLLVS MAXIMVS:

    About number 8 : Its been my experience that the tacAI almost always pickes better targets than I would myself, with the exception of AT crews (who have a tendency to fire when they have crap chance to hit).

    I used to think this about AT teams too but this is in tune with what Seanachi was saying about the "big picture" you are seeing and your AT team which might as well be wearing blinders.

    To you, your schreck team has 5 rounds of ammo and wasting even one of them on an enemy squad is beyond stupid. They hardly ever do any damage and usually only manage to suppress. Besides, you were saving them for when AFV's come around.

    To that team who has an enemy firing at them from 80 meters away, your grand strategy plan doesn't mean butkis to them. They are only concerned with saving their own ass and if that means exhausting their supply of schrecks, then so be it.

    It can be exhasperating, yes, but I think it makes sense viewing it in real life. I would also assume that a vet AT team or higher would resist firing their AT weapon at an enemy squad for as long as possible. They understand they're needed for more important duty elsewhere and will try to preserve the ammo, but only as long as it doesn't jeopardize their survival.

    [ February 04, 2002, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]

  2. Originally posted by Matt_D.:

    Well, see, I didn't really "take it off", it kind of slipped off, or something like that...ahh never mind, I'm going to hell:(

    Not necessarily. First you will be taken to purgatory (i.e.--The Cesspool). Once there, you will be judged by the Peng people. If they decide in your favor, you will be sent back to Earth...as a sheep in Mace's flock. If you are judged to be guilty, you will be tarred and feathered and mocked incessantly and then sent to hell, where you will spend the remainder of time playing Sudden Strike.
  3. Originally posted by Walker:

    And every time I visit this board I hope not to see the announcement 'CMBB is shipping now'. Why? Because as a relative newcomer I have so much still to learn with the current game, and once CMBB is out I'll be limited to playing the AI...so please please BTS give us newbies a few more months! Add new features, improve the AI, polish the gameplay, perfect the manual, take a long vacation - you surely deserve one!!

    Chris Walker

    (I don't think this post will meet with widespread agreement... smile.gif )

    I can relate. I'm quite content playing the Western Front and don't have any need to leave it just yet.

    With that said, there is a part of me who can't wait to see what all those Russian tanks are like...

  4. #18

    I just installed 3.01 and I like it so far but frankly haven't played around with it a lot. I'd like to see more mods for it too, especially one for the Wasp.

    Question: I'm confused as to why some icons represent entire divisions of an army while others only represent certain units.

  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    Units only refuse to Hide when they are sure the enemy has them fixed and feel it is better to return fire than to just lay there. Inexperienced troops will be more likely to "freak out" and open up when more experienced troops would remain low.

    It sounds like that in this situation your guys have decided they are not in a safe spot and therefore hiding is not a good option.

    Keep in mind that the Hide order does not mean the guys dig a 3 foot hole in the ground or hide under a big rock. It mostly means trying to prevent being seen by the enemy. Therfore, when it looks to them as if hiding is impossible the Hide order is routinely ignored because. Kinda makes sense when you think about it that way smile.gif


    Thanks Steve, I kinda figured this was the reason. The squad is regs and they are in command (not sure of bonuses) but they were indeed trading fire before with the halftrack and buttoned it up. The halftrack has since stayed buttoned and it seems they have lost sight of me but my men apparently don't think so. Anyway, I'm crawling them deeper into the woods and will try the hide order again...

  6. I'm playing a game where I have a platoon of men in a clump of woods that is being patrolled by my opponents's halftrack. One of my sqauds for the past two turns has refused to obey my "hide" orders and instead gets up to prepare to shoot.

    The thing is, they are the closest to the edge of the woods while the others are back in a little further. Do they just think they are going to be spotted anyway and are merely preparing to retalliate? Why are they refusing the hide orders?

  7. The following is from the CMMOS Churchill text file ...

    1)- Place all .bmp files in the BMP folder in your CMBO folder.

    This I understand.

    2)- Place the txt file Vehicle_Churchill in the FileLists folder in your CMBO folder (IMPORTANT! If you do not put this in the correct folder, the mod will not load.)

    What is a filelist folder and where do I get it? Or do I make it on my own?

    3)- Place the txt file Rule001-504 in the RuleSet001 folder in your CMBO folder (IMPORTANT! If you do not put this in the correct folder, the mod will not load.).

    I downloaded the Rule Set 501 zip. Do I put the entire folder and all its files in my CMMOS directory?

    4)- Place the .bmp file Churchill in the RuleSet001 folder in your CMBO folder.


    Can someone help me figure this thing out?

  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

    I certainly have used chess experience in my CM play from the beginning. Interestingly enough, I did the reverse recently in chess. I was determined to "flank" his pieces if possible, and in the endgame I wound up breaking a rook or two into his back rank and unnerving him enough to force a checkmate.


    Does Rook=Hellcat? smile.gif

  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>originally posted by Colonel Deadmarsh (yes, I'm quoting myself...so what?)

    I guess it all boils down to why you play CM. For those players who like to blow stuff up, they're probably more likely to enjoy those TCP games with the quick action.<hr></blockquote>

    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>originally posted by DalemHmm. I don't think those two necessarily go together. Not every TCP game involves careening around the map, guns a-blastin'. In fact, TCP games are enjoyable to me for the very fact that they are by their nature more continuous than any other type of game: No need for me to try to remember what my plan is, or whether my MG position is being shelled - I know because I saw it happen in semi 'realtime'. My plans flow much better in TCP games, and I believe I play better, and more 'realistically' (whatever that means).


    Okay, lemme just clarify here. I don't mean that all TCP'ers like to blow stuff up. But...I think that people who like to blow stuff up are more likely to want the semi-real time action as opposed to waiting a day or two for the video turn.

    I'd still like to hear from the other "analyzers" on the board to see how many of us there are. Do you possess the same traits I outlined for this type of player?

    [ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]</p>

  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    There are tons of threads on Rarity, but quickly... the options are...

    None - same exact system as in CMBO. Units are available when they are available and always priced the same based on their capabilities.

    Fixed - modification of the above to account for month specific Rarity, which will always be the same for that unit each and every time the game is played on that particular month.

    Variable - modification of the above which randomizes the inflation or deflation of the Fixed Rarity price depending on random "roll of the dice". The prices can go up or down, with bigger changes reserved for rarer stuff. Always different for each unit on a given month every time a new game is created.

    Use None for games where maximum Cherry Picking is desired, Fixed Rarity when the opposite is sought. Variable Rarity is somewhere in between, allowing a realistic chance of rare stuff coming onto the battlefield that Fixed totally rules out and None perhaps allows too many of.

    I personally always play with Variable Rarity.


    Thanks for the clear explanation Steve. I would guess I'll be playing variable rarity too. smile.gif

    Wolfe, I downloaded your charts but they don't work in Excel. I even changed to landscape view but that didn't do anything either. Basically, I can't see anything in the tables at all. No info whatsoever. I'm using Excel 2000. Any idea on what might be wrong?

  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Meticulous? Meticulous?! My gods, but you're a bloody idiot! How I despise the fact that I agree with many things you've said, given that I hate you!

    Mind, lad, you're my very good friend and boon companion while within the Peng Challenge Thread, but out here, you're just another annoying pillock. I pray every day that rats will swarm over you in your sleep, and rend you into a mass of quivering but lifeless flesh.

    Have to agree, in many way, with what you said about PBEM play, but that doesn't negate the fact that you're too useless to live.

    Affectionately yours,


    Can I attribute this kindness to the fact that you are trying to bait me back into the Cesspool so you and your hooligan friends can tar and feather me?

    I fear if I return there, I will never make it back out alive. And by the way, my official Peng badge has still not arrived in the mail. Are you people on dope over there?!?

  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

    Wow. That's one thing I can admit to never having understood - some folks' abhorrance of either scenarios, PBEMs, or QBs to such an extent

    that they never play a particular type. Personally I enjoy them all. I must be missing the point, I guess. Can someone who shares the opinion of exclusivity of the above player share their motivation with me? I'm curious.


    [ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: dalem ]<hr></blockquote>

    Can the above player comment? smile.gif

    I only play PBEM because I'm meticulous about finding the perfect spot for my men and tanks when I deploy them. I spend hours looking for the best LOS on the map, the best areas to bait and trap an opponent, and when the film arrives I spend a good half hour watching that over and over and over again. I guess to some it might get boring but I'm sure there's players who do the same thing as me and find it more fun than rushing to get to your next move.

    I guess it all boils down to why you play CM. For those players who like to blow stuff up, they're probably more likely to enjoy those TCP games with the quick action.

    I think for some of us, we view CM as a kind of chess game. Analyzing our opponents moves to see what they're doing before we move our own units for the next turn...plotting future moves in our heads in advance while moving for the current turn...Studying film repetively not to see explosions, but to analyze the end results of our strategies to see if they worked or not....and other stuff that would be catigorized under under "anal" by some. smile.gif

    I think the "analyzation" trait is probably a dominant one in the "chess player" types you find in CM, me being one of them.

    Anyone else here agree with this or have a theory of their own?

  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

    No, but mabe there could be a chnce for some game hunting to feed famished soldiers, i can see it now......a hungry smg squad open firing on some elk, wait mabe thats not such a good idea after all. smile.gif <hr></blockquote>

    Why not just equip all of the soldiers with Hampster jerky? It makes a great after-battle snack!

  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    Colonel Deadmarsh,

    Thanks for the new found faith in our abilities smile.gif

    The answer is simple... the system isn't that dumb smile.gif It is fully aware of how much over and under each unit is priced and will tend to buy things which are under to slightly over priced. Meaning that you are highly unlikely to ever see the game buy something like a King Tiger even, since I doubt Variable Rarity will ever discount it to an extent the system would be happy sacrificing for. But perhaps you might luck out! And with Fixed Rarity... forgedaboudit! smile.gif <hr></blockquote>

    I'm still confused as to the difference between fixed rarity and variable rarity...

    Is fixed rarity what we have in CM right now where you can only buy certain units for each time period?


    Priest, I can't even count how many things are in the game or are likely to be included. When you include all units, all nations, all time periods the numbers are rather huge. Even if this were a battle of two nations instead of six, the number of units would likely be equal to the six of CMBO. But CMBB does have 6 nations (Germans, Soviets, Romanians, Fins, Hungarians, and Italians) covering 4 years and the whole front. Huge I tell you smile.gif


    Wow...I just want to say as a "PBEM only" player, I have only just begun to aquaint myself with all of the units in CM. Hell, I've only just started playing my second game using the Brits! For CMMB, I may have to start playing TCP/IP games just to familarize myself with all the units up front before I find that CM3 is here.

  15. Well, I have to say that Steve makes it sound really nice and now I'm starting to trust them more on this--after all, that Combat Mission game was a decent piece of software. ;)

    I'm wondering though about computer-picked forces. How will people react when the computer gives them a completely overpriced rarity unit they never wanted in the first place and uses up most of their points to boot? Hopefully they've come up with some kind of formula to prevent this kind of thing from getting out of control.

  16. Thanks for the info. I'm most interested in the strategic part of the game but I don't have any experience in doing that sort of thing nor am I sure if any of those positions are left. Can you tell me what spots are still available and do you need to know anything other than the rules to be able to handle such a position?

    P.S.--What is a GS02? I assume it's some sort of high command position...

  17. There's been so many new campaigns popping up lately and I heard you're running one as well. Can you or somebody else give me a link to the rules set and explain how it differs from CMMC?

    I've been looking to join one recently but I need to know how complex it will get and more importantly how much time I will need to put into it. If someone in CMMC can tell me these answers for that game, I'd appreciate it as well.

  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Thin Red Line:

    Snow + thick fog give an better feeling of winter time than clear days and don't hurt the eyes as much.

    Never tried night + thick fog + snow...<hr></blockquote>

    Maybe cause you can't have night + thick fog + snow...

    If you could, battles would be limited to fistfights only because of the horrible LOS.

  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

    7.) Playing dead. The russians were so eronyius in their quest to kill nazis that if it meant there own end so be it. (some not all)

    Mabe having half squads lie down and play dead, only to pop up and shoot their enemy in the back later could be included? As a side note, if this would be incorperated into the game, the Axis would haveot have the option of shooting at "corpses". Again the tactical effect would be on ammunition and one extra thing for the opposing player to have to consider.


    Good lord Chief... :rolleyes:

    Can we teach them to rollover and beg too?

  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


    ...which I do hardly enough. Anyway: Who actaully preffers winter games to summer/fall games? I try to avoide playing winter games, as they are simply to harsh on the eyes, or too bland. Now then, Tom's mod will change all this. Once more we get some more green on the awfull fields of white!<hr></blockquote>

    Agreed. I played one winter scenario and was turned off by the poor LOS and the bland look of the map.

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