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Posts posted by WineCape

  1. Originally posted by Sequoia:

    I couldn't find the South Africans or anything convincingly South African. The same with the Canadians.

    Disclaimer: South African born, living in New Zealand. Not known for my musical ability (i.e. tone deaf)"

    Nope, you wouldn't. I was tasked to do South African voice files during CMAK's development, but my sound computer hardware then was not up to scratch, so MadMatt bumped me off for being utter useless. Apologies to all.
  2. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    ...snip...The thing that bothers you, and the rest of the PBEM bigots, is that isn't good enough for you. You want an iron clad, 100%, absolutely under no circumstances will it be any other way guarantee. Since we don't like promising things and then breaking promises, we aren't biting on that. Even if we are 98% sure it will be in we won't bite. Unfortunately, that isn't acceptable to some....snip

    This was the ratio decidendi of Battlefront's argument with the original PBEM-in-or-not? thread many moons ago, repeated again here. Nothing has changed. Good. I appreciate consistency and cutting to the chase. :D
  3. Originally posted by Mord:

    ...We gotta make sure he is taken care of 'cause if the dude fries his noodle CM is done...

    Done. As per sigline below. Probably also the reason why we received the Sturm Tiger in CMBB. When there's a laziness in programming I know that I have to ease down on the %'s on the bottle labels.
  4. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    The more I think about this, the more I come to the conclusion that the best way to portray the game is as a simulation of a war that has already happened, as recorded in some future military history. We could all then agree that this is the official history of the conflict, and if you want to add some scenarios, they have to tie in with the accepted time-line.

    Elegant. What the man said is my view too. Much obliged Cpl Steiner for typing my thoughts too. For the 2nd time :D
  5. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Thanks again for all the food for the little gray cells!

    See, now this is the real problem here. You're getting paid to think it over with food? Come ooOOn! It's a no-brainer that liquid smoothes the grey cells and greases the thought process. Especially if it's liquid food in the form of Belgian beers.

    Tsk, tsk. You have lost the plot.

  6. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    3) Syria with Minimal Back-Story: -

    I prefer this option of the three. The real world setting would make the campaign mode much more engaging. Capturing bridges over the Euphrates or street-fighting in Damascus make for more interesting scenarios than some sort of made up scenario in a fictional sand-pit. It also has the advantage of less work for BFC.

    I would gloss over the implausibility issues in three ways. Firstly, I would not specifically say it was in 2007. Just go with the old cliche of, "The near future". If scenarios need specific dates, just use the convention of "H-Hour" and "D-Day" plus "X". Secondly, don't mention Afghanistan or Iraq at all. Players will have to assume that US involvement in these countries has been scaled back somehow but they don't need to know exactly how. Thirdly, don't go into any detail about why Syria is invaded. Just say it is the "third major conflict in the so-called 'War on Terror'".

    One angle from a presentation point of view would be to have all back-story (what little there is of it) and scenario descriptions in the past tense, as if the game is chronicling a war that happened in the recent past. The focus of the chronicle is on the military operations and not on the political reasons for the war. Kind of like a "History Channel" program from the future.

    For example:-

    "By D-Day + 4, only one major bridge across the Euphrates remained to be taken. It fell to 1st battalion 172 Stryker brigade to make the final assault to secure the crossing."

    My viewpoint too.
  7. There is a chance (how large or small I do not know) that CM:SF can reach a larger market than its predecesssors, and I think we the community should help, for no other reason that it will benefit ourselves in the long run.
    I buy not just Combat Mission products, but integrity.

    A company that simulates something so good cannot help but to pique my interest in WWII, which, at best, I had a passing interest.

    Whatever they simulate, it will continue to keep me interested, whether I prefer that specific genre or not. BFC’s trilogy alone has cost me a couple of thousand dollars in WWII books/encyclopedia etc, bought over the last 6-7 years. And I am the wiser for it. Thus BFC has given more knowledge to me than they ever intended. And that is priceless.

    I might not like a module/game they simulate due to preference, but I will continue buying into their philosophy and their products. Why? They push the gaming envelope - with panache. Their programming ingenuity, their simple yet powerful executed gaming concepts that keeps track with reality in some form or other, their attention to detail, their customer service, a helpful forum community, their interaction with said community, their philosophy of giving back to programmers they help publish, and much more.

    How can I, or others, give such experiences a miss? Count me in as spreading the word for BFC's products, continuously for the past 7 years … and in the forseeable future.


    Charl Theron

  8. Your name is in the hat sir.


    I have several interested buyers for my wine business and property lately. So will be selling within the next year or so - might be sooner. Plus with my 15-year awaited nomination coming in (for a soccer related activity) a few days ago, things are panning out where I will be enjoying life away from a computer screen, possibly for months on end.

    Just letting all know, even if get rid of the family jewel, I will still honour the sponsorship of the planned CMC-RoW tourney as stated in beginning of this thread.

    It will be my last.


    Charl Theron

  9. Originally posted by WindyCity:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by WineCape:

    We have enough of those threads. Please.

    LOL, With out those threads you so dislike ,we would be luck to have three threads going at one time on this forum.

    ;) </font>

  10. Originally posted by rune:

    Re-read the sentence, it is NOT what I said.

    The grief of a missed date, or the whine for more information is the main reason we don't post about the demo.

    I never said requests are whines, nor did I ever say finding out about information about the game is whining. Nor at any point did I say asking about the demo is whining. You are reading into it.Enough time wasted on this.


    Now you know why I try to stay out of these threads. People just don't read. ;)
  11. Rudel,

    Don't worry abouth your English. The latter is my 3rd language; if I can understand you, I'm sure 99% on this board can. Carry on... smile.gif

    The backbone of Syrian artillery would be the 122mm D30. Old but still able to launch a average powered shell almost 10.5km
    I'm aware that the D-30 towed howitzer has a fin-stabilized HEAT round, enabling it to engage AFV's in direct fire. Apparently it can penetrate +/- 450mm armor at any range.

    The D-30 also has the ability to be equipped with IR or passive night vision sights for direct fire. Wonder if the Syrians have these add-ons?

    [ September 05, 2006, 01:39 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  12. Originally posted by Tagwyn:

    Steve: Great to see you working on games instead of listening to your vapid, anti-American opinions. Tag

    'Tis a red card! This forum does not cease to amaze me. Common decency is anything but common. :eek:

    Edit: Spelling devil.

    [ August 30, 2006, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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