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Posts posted by WineCape

  1. The name list, after various criteria strenously applied, is still over 100+ long. Guess I have to be brutal* to get the list down to 40 names, plus another 20 odd for reserves. :eek:

    An invite (via email) to the RoW VI-CMC tournament as well as a posting here will be done in due time.


    you are listed under 'multiple RoW,' the first criteria on my spreadsheet alongside 'RoW winners & finalists.'

    * "Questionaire/thesis" as per earlier RoW's

    [ April 10, 2006, 05:31 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  2. Hunter,

    Got your SMS mobile message due to your email account problems! I'll confirm and hash out details if I will be in Jo'burg with you on 12th April, depending on my soccer officiating schedule. If not, you know now where to find me, in more ways then one.


    Time to lobby your own boss (Stoffels) so that you can represent the Onion Wars in RoW VI-CMC. I intend to invite a few players from The Onions for sure.

    [ April 07, 2006, 01:45 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  3. Originally posted by Bigduke6:

    It seems that the acceptance committe likes, erm, characters participating in the contest, so if they have to choose between some one dull and some one with a perceivable web personality, they'll go for the latter, it seems to me. So be witty and entertaining in your posts, it might help. Then again, it might not.*shrug*


    John Kettler had no witty posts, or PWP for that matter, but he played and finished every tourney he entered, except when his Mac got nuked by some electrostatic underground force field!

    EDITED: For obvious reasons.

    [ April 06, 2006, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  4. Originally posted by K.A. Miles:

    I'm not, as of yet, even legal drinking age... so the prize of wine (good though, as I'm sure it is) holds no fascination for my young, impressionable mind. ;)

    >>>NOT DRAFTED<<< Reason: Too young too drink, too young to fight.

    The CMC campaign will not be Berlin 1945 with Volksturm under-age kids running around the battlefield. Tsk, tsk tongue.gif

    Exact tourney details closer to launch of CMC. Patience will be rewarded, as the vino prize will attest.

    [ April 06, 2006, 08:47 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  5. Hello Miles,

    Have a look at my signature line below to visit the Boots and Tracks team for an idea of the Rumblings of War (RoW) tournament series.

    For criteria of participation, see my posts on p.2 of this thread. See also John Kettler's response to Ike's question on page 2 for those that has, as of yet, not participated in RoW, and wish to get lucky to get into the RoW VI-CMC tourney.

    In short, those players, whether from RoW or from other mentioned tournaments, that have finished (read: commitment) various tournaments will get preference to participation.

    We as organizers are flooded with eager "newcomers" - and by that I mean people that have played no tourney whatsoever. Drop-outs, especially in the last RoW V, were horrendous. To prevent this, I vowed to tighten up the entry criteria. Hence preference to those players first that have finished a RoW, or mentioned tourney on page 2 of this thread.

    That is, as Kettler said, not to say that your no-past-tourney-entrant will never play, just that he's last in the pecking order of selection.

    As stated, the prizes I'm offering is in the excess of USD$7,500 if you add the airfreight component costs of those cases (Africa is after all far removed from the rest of the 'civilized' world ;) ) so I will honour those RoW players that have shown true sportsmanship in past RoW's tourney's with even a bigger prize.

    I cannot afford the same rate of drop-outs as past tourneys. Campaign play, by its very nature, is a long, drawn-out process. Players that have finished one or more RoW's will always be invited first in follow-on tourney's. They have proven their play record so to speak.

    I will also ask Campaign Directors/hosts at various campaign tourneys websites - see p.2 for details - to nominate a few representative players to partake in RoW VI-CMC, plus to vet these nominated players' interest in past campaigns on their own website (sans-CMC), i.e. whether they have finished at least one campaign.

    [ April 06, 2006, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  6. Done Jim.

    It depends: Walpurgis Nacht's might be at the head of a maneuver element in CMC that consist of a Recon platoon, or perish the thought, a company of Russian 'animal killers.' Voting rights within the Axis or Russian Campaign teams will be the decider :D

    Apart from Walpurgis, there were 2-3 other (mean) RoW winners in the past. Leonard Dickens/Wreck springs to mind. You have to put him, be default, in the opposing camp, me thinks. Or give him kitchen duty if he's on the same side... tongue.gif

    Wine Flag

    Oh yes, apart from prize awarded to the winning team, the award(s) during the campaign will be also as follows: 22 cases of wine sponsored in the RoW-CMC Campaign => a quite a few 'wine flags' or objectives on the CMC campaign terrain map.

    Seize the objective or wine flag, seize the wine bottles.

    [ April 04, 2006, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  7. Originally posted by Ike:

    Well, I have never participated in a ROW, so I withdraw my post indicating my interest. No point, since under the posted criteria I have no chance of playing.

    You've played in no other tournament under the auspices of Band of Brothers, Onion Wars, CM Meta Campaign-COCAT II, The Wargamer etc? I found that hard to believe smile.gif

    RoW VI, based on CMC:CMBB will be a cross section of invitees from the following:-


    Not an exhaustive list, but you get the idea.

    [ April 04, 2006, 05:34 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  8. Originally posted by Runyan99:

    I'd like to temper the boundless enthusiasm.

    I'm guessing a PBEM CMC game, covering maybe 10 battles (who knows?) might take 6 months to play. I mean, I've played single CMBB operations that took almost that long to PBEM.

    Extrapolate that over the course of a tournament, and you're talking about a tourney that lasts for what, 3 years? Come on.

    I think the energies of game organizers would be much better spent on organizing a multiplayer campaign, that is played once through. Not any kind of tournament structure.

    Read my first post again. It mentioned "two-team."

    There will be ONLY two teams. At most each team will consist of 15-20 players, depending on the size of the ME's in CMC. Thus a maximum of 40 players.

    Process of invitation for the 40 max. players as follows:


    • Ex Rumblings of War winners + those that reached previous Finals;</font>
    • RoW participants that have finished at least a tournament in the past, with AAR's. Players that have finished more than 1 RoW tourney will get preference;</font>
    • Invitees, based on either commitment shown to RoW (eg. RoW scenario designers, tourney directors/helpers etc.) or any other forum tournament (Onion Wars, CM Meta Campaign etc.) and/or according to our little black book; ;)</font>
    • The above not necassarily in a 1-2-3 step order.</font>

    Treeburst155 will recall that, in the veeery beginning, we asked players to write up a 'thesis' why we, as organizers, should select them as possible participants in the tourney. Worked pretty well then.

    Those that bothered to sharpen their writing skills then - and we received some excellent motivational scribes - were also the very same players that finished the tourney in style, and several others since, some with excellent AAR's. We might consider this method again as an extra measure to minimize possible drop-outs.


    I have noticed that the first page in our 'tourney record book' and our 'black book' has one name, written several times...

    [ April 03, 2006, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  9. Jesse,

    I hear you. Consider those defaulting forum members persona non grata.

    That is the reason that I want mostly ex-RoW players, those players that have at least finished a whole RoW tourney + given us AAR's in the past. Non-RoW players will be invited to play in the RoW-CMC tourney. We have our little black book ;)

    Sponsorship, with wine (22 cases x 12b) and airfreight included, will, according to my rough calculation, be in excess of USD$7,500.

    I will not be wasting my time ... or money.

    [ March 31, 2006, 08:57 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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