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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. Normandy, June 1944. A 101st Feline Airborne Division comforts his dying buddy in a ruined French farmhouse. :mad:
  2. Shut up!!! The one on the right is wounded!! WOUNDED I SAY!!!!!!!!! GARGARG ARGA RGAR GARGARGARGG! :mad: And possibly in conflict with the law! :mad: :mad:
  3. Actually, the one on the right just got hit with a blizzard of molten, enraged, TNT and the one on the left is helping him to the aid station. :mad:
  4. Gratuitous kitten picture!!!! Take that, maggots!! :mad: :mad: :mad: GARGARGA RGAR AG RAGR AGRARG! :mad:
  5. Enough with all these amoeba banging-dogs already! :mad: Keep it up and I'm going to have to slather some faces with no less than 25 pounds of very bitter, very angry, psychologically disturbed, hot, furious, hateful TNT!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: GRAGR AGR AGR GAR RA GRAGRGRGAR! :mad: :mad:
  6. GARGAR AGR AGRA GRA RGARG! We demand more files!! :mad: :mad:
  7. Oh ... well no wonder I've not been able to ... uh ... that is ... </font>
  8. No. Why don't you go cook something? Edible, if that's possible. </font>
  9. "Welcome to our newest member: Snarker's Hired Gun" LOL I guess that's the politically correct way of putting it. Member. hehehehe he said, "member." >=D :mad: :mad:
  10. Yes, I am currently working on a total face replacement mod that, instead of hamsters, this time, uses sealion faces. It'll be the bomb, trust me. =)
  11. Yes, snarknads lies burned, bubbling, and dying in the wake of my fierce TNTpalm attack! :mad:
  12. Not a friggin' chance in hell, maggot!!!! Snarknads keeps laying down his snail trails and I keep putting out my snail bait . . . HE'S AFRAID!!!!!!! FEAR ME!!!!!! FEAR ME, SNAILBOY! :mad: :mad: :mad:
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