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Capt. Toleran

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Everything posted by Capt. Toleran

  1. I may be misunderstanding you, but I think I disagree with your point about rarity. As I understand it, rarity acts as a way to influence the player away from gamey units by making them much more expensive than a more appropriate unit for the period. I think it can also help the less historically knowledgeable people pick units appropriate for the period (i.e. those with low rarity values). In my games, I would insist on rarity being on.
  2. I could be wrong, but I think this is also meant to simulate the tanks communicating with eachother or checking for orders. Since at this point most Soviet tanks don't have radios, there really isn't any way for the subordinates to check with their commander for orders without sticking their heads out of the tanks. So here's your choice: They can button up and stay buttoned up, and become static metal pillboxes for the rest of the game because they're too scared to stick their heads out for orders, and don't know where to go. Buttoned up, they have no way of knowing what is required of them. Or: They can be a little brave, stick their heads out occasionally, check for orders, and actually move around the battlefield and fight. German tanks don't have this problem, because they have radios. [ October 02, 2002, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Capt. Toleran ]
  3. ...the shaded terrain by altitude. IMO, this negates any desire I ever had for gridded terrain. Now, from level 4 or 3, I can easily see where the high ground is and how the hills contour. Just as good, the top down view with the new shading effect gives me a good impression of where the gullies are. Just my $0.02
  4. Regarding BTC using USPS over UPS -- I'm very glad they did. I have had nothing but trouble with UPS -- they have lost my packages two times (I got them two weeks later), redirected them to the wrong address a couple of other times, and generally been very slow. You can always bet that 9 times out of 10, a UPS package will arrive at the maximum due date, not the minimum. USPS has always done well for me, and almost always gets me the package within 4-5 business days or less, even with packages from the East Coast (I live on the West Coast). This goes for anything I have ever ordered from BTS/BTC -- I ordered CMBO on a Monday, and got in on a Friday, for example. It's too bad the USPS gets so much bad press from everyone. Try talking to someone who lives in a third-world country about their mail service, and hear all the horror stories of stuff getting stolen out of their packages, packages never delivered, etc. We get some of the best quality mail service in the world, and it's protected by federal law.
  5. Two things I hope are fixed in CMBB: 1. Consistent LOS to the second story of buildings. I don't know why this is, but if there's someone sticking his head out a window on the second story of a building, I can shoot him -- If he's not there, I can't target the second story of a building. Highly annoying, and something that has irked me the two years I have played this game. 2. Flag location bugs in QBs. I just played a "meeting engagement" where the two objective flags were clearly 3/4 of the way across the map, on my opponent's side. The result -- I end up making an attack against equal force, a good recipie for disaster. Can you now preview the map ahead of time in QBs? Anyone who has the game and cares to respond on whether these issues have been fixed, the posts are greatly appreciated Also, let me temper my post by saying that everything else has been great with the game, and that I am greatly looking forward to recieving my copy. This is slightly hypocritical of me, but there have been far too many complaints or fluff on the board lately, and not enough of the in-depth grognard-review type stuff I used to love about this board. Heck, I don't think I've seen a JasonC post in two weeks Where are all the grognards at?
  6. Thanks very much -- It's much appreciated. It's too bad it takes someone outside of the company to remedy this downloading problem -- I've been downloading on and off at 3kb for the past 3 hours :mad: But your link is working fine (45kb)-- wish it had been like this on the BTS servers.
  7. Sigh.... Combat Mission.com asks for a login and password... :mad: What now?
  8. Zarquon, you make a good point. If you're available for a game sometime, I'd love to play Green vs. Green troops sometime. In a village with hostile terrain (snow or mud) would be even more ideal. If you're up for it, shoot me an e-mail.
  9. Nope, just a measely online company worker The "Capt. Toleran" moniker comes from an old inside joke, and it wasn't even my inside joke. BTW, I like your GD site.
  10. Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correct me if I'm wrong, but do I see a plea here for the ability to change platoon leaders in the middle of a game? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn't my intent, but it wouldn't be a bad idea. Sometimes you don't have a company commander nearby, and it seems like another platoon leader would naturally take charge of a leaderless platoon (or its elements). However, I don't have any military experience, so I could be way off. Also, I could see the potential for abuse in the game, with Mega-platoons made of 6 squads or more charging across the field. Perhaps if there was a slight leadership penalty, and the pre-requisite that the squad in question's leader be either dead or incapacitated. Either way, maybe it's just something to wish for in a patch or the next engine rewrite, as I don't want anything to slow down the release of CMBB.
  11. I felt this article merited posting because it shows how accurate CM's modeling of leadership (or the effects on a platoon that lack of leadership can have) in a combat situation. From the Wall Street Journal -- U.S. Marines in an Urban Combat Training Exercise: U.S. Marines in Urban Ops Exercise Very interesting was what happened when the Platoon leader was "killed" in the exercise -- the platoon completely fell apart, and casualties quickly mounted. Just as in CM, the last remaining squad didn't have the morale to make the final charge, and another platoon leader had to take a leadership role to propel them forward again. Because this article seems to mirror very concisely both the conditions in CMBO, and those we can expect in CMBB, I felt it merited posting here, and not in the general forum. [Edited to make url a hyperlink] [ August 23, 2002, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Capt. Toleran ]
  12. Put me on that list too -- PBEM or TCP/IP is about 90% of the value of the game for me.
  13. I did a search on this, and though I saw it mentioned, I didn't see any definitive answer on this from BTS (though maybe I should have read more extensively). Will it be included in CM2? With around a 1,000 made (if I remember correctly), it seems like it would be a good candidate, as according to Chamberlain, it was used fairly extensively.
  14. Does anyone have these books? I'm interested in what equipment different WWII units had as part of their OOB (for both Amis and Axis), and these looked interesting, but pricey. Also, I notice that there are like 5 different ones for Axis, and one out of print one for Amis. Anyone have any opinion on these books?
  15. Conclusion #2 We need realistic grazing fire (as demonstrated by X-00s diagram), extending far beyond what is currently modeled now. [ 04-12-2001: Message edited by: Capt. Toleran ] [ 04-12-2001: Message edited by: Capt. Toleran ] [ 04-12-2001: Message edited by: Capt. Toleran ]
  16. My problem with the MBX is that it's a little too involved given my time constraints, and I prefer to manage things on a smaller scale. I was hoping to be able to participate in a small-scale CPX, or be an observer on one. The way the FAQ had it, it seemed like CPXs were going on all the time. I guess this was a few years ago (judging by the dead urls). Did the popularity of these die down, and shift over to MBXs?
  17. Yep -- as in the CPX listed under "Resources" on the Battlefront Tac Ops page.
  18. Capt. Toleran


    I was reading the CPX FAQ, and I noticed both of the URLs listed in it are out of date. Does anyone still do CPX, or is this something from a couple of years ago, that everyone dropped? I would be interested in participating or at least observing if these are still done here on a wide basis.
  19. Doberman -- To answer your question about the Chamberlain Encyclopedias -- The German One -- 5 out of 5, a very good read, and lots of good pictures. After reading this, I felt like I knew a lot more about German tank development. One warning -- it assumes prior technical knowledge of suspensions, which I did not have. The Allies one -- 3 1/2 out of 5 -- not organized as well as the German one, not as many exact armor dimensions for each tank, but more text on tank development. I didn't feel it was as concise as the German one, but some may appreciate the lengthy discussions on each tank. Also, not as many good pictures. I also didn't like that it didn't plainly state production numbers up at the top (and sometimes omits production numbers altogether) -- the German one had everything in an easy-to-read, easy to find format. However, it did take more of a beginners approach to tank construction, which might be appreciated. [This message has been edited by Capt. Toleran (edited 03-30-2001).] [This message has been edited by Capt. Toleran (edited 03-30-2001).]
  20. I've bought four copies over the past few months -- One for me, one for my cousin, one for my brother-in-law, one for my dad. I really love this game.
  21. I know the feeling -- it comes from a CMBO overload. <Armchair Psychologist Mode On> You don't feel like playing it after the setup, because you just realized that for all of the effort you put into positioning every unit in just the right place, it's all for naught -- you will easily defeat the AI, and without any of the satisfaction you would get from defeating a real, thinking human being. I tend to think of the AI as a punching bag -- great to try out things on, but not very good for a truly good workout, if you're already used to playing against other people. I found myself with this mindset after getting heavily involved in multiplayer games -- after playing real people, it's hard to go back. Solution -- Play more PBEM and TCP/IP. My e-mail is toleran76@icqmail.com, if you want to start up a pbem.
  22. The USS Cole was our ship which was attacked at Yemen last year in the same cowardly terrorist way that our ships were attacked at Pearl Harbor. Yamamoto was right to feel deep shame and fear when he realized we had never recieved the declaration of war on time by the Japanese ambassadors in Washington.
  23. Many of us would love to purchase it, but it's a very hard game to get. It's no longer produced, isn't sold in any stores in the U.S. (or if it is, it's one of the last copies) and can usually only be gotten used.
  24. I like the JgPz IV's -- nice tank killers, and they do a decent anti-inf job too (according to Chamberlain's book, they were made to replace the Stugs)
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