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Dr. Brian

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Everything posted by Dr. Brian

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: Now there's a good solution. If it is indeed realistic that these buildings would fall to a few shots from a tank, then at least let the Tac AI move these men outta there. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think that's an excellent suggesstion. however, Buildings should not be invincible to collapse. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: In CM, you are crazy to stay in a building when a tank has a firing line on it, even if you're in the back because by the next turn, the house will be gone and so will your men that were inside. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree. In CM, you would be crazy to stay inside. But you know what? If it was for real, and I was in your hour house, and a Sherman with a 75mm was landing HE shells through your front door, I'd get the hell out of there. FAST! Do you really think its safe? Do you really think any sane person would stay? Okay, our little sim soldiers are not sane, but they can be modelled that way. Just my 0.02. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  3. Thanks guys! I appreciate the qucik response! ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  4. Real quick question gang. Is there a backblast penalty to any fire from inside a building if a squad is using a Baz, PF, or Psk? I'm curious if my units are taking hits from the backblast when firing shape-charged weapons from inside buildings. Thanks in advance! ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman: ...If Charles or Steve had the answer to how to make an AI that can play at the level of an semi-intelligent human being, they would have more important things to do than write video games. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So true.... what we need, are all those computer science majors taking AI courses to enter a market that is over filled with programmers (don't know if that'll ever happen though). Then, they'll take a low paying job at a computer game company, and program AI while Steve and Charles put the engine out. If computers keep up current growth though, we may never see that. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jpinard: Think about the massive amount of physics calculations that are run from the size/weight/speed/etc> of the projectile to the slope/hardness/quality/etc> of the armor it hits. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't know what model CM uses, but I've seen some calcualtions of different armor penetration models before. The original physics is scaled down to simple algorithms and math. I'll see if I can find and scan the article, and post it somewhere for you if interested. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  7. I'd like to see this feature, with the ability to stop and rewind a few frames, etc. Not sure how big the file would be, but it'd be cool. I would guess that each of the files would need to be saved, and then linked somehow. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  8. SOVIET ARMY CHORUS & BAND I got it at Borders Books (they have a CD section). Lots of good WWII music there. They had French, Italian, US/British, etc. The CD was under the label "Monitor Music of the World" Good luck! ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Brian: Leyland <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Opps. Sorry. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is! [This message has been edited by Dr. Brian (edited 09-16-2000).]
  10. Leland, the expert system that I wrote was for the geotechnical field, specifically, a narrow field with only a few experts due to the technology used. In fact, in developing the rule based system, I had ALL the worlds experts available (there were 5 of them). In developing your project, what was the basis, and theory used? (I finally decided on Bayes, of course. It was a toss up between Dempster-Schafer). If anyone is interested, there are quite a few expert systems available in the medical field, for analyzing medical conditions and such. If interested, I can dig up all the different ones. Had an article on it, and what was used to write it, etc. Marcus, regarding the Bio-NN... I'm sure I'll be bellyaching about why computer games aren't bio-nn when they finally get AI. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker: I'm working on a project right now that is using an expert system (I can't say what it's doing, or I'd have to kill you ) but I CAN tell you that expert systems and "learning AI's" can REALLY hit a CPU hard. I <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dang! THis sounds like a monster...Can you give us a hint???? Please. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schrullenhaft: 5) Current computers probably couldn't keep up with the number of calculations and data keeping/referencing that would be necessary for an expert system. Remember that CM also does not use a perfect ballistics/trajectory/LOS model because it would be impossible to play on anything as slow as a high-end consumer PC. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Schrullenhaft, Man, you hit the nail on the head there in your entire post (I just snipped that one quote though). As Leyland pointed out, and I am aware of, the "AI" definition used is different. But you're on the money. They need to market it! Regarding the quote above, the beauty of rule based systems like an expert system, is that it DOESN'T need to go through tons of data (That's where that Bayes Theory comes in). Well, at least some expert systems. So what it comes down to, and you clearly spelled it out, is the costs! There just isn't enough "experince" out there to do it cheaply. But, in time, as AI, neural nets, expert systems, and the like are common courses in colleges around the world, that expereince will be "cheaper." Right on with all your comments though!!! ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is! [This message has been edited by Dr. Brian (edited 09-16-2000).]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pham911: Blow me *and* grow up in the same sentence? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You could use some of that AI stuff yourself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You know, your absolutely right. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is! [This message has been edited by Dr. Brian (edited 09-16-2000).]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by L.Tankersley: Brian is being a bit pedantic when he says CM does not use AI; while this may be true under a strict academic definition of "artificial intelligence," within the domain of computer games the term "AI" is commonly used to refer to any of a number of mechanisms for generating command inputs for the computer opponent, including for example scripts, finite state machines, neural networks, and rule-based expert systems. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Although I don't think I'm being "pedantic" with my knowledge, I do, 110% agree that the term "AI" used in computer gaming is so far off from the definition in research and academia. "AI" in the mainstream computer world is thrown around very flippantly. But, for the most part (except being pedantic) I agree with Leyland, although I do disagree that any rule-based expert systems and nueral nets are being used, to my knowledge. If anyone can tell me of some games that are using rule-based expert systems or neural nets, I'd like to know. The game engine would be interesting to study. However, I am hopeful, that in time, they will. Many indivuduals are becoming better at these systems, and will be bringing that knowledge and experience (i.e., the academic definition of AI) to the gaming industry in a few years. So, the future of gaming looks really good. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Basebal351: For Japan to have beaten Russia like it did in the Russo-Japanese war in 1905 would have been difficult, but not impossible. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're forgetting that Japan and the Soviet Union had some major actions occuring in 1939 in Mongolia. THe Japanese got their asses handed to them. That was, in addition to what you mentioned, the major reason Japan did not attack. They were wary of facing their eastern forces. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ben Galanti: An 'If A then B' kind of thing? I very well may be misunderstanding this quote though. If that is what you meant, I'd be curious as to why you think this. I have no idea as to the inner workings of CMs AI (nether does anyone else on the board except for Charles and Steve) but the AIs behavior in CM hasn't seemed this way to me. Just wondering what you see coming from an academic background in AI.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ben, I posted a while back on this subject. MajorH and BTS staff responded with some great input onto the workings of CM (hey Pham 911, blow me, after your grow up). We talked about AI, Expert Systems, and such. To paraphrase, it's not a true AI that uses fuzzy logic (as defined by Zadeh (1978)). That leaves only one likely alternative. A series of codes that acts, based on the situation. IT was discussed, that if in fact the computer opponent reacted and 'learned" from it's own experiences, it could in fact be considered a form of expert system. However, this is more proprietary to BTS (which Pham911 is now a hot shot at, or at least, the official BTS viper tongue). ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CavScout: I don't know why France gets a bad rap. There military was crippled by poor leadership more than anything. When the Germans invaded the Allies had more tanks, and better, troops and a similar number of planes. France and the UK were outplayed not outmanned in France. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> One thing that people may not realize, is that more Frenchmen died on the Russian Front fighting for Germany, than did fighting for their own country during 1940. Just read that the other day, in "unknown facts about WWII." I understand your frustration Cav. I'm biting my lip. We both know that if the U.S. did not enter the war on the Allied side, the Axis powers would most likely have won the war, and darkness would have grasped Europe and Asia, creating a world so horrible, and never before imagined, or seen. Thank God the Allies won. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is! [This message has been edited by Dr. Brian (edited 09-15-2000).]
  18. Los, You summed up a lot there for me to think about. I think I'm pretty much with you and what your saying.... and I can see the "fun" of having to explore "in action" these things... but, for a new player, I guess I just want to jump in and know all the little things right away. Thanks to all that have answered!!! ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  19. One of the most obvious, was that FDR and Sir Winston had a great working relationship together. FDR saw and firmly believed (correctly) that Germany was the main threat to freedom, and acted accordingly. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  20. Sadly, the game engine for CM does not use AI or more appropriately, an "expert system." I surmise, from what you tell me, and what I've seen, that it uses a series of code that acts and reacts to certain actions. To get some logic going, it needs to use soemthing like Bayesian Networks (based on Bayes Theory) or actual Fuzzy Logic (developed by Zahdai <sp>). Just my 0.02 ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JoePrivate: You said you want a description of what is modelled, isn't that covered in the manual or from play of the game? Your example of terrain has 6 pages in the manual devoted to describing the different types so the player will know the difference, between a light or heavy building for example, simply from reading it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Joe, the 6 pages on terrain tell me NOTHING except that there are walls, hedges, woods, etc., and what they look like... maybe soemthing that they provide concealment, etc. A hedge is "about one meter high, planted or naturally grown." Big deal. Is it better to be behind a hedge or a stone wall (even though we both know stone wall). But, is it the same to be behind a stone wall as it is in a light or heavy building? These are questions that need to be answered to play your units correctly. THESE are the things a player needs to know to play the game efficenetly. I'm not of the opinion that everything is there. Perhaps I'm spoiled from ASL, but to me, to play the game, you need to read the rules. To play the game effectively, you need something a bit more comprehensive than what the terrain looks like. So, is behind a hedge the same as being in woods? Is behind bocage the same defensive benifit as a heavy building, etc. Right now, it's all guess work, and much of it is based on my expereince with ASL. (For example, behind a stone wall is the same as a light (wooden?) building?????) It's kind of frustrating, especially since I can't get my point accross. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Los: You're just going to have to get over the fact (or not) that BTS/CM is not going to provide you a handbook with tables and odds calculations in it. (ala Talonsofts games) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Los, thanks for the insight... but, I think my point is getting lost. Let me say again, I am NOT looking for tables and odds calculations. I am looking for a description of what is modeled. For example, it should be obvious that defensive advantages in Heavy Buildings are better than in Light Buildings. But what about some of the other not so obvious, yet so critical? These are the descriptions I seek. You need to know the rules of the game, in order to play the game. I'm given limited "resources" in a scenario. ANd I need to maximize their usage. If in fact there was no difference between heavy and light buildings, and I didn't know that, then I would not be using my "resources" effectively, by using heavy buildings, when a light building would have sufficed. That was just an example. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  23. I think they did that as a duel agreement...in the tiergarten in berlin, there is a new Soviet War Memorial. Even had two T-34s displayed. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  24. I want to stress (it may have gotten lost) that I'm NOT looking for exact numbers and modifiers... that would be too much ASL-ish. What I am looking for, is what is modeled. The example above (from 23 yrs of experience) is fine and dandy, but, the game may not model it. What does the game model? Does it model EACH AND EVERY detail? I doubt that. I don't want to go under the assumption that it is modeled, only to find out that the benifit I was "suppose" to get, does not apply. I have limited resources, and would have applied them some other way, more effectively. Remember, I'm looking at this like a GAME, not some simulation. There is a fine line, but if you see it, the difference is huge. ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
  25. People, thanks for the great information. But, I see the point about giving too much info, etc... as Steve (BTS) indicated. So, I'm not going to push it too much. I do think there could be some loss of quality when you get whacked though. I guess, as an ASLer, it'd be nice to KNOW that there are such a thing as higher ground advantages. How much? Or, is it better to run behind a marsh (which is a hindrance) or a wheatfield? Guess I'm looking for things to be quantified. Above, I posted some basic questions which were answered "Unknow to Player." Well, I think, in order to play the game CM (like ASL, Chess, or Monopoly), you need to know the effects of such things as height advantage apply (or how to use a Knight, or what happens when you pass Go). Besides LOS advantages of being up there, if you don't have any defensive benifits from lower terrain fires, it may not be worth it. If you can see him, he can see you. Does the game model that? I'm looking for what else the game models, and what it doesn't. It would help me make the right decsions during play. I'm sorry, but the manual does not give the "quantity" of information I'm use too (i.e., ASL junkie... I know, I know....) and feel that it's hindering my understanding of the game. Like I said, I need more infor! Thanks in advance! ------------------ Doc God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!
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