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Posts posted by WineCape

  1. Hello Bertram, Beeper & von Lucke,

    Done and noted on my spreadsheet. Came back from a yearly National referees seminar in Pretoria - the new Fifa fitness test and practical activities there made me too tired mentally and physically to do anything, inluding perusing this thread. Apologies for the late replies.


    Received your file via your alternate mail account. Also received the mail wrt the laptop problems you had in the Middle East. Fixed yet?

  2. John,

    Just couriered the material promised (Re: hopefully clarifying your understanding of adiabatic shear stress banding) today via TNT International.

    Will take between 12-16 working days to get to Wales. Please let me know when you receive it. ;)


    Charl Theron

    [ July 05, 2006, 04:27 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]


    Potential USA players (and winners) in the forthcoming RoW VI-CMC tourney should take note of these regulations @ http://www.wineinstitute.org/programs/shipwine , more specifically http://wi.shipcompliant.com/Home.aspx pertaining to receiving wines from abroad.

    That does not prevent you, as wine flag holder, from diverting some of your hard-earned booty to relatives living in a less restrictive state as per above website.

  4. Mmmm, I wanna see how you clutch that T34/85 when it is far below freezing and you need some life energy? :D

    Where else can you get these spiffy goodies and some vino to wash away the empty feeling of combat...?

    RoW naturally.

    Congrats again 'Duke and many thanks to Richie for spicing the Rumblings of War tourney prizes.

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