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Everything posted by Terence

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: I am just portraying how the war of 101st Airborne looked like post June 1944, and whether it could be done like an operation, since Terence used it as an example. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bump. Ive edited my post to take into account some more cogitation on my part and the down time you mention in a given unit's war diary.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: [QB] Haven't read it, but would assume a campaign would look like this: June 44 - jump in Normandy July - do nothing (rebuilding) August - do nothing (rebuilding) September (mid) - jump in Holland October - do nothing (rebuilding) November - do nothing December (end) - Bastogne January - do nothing (rebuilding) February - do nothing (rebuilding) March - jump around Wesel April - operations in Rhineland QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, judging by your list, which I think good and pretty accurate, you could have 5 or 6 battles or operations out of that skipping the do-nothing months. Perhaps the airborne troops spent less time in action being specialists of a sort - I don't really know. If you decided you wanted to run an infantry company or a tank unit for the war, maybe it would see more action. Or at least, maybe there were infantry companies that did. I do know that casualties were high, and that many line rifle companies were wiped out nearly to a man at times. But I think that what people are after is the sense of continuity, from battle to batle the "story" that develops when you have the nominally same unit from one engagement to the next. I don't think anyone is asking for a campaign where one platoon or company changes the course of the war. I think people expect to see a West front campaign start in Normandy and end on the Rhine or some reasonable facsimile thereof, and an East Front campaign would start with the invasion of Russia and end with the battle for Berlin, regardless of how well you did. At least that is what I am hearing. I personally have no problem with a campaign game, should BTS decide to put one in, and should it exist and skip months here and there where the chosen force type isn't doing much, I find that perfectly reasonable and acceptable. [ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: Terence ]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio: You have to download the whole Infantry package - I want to avoid a mess and missunderstandings by placing an update package. But of course, you only need to replace the rifle files. It's the files 00000401 - 00000405<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks! Your sounds are the best, I really appreciate all the hard work you did.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio: Folks, please excuse my incompetence! I noticed that my last rifle sound mod sound like **** from distance. They doesn't even sound like a carbine! I made a new, more 'traditional' sound for the rifles. It's included in the 'Infantry Weapons' package. Download it at WarfareHQ [ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, I just installed your entire sound mod package this morning. It is really really good. As much a change in the game as the terrain and vehicle mods. And if you say the rifle needs to be changed, well, I'll change it, and that right happily! So, should I download the entire infantry weapons package and convert from MPE to wav and copy all of them over, or is the Rifle mp3 or wav one posted separately somewhere?
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Just in case anyone cares.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In the grand and and glorious sentiment of Just in Case Anyone Cares, I'd like to know if anyone currently heaping scorn on the idea of a campaign game has read a book by the much derided-on-this-forum-Stephen Ambrose called Band of Brothers. This book details the experiences of E Company, 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division. Now, E Company took heavy casualties at times, but never stopped existing. It fought in many places and its members tell many war stories which are repeated in the pages of Band of Brothers. If it happened to E Company 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, did it happen to other companies in other regiments of other divisions? Yes? No? Why not? If it did, is there some reason why a game that strives in all things to be realistic would not be capable of simulating a series of battles centered around a particular unit if, in fact, other units had similar analogous experices as E Company, 506th Regiment 101st Airborne Division?
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stef: Sorry if it was discussed 1000 time but I fail to access the topic with the search engine. (was) Is there a list where we can suggest names for the CM2 leaders as it was done in CM ? Cheers, Stephane<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Unless you have a russian or german name, its going to look a little funny, don't you think? Polkovnik O'Donnell????
  7. I think my first CM2 scenarios will be called: -Faffing About in the Mud -Freezing Cold and Starving -6 Bullets and 20,000 Screaming Russians -My Tank is Broke -We're Out of Gas -Lets Die Here Now (PBEM/TCPIP only) -Drang Nach Osten, My Ass.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: This really, really hurts, but I fear that Joe "More Gas than Exxon" Shaw is finally correct about something. Please. Do it for Joe.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wait a minute... I thought Lawyer WAS Joe Shaw?....
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty: I remember reading in "The Cruel Sea" about a little concoction called pink gin ... a mix of gin and a dash of bitters. It's not bad, actually. [ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gin and angostura bitters. Its quite good, and the gin, combined with the peculiar characteristics of the bitters gives you a hell of an appetite. Since the gin makes you happy and warm and the bitters make you hungry, a pink gin or gin and bitters makes a wonderful before-dinner drink. Make a pitcher of these before your next dinner party -- assuming you louts have dinner parties. The way I make them is to take a couple ice cubes and cover them profoundly with gin in a highball glass, about 3 or 4 fingers of gin. Then two or three drops of bitters, just enough to interact with the gin so the two of them sing their complex song together. Sometimes, wrong-thinking people add a little bit of distilled water, but I think this robs the concoction of some of its gentle authority, and besides the melting ice will take care of this in sweet, sweet time. PS. You can buy angostura bitters in most grocery stores. Don't go too heavy.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I'll take an order for the flag TP! Also, your "gay symbol" bit was a bit confusing. The triangle and the rainbow are two distinctly different things. One was forced by an oppressive regime and the other was a self-adopted display of 'pride'.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Interesting to note that the pink triangle, has now also become a symbol of pride, Dr. Evil. The colonized often adopt the symbols of the colonizer and in turn, begin their own symbolic dialogue. In this way, the powerless become powerful.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JacMac: I understand the Swastika is illegal in Germany, but I don't really care. I don't think most Germans care either. I certainly don't blame the developers for not putting them in the game, and I'm rather grateful that it can be easily modified. Maybe a few others are too. People seem to make a big deal out of the Swastika without knowing the full history of it's origin and true meaning. Believe me Nazism and Hitler had little to do with it, they simply adopted it and gave it a bad reputation. In any case, if the symbols Germany had used were a dove or olive branch, I would have tried to emulate those. They are just images, people give them meaning by their thought and action. JacMac <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I would like to say two things: 1) semioticians appear in the damndest places and 2) Thanks, PL. I'll go look for it, if only so I can find out what .bmp # it is so I can reinstall the original, which I liked.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: Hi MOM, HI Steve, Hi Mr. Rogers.. I love making debuts in dead threads and endangered Forum users. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I know, I post in them just for you. But I hope that someone answers my question before this gets locked up.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Are you guys sure you don't want my ramblings? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Can I borrow that lead pipe when you are done with it, Agua?
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sergei: Political correctness is also the only reason why there are no field priests in CM (they might offend someone if they didn't include every single branch of Christianity, Judaism, Atheism, plus Islam for the Free French), field bordels (they might offend sexual minorities) and why there will be no Italian army in CM3 (they might offend Italians).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As an atheist Jew I am offended that you think Atheism is a religion. I shall complain to the management. While we're on the subject of mods, and swastikas, however, I hypocritically downloaded all of Gunslinger's subdued terrain mods, which I think are fantastic. Full marks, old bean. However, they include a small and large swastika as the spotting icon for german troops and vehicles. I object to this, not because I have any wish to "sanitize" history -- a subject that all by itself stoutly resists every effort to sanitize it without anyone's help -- but because I have a rather lousy monitor, and the new swastika that replaced the standard Unit Spotted icon that came with the game pixellates rather badly at anything but short distances. Not gunslinger's fault at all, but mine for being too cheap to buy a new monitor. Can anyone tell me what .bmp this spotting icon is, so I can replace it with the original from the CD? I looked at the .bmp list on combat-missions.net but this list was of no help. TIA [ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Terence ]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JacMac: It annoys me when history is sanitized. I'm no artist, but here are a few unimportant graphic files: Politically Uncorrect JacMac<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It annoys me when history is sanitized too. If you are old enough or smart enough to ask the questions, you should be old enough or smart enough to hear the answers. BUT, there are plenty of reasons why people might want to develop a game without swastikas -- such as, without them it can be sold in Germany legally-- and plenty of reasons why people might not want to see swastikas in their homes. I'm glad people have the choice, I suppose, but a little surprised that a simple exercise in computer graphics is portrayed as blow in the battle against "political correctness." Opening a big can of worms here perhaps, but what does Political Correctness or your struggle against it have to do with Combat Mission? [ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Terence ]
  16. In Which I Challenge the Child, Agua Per Dildo: (If he can rip off A. E. Houseman, I can steal from Lewis Carroll) “You’re a dork, A. Perdido," the young man cried, “And your brain has become very slow. Your wits are clearly impossibly fried As your mongoloid postings show.” You’re a craven, as well, I must hasten to add. Your refusal to fight was my clue. You’ll cower before me when I beat you, my lad. And keep a civil tongue on my shoe. I shall win either way, regardless of score For your luck is out in your actual life. While you prance and posture in this server-side bore, My brother is banging your wife.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido: Preach on, you peevish old sot. Let me bear witness to the Standard Martini tonight! Dry means six-to-one, and extra-dry is for heretics and the insane--if you can't taste the wormwood, you have no faith. [ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can only add to this distillation of truth on the subject of Gin by Gagging Pud Wierdo one word. And whereas brevity is the soul of wit, here it is: Boodles. However on the subject of Gagging P. Weirdo, I have a little more to say: Although you may know a few small facts about booze, the rest of your barely literate maunderings are proof that the Universe is nearing its goal of building the perfect idiot: You are inebriated with the exuberance of your own verbosity, and "gifted" with an egotistical imagination. To put it another way, your writing is both good and original. Yet the parts that are original are no good at all and the few tiny parts that are good are not original. Perhaps you will eventually you will learn that your astonishing store of petulance is not even as entertaining as low-grade sarcasm, and that your insolence is no substitute for precisely turned invective. But I am not hopeful. You requested verse, but as it often involves complicated elements -- such things as rhyme, meter and unusual word order-- I don't believe you're capable of understanding it. So limited is your understanding, your mental faculties and -- I strongly suspect --your tactical acumen, that I doubt you understand this: I challenge you to a game of Combat Mission. Accept my challenge or be forever known as a craven, a fool, a castrated steer.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: If I had to choose between another vehicle into the game and noses for infantry, I'd choose the vehicle. .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You might too, if it was your nose!!!
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars: *sniffs* hmmmm *sniffs again* I smell yanks bashing canada again *goes and gets his gun, and Michael Dorosh*<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just for the record, Im American, but I love Canada. Ive tried twice to get hired by canadian companies, but they gag in disgust at my inflated American salary and don't believe me when I say I want to move.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Brian: I would not mind the native language, especially the Polish, French, and soon Red Army. I just think that they should do it for all, not just the Germans. Kind of slanted. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're not advocating equal treatment for different languages are you????? Good god man, keep it quiet if you are. The anti-political correctness platoon -- even worse that the pro-political correctness platoon in my book -- will be on you like flies on sh@# if you're not careful.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt: Lastly for Terence; You diplomatic sweet talking son-of-a-gun. You keep talkin like that and I am going to get a serious crush on you!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You say the sweetest things.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt: I guess the answer is no...to bad good way to raise money for the warchest when Microsoft makes 20 clones and ups the bar. Oh well if they change their mind I am in.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think that for now, at least, you are correct in your surmise -- no stock options. Having worked at an internet company (now sadly out of business)in my experience, IPOs and the attendant issues of investment banks and underwriting are HUGE and complicated issues. They usually require the involvement of a CFO -- or someone with those qualifications-- and a couple other people as well. Preparing a company for an IPO can be a full time job, and since BTS only has four people working for it, preparing for and executing an IPO would probably put a huge kink in their plans to make games. Which would make me sob bitter tears of loss. And there is the question of scale as well-- how much money does BTS need right now? I have no idea, but an IPO is only one way to raise cash. With demonstrated cash flow from one game already and another one only months away from release, a simple bank loan or small business loan would be pretty easy to get. And guess what? The fed may drop interest rates again soon. Which means that any loan will be easier to pay off. But, what I think you were really saying is: "What a great company with solid achievements and a commitment to great products and first rate customer relations --if they sold stock, I'd buy some." To which I would reply. Yeah, me too.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: He's just copying me, I got mine last week. I started wasting him in our PBEM, so he needs to catch up in order to hold off my troops. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course it is well known to every school child that if one CM player has a larger monitor than another, he then gets extra points to purchase units in the setup screens. This is because his pixel-depth to unit frontage ratio is better than that of his opponent. When you add this to the large number of cheating mod users whose extra pixel depth gives them thicker armor and more penetrating shells you have real imbalance. Thank god the artillery shells are hard coded into the game.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Great, now you just need a new graphics card to make the best use of the monitor, and a faster computer to make the best use of the graphics card, and high-res textures to make the best use of the computer, and a faster internet connection to download all those textures, and a high-end digital camera and scanner and laser printer and graphics tablet because of the marvellous things you could do with your powerful new machine, and Photoshop and Illustrator and Dreamweaver to make the best use of all this imaging hardware, and you're all set! After you sell the wife and kids (and probably the house as well), that is.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Swat him with a kipper, David!!
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido: Incredibly long and jaw-droppingly dumb post by Gagging Pud Wierdo <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That was incredibly stupid. I have no idea why you bothered to edit it. A moronic spelling error would have vastly improved it. You haven't come very far from the abysmal depths of your first Cesspool post -- that inane western-themed nonsense that I'm still laughing over. Since Jshandorf is ignoring my challenge. I challenge you instead.
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