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Posts posted by WineCape

  1. Originally posted by Lars:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

    I can piss further than you.

    Please don't turn this into a pissing contest. </font>
  2. Originally posted by Megakill:

    Yes, should be ok.

    I play it on 1,3 1 Gig ram and 9600 on my laptop.

    Many thanks for the quick reply Megakill. I wish you and 1C/BFC an excellent launch with ToW. Will soon use my (new) Virgin Money Credit Card soon - from the slush fund not known by the missus. :D
  3. Don't know if it has been mentioned, but so far I discovered the following ToW details & interviews on the web over the last few years:

    BFC Interview with Armchair General

    Strategy Informer's interview with David Philippov

    Wargamer's Interview with David

    GameZone's 2004 article, then called Wartime Command: Battle for 1939-1945

    IGN.com's 2003 article, then called Battlefield Command

    1 Page GameSpy notice (E3 in 2004)

    GameSpot's 2002(!) info

    1C's not kidding when they say 4 years development. I wish all those years of hard sweat come to brilliant fruit.

  4. That's the problem, isn't it?

    Combat Mission has spoiled me for rather accurate ballistics data (at least to the best of BFC's research ability) and given their involvement with ToW, we expect roughly the same.

    As long as BFC gives attention to this to get it right to their satisfaction, or the promise to do just that, I'll be happy, given BFC's superb reputation, the reason the creators went with BFC in the first place. That's enough for me.

  5. Soldier attributes

    "What I can tell you, for absolute sure, is that very few of the individual soldier attributes will be known to the player. As a couple of our military experienced testers have said "I don't give a crap if Pvt. Pyle has a +2 strength modifier and 3 more rounds than Pvt. Jones. All I care about is if the unit is functional and can it get the job done." This is our philosophy too.

    The player simply does not have the time to be obesssing over the minutia of individual soldiers. There is a battle to be fought! Plus, all that crap takes up a crudload of screenspace to display attributes because of the compounding nature of it. For example, 5 attributes for a 12 man Squad means having display space for 60 bits of text or icons. Egads!

    Currently the only displayed attributes for an indvidual soldier are weapon, specialty, and physical condition (tracks wounds). All the rest of the attributes are displayed in unit fashion. We tried to squeeze names in there too, but for several reasons (mostly UI space) we dropped them. Only the Leader of the unit has a name.

    - From the Synopsis thread (Steve)

  6. Originally posted by Tarkus:

    Question: can I mod the interface ? ;)

    Ha! I'm still running CMBB/CMAK on your excellent UI mods Tarkus. Given what Matt has said so far about modability, ToW has a good chance of being able to do just that.

    [ July 28, 2006, 04:53 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  7. No, this is the age where nations & militaries will continue to withhold information about their capabilities, weapons-systems, and actions because that is what nations and militaries do.
    "It may affront the military-minded person to suggest a regime that does not maintain any military secrets." - Albert Einstein
  8. Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

    Merkava 4 are better than Abrams M1A2 SEP. The rest of Israeli military kicks butt. One of my classmates served in the Israeli Army. And she is hot!!

    And she's got more than two ...


    10P Revolving Magazine of the Merkava Mk. 4

    A microprocessor controlled, fully automated, electrically driven, 120 mm rounds magazine. The system is located in an isolated space of the turret and is designed to protect the crew in case of ammunition explosion. The system is easy to operate from the crew compartment. The loader can select proper ammunition out of four different types and 10 rounds total.

  9. Speaking of wine,

    Here is my personal favourites based on consistency for many years. Any wine from these estates will do. They certainly will be included in the upcoming 'grab the wine flag' tourney:


  10. Originally posted by John Kettler:

    Forgot to mention that the "g" in "Vergelegen"

    is in the standard form rather than the "j" form, as in "generator." How'd I do?

    Close, but no cigar smile.gif Any Dutch people around here (Stoffel!) to help me with the phonetic equivalent of this "g"? Vergelegen means 'situated far away', and to best describe the sound, it's more akin to a scratch sound - like someone continously snoring at the exact same pitch level. What do you expect from the youngest language in the world? tongue.gif
    Also, how many points for the aforementioned thread resurrections?
    Many thanks! I have bookmarked your resurrection posts. It seems you have a lot of time on your hands? Bonus: free entry into the CMC-Row tourney? No need to fill in the planned thesis document as selection criteria and no need to send a big application fee via PayPal :D
    Having now seen your pic, it's easy to see how you can be a FIFA certified soccer ref. You sure don't fit the typical gamer couch potato profile!
    Careful now, mD with his 15,000+ posts will certailnly take offence. Correction: Will, according to seniority here on the local national pro panel, probably be nominated to the Fifa panel come Sept06, but certain strenous physical tests have to be passed first.

    The latter is the reason I'm out on the road & mountains everyday to keep the fitness level up - and consequently away from the internet - as it is our off-season now. But the Pro Soccer League (called PSL here) starts in 6 days and time is of the essence. It's 09:50am, just finished light breakfast and now off to do the usual morning run on a cold, windy day here. Only potatoes I have is in a 15kg bag ;)

  11. BTW, is the Charl Theron here you? You seem to have a substantial Google presence. Also, I tried visiting your site to look at the wines offered, but couldn't seem to get it to work.
    Googling "Charl Theron" soccer or referee Charl Theron will reveal more about me - or the hatred for me, depending on your allegiance. ;) I'm not related the person(s) you mentioned in the above website you referred to, but well to another, from the opposite gender.

    I do not have a website for wine. Selling via brick-and-mortar: for me still the best way to trade. Personal relationships with customers a big yes in my book, according to my dad, his dad. Why change a succesful recipe?

    In fact, it is called "Life from Stone" Sauvignon Blanc, made by Springfield estate. But I get your gist John: Enjoyment. [smile]

    Quite appropriate don't you think:

    "Springfield" => magazine round manufacturer;

    "flint/gunsmoke" tasting notes => fired guns (in CM) [Wink]

    I do certain wine activities for a reason, mostly. ;) For a picture of moi, see my profile, now updated. I'm the tall one BTW.

    [ July 20, 2006, 02:30 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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