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Capt. Toleran

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Everything posted by Capt. Toleran

  1. How come some shots of the BDRM-2 have it with a tire hat? If they do that in real life, why have it on the turret, would that not raise the profile and/or increase the chance the spare could get damaged?
  2. Sorry, not me (but the author), that's the title of the article here: http://www.defensetech.org/archives/003536.html Interesting snippet from a soldier who traded his broken M-16 for a M-14, and the issues he dealt with. I know there are some M-14 fans here (myself included), so I thought I would post it. Now don't post anything gauche and lock this thread up, usnobill
  3. You're one to talk, you got my video thread locked up, and another as well. Don't throw any stones, ok? And leave my vid threads alone!
  4. It's been a little slow in here lately, time for another choice combat clip, this one more of an atmosphere thing. While awaiting an air strike, the squad leader interrogates a prisoner with some choice language. Can't wait for the game. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5a4_1181016663
  5. Maybe he came over from the CMC forum (in which case, welcome!), and if so, his sketicism is understandable. For quite a while, the forum admins there claimed the product was alive and well, despite much evidence to the contrary. What a shame too, it would have been a great game, and great timing (if it had been here a year ago).
  6. Yeah, that TOW thing didn't go so well, I never got an e-mail, and when I finally broke down and tried the link, it took multiple attempts (they should scrap that error page, the issue was on their side, but had me scrambling to change settings on my side) to finally get a download. Maybe they should work out a deal with Steam No problems with them at all.
  7. WHOOOOO! http://www.liveleak.com/player2.swf?autostart=true&token=b5f_1180113648&p=57253&s=1
  8. Great screens, so beautiful, and the soldier animations look improved too (or just my imagination?) Regardless, so awesome that the doors actually open on the vehicles. Do they provide cover too? Just wondering if the soldiers do the fighting-from-behind-the-doors-while-dismounted tactic we see so much with police and some of the Iraq vids.
  9. Just for you, MikeyD, no wall: http://www.liveleak.com/player2.swf?autostart=true&token=3e1_1179552571&p=57253&s=1
  10. http://www.liveleak.com/player2.swf?autostart=true&token=879_1179401873&p=57253&s=1 Always seems like the AT-4 does a half-decent job of surpressing our side as well, or at least blowing out their eardrums.
  11. Seems strange, especially since CMx1 has its share of churches. Please tell me those (or domed roofs, or something) are in.
  12. Don't piss on my clip -- you find a better one if you disagree, keep this positive. A lott of people enjoyed this one, don't slam me just because you disagree with their premise. This is what I speak of when I mentioned manners in the other thread. A lot of people here have Asperger's Syndrome or something (look it up on wikipedia if you don't know what that is), maybe that kind of person gravitates to mil gaming.
  13. Sigh... So I guess we're not getting June 11th after all. So much for the vacation I took the week after with the hope that I would be playing the game then. Can we at least get some new vids or something? It's been a while. I haven't even seen Steve on the boards for a while, presumably because he is hard at work.
  14. Ketil, where do you live that you can shoot at coyotes? Also, do you farm, or is there some other reason to chase them off, like family pets, etc. They are a real pain out here in CA, but are protected and can't be harmed without a ton of paperwork, and then only by the local agency.
  15. Yeah, that barrel was swinging around a lot in that slow-motion portion, and I know the whole point of the design is to be very loose. Good up close, maybe not great over distance. They also stressed that it is a MG primarily, so maybe it relies more on burst power, catching someone with some wild rounds and creating a beaten zone behind with those big 7.62mm rounds.
  16. I sleep with earplugs at night, and I am still able to hear my clock radio and other things that are decently loud (including loud talking, not shouting). There seems to be no excuse (except in CQB) to not use hearing protection. Radios can be fitted into headphones (like in NASCAR) and earplugs to keep communication going. Sad that the lack of 2 cents worth of foam being used regularly is costing young men and women their hearing.
  17. Probably stuff we all know here, but still entertaining nonetheless:
  18. I was just thinking on this topic too, especially after my AT-4 post. It seems like a real shame if we are giving our veterans and those who serve with hearing loss, something that can never be replaced, when it seems like there should be a solution somehow to prevent it. Lots of people do things in the rashness of youth (like join the military) that have long-reaching consequences in their lives later on. A Vietnam vet I knew years ago said he lost his hearing when someone else's M-16 went off in his ear -- I'm sure this is a common occurence.
  19. My honest opinion -- I've tried to get many family members, coworkers and friends hooked on the CM series, but to no avail. Sad to say, this is an extremely niche part of an already niche hobby (3-D Mil gaming, PC gaming being the first niche), and many people are just not that interested in A)PC games The military and its equipment and C) the degree of micromanagement (though we all know this is just a matter of managerial preference) it takes to succeed at this game. I myself spent several months struggling with CMBO, trying to find a way to win, before a kind soul took me under his wing and showed me the ropes (lucky for me, he was then a major in the USMC, I imagine he has gone up in rank since then). My perserverance paid off, but many don't have that kind of patience, and are not as enraptured by all things military. My new rule of thumb -- I don't recommend the CM series to anyone who isn't a dyed-in-the-wool grognard, and even then, they have to be a ground forces grognard, interested in modern or semi-modern combat. The graphics upgrade might help, but look for this to remain a niche title, popular only with grognards and maybe military academies and institutions.
  20. Maybe they blew their bandwidth They get Slashdotted or Digged?
  21. Steve, I would say both the hardcore terrorists and the other irregular forces would say Allahu Akbar. For the regular-trained Sunni troops, I haven't seen any footage (at least not any that wasn't ING trained by us), so I can't comment, except that given that the fictional Syrian government would be a fundementalist one, I would expect religion and fanatacism to be turned up more than a notch, say like Iran's troops in the Iran-Iraq war. The highly religious nature of the government eclipses the secular. Also, consider the "whooo" effect we talked about in the last thread on this topic. Our soldiers are some of the best-trained and equipped in the world, yet vid after vid from our side sounds like a crowd at a Forth of July fireworks show. I wouldn't expect any less from the other side.
  22. I've seen the vids from Chechnya too (far from Iraq, right?) -- plenty of "Allahu Akbar" in there as well. Do a search for Chechnya on youtube or liveleak, you'll see. Per our other thread discussion, this is an exhortation widely used in the Muslim world. Case in point: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c94_1175288348 So nyah! [ May 07, 2007, 07:46 AM: Message edited by: Capt. Toleran ]
  23. http://www.liveleak.com/player.swf?autostart=true&token=cc8_1178445287&p=57253&s=1 Pretty shoddy skills for the most part on the insurgent side, but they do demonstrate the skirmishing, running-away-but-drawing-you-in tactics mentioned in the Crescent Moon Tactics book. Not sure if maybe they got a lucky RPG hit in the end? Note that this scraggly half-squad had a heavy MG (hand-weilded), a medium MG on the side, and 2 RPG launchers with around 4 rockets each fired. Not sure who was shooting back, as that would be pretty inaccurate if it were U.S. troops (I'm hoping it was ING). Also, BFC, any chance we can get you to budge on the "Allahu Akbar" thing with the in-game sounds? They say it constantly here in this video, and since the fictional Syrian government will be a fundamentalist coup a la Iran, it would make sense that even the professional/career troops would be saying whatever it took to make themselves look devout and committed to the "revolution", this one a religious one. Every jihadi vid I have ever seen has it. I know you are trying to stay away from controvesy, but let's do what is accurate. I know the vids are pretty much all irregulars (though those Chechen guerillas are pretty well-equipped and have some decent training in some cases), but apparently this is just a common exhultation amongst Muslim fighting forces.
  24. My point was not that I favored a particular setup, though I did make a suggestion (and take a little offense when it was shot down so arbitrarily, though the BFC forums seemed to be populated by folks who know more about tanks than manners). My point is, we don't need a huge song and dance animation for hand to hand -- pick a movement, animate it out, use it as the default. We're on the same side in terms of this not being a significant event, I just would appreciate someone not making broad sweeping statements that shoot down my suggestion so offhandedly.
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