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Posts posted by Banshee

  1. The M113 tactics are Vietnam vintage (more for mines than RPG's, but all the same). But the employment of the M113's in Europe (for the cold war) the squads were to be transported inside (because artillery splinters were more prevelant and longer distances were covered, but in Vietnam there was less artillery, more mines). Just to make it a more apple to apple comparison.

    The doctorine for both was pretty much the same IIRC, transportation NEAR the front lines (m113 was designed to get in closer than the M3), dismount and close the remaining distance on foot with the light armor backstopping you with machine gun fire.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    But the problem is that there is no substitute for taking 8 semesters worth of courses on WWII compared to the average 2 weeks or so that most kids get in their primary schools.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    2 weeks! I WISH we had 2 weeks for WW2 in any history class I ever took, usually my history classes went like this:

    "blah blah Ancient Greece blah blah"

    "blah blah Early Europe blah blah"

    "blah blah Discover America blah blah"


    "blah blah 1776 blah blah"

    "blah blah kill all the indians blah blah"

    "blah blah Civil War blah blah"

    "blah blah Cold War blah blah"


    Never did I receive more than 1 day (if that, usually a casual mention that WW2 happened) of anything to do about WW2. In my "History of American Involvment in the 20th Century" class in College, WW2 was prominetly featured in the text book.. the professor skipped the whole kit and kaboodle.

    So don't deride your 2 weeks of WW2 history it is much more than some of us got smile.gif


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wilhammer:


    Concerning the HQ spotter for out of LOS targeting, I have seen the occasional suspension of the fire mission.

    Notice when you plot smoke from on board weapons that if the system hits the exact spot targeted, the smoking stops.

    I wonder if the two symptoms are related.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    What happens is the smoke hits before the exact spot targeted by the LOS, when the smoke billows it then blocks the exact point that the unit had LOS sight to, therefore the fire mission was canceled. An annoyance, but not a huge deal

  4. Yes I do think the prices are quite reasonable. Roadblocks are at a price where I would actually consider buying one , mines can be purchased in enough quantity to deny a significant areas to the enemy . TRP's are amazingly reasonable.

    I dont think anyone will accuse you of faint heartedness when it comes to making wholesale changes. Add these changes in with the Attack/Assault point ratio changes and things start looking much brighter for the defender. But I do think this will make for much closer games.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  5. Defenders got a huge boost this round through. I did 2 QB's and with the newly lowered prices I stocked up on mines, barbed wire, and TRP's. I think the AI has also gotten a boost in attacking, it seemed to widen out the frontage it attacks over a little bit. Love the patch and the new changes BTS, thanks.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  6. IMHO it is defintely UBB, it always progresses from the board not responding (battlefront.com webserver accepts the response, but there is no reply back , i.e. I bet its waiting for the UBB CGI to answer back) to the webserver no responding. I blame refresh monkeys and the peng thread! (not necessarily in that order)


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  7. You think the MG42 is too powerful? I've never (ever) lost a HT to MG42 fire.

    If you were talking about the US MMG .30 cal, I'm trying to think of an HT i've lost to MG fire (non-.50) and again I dont think I have lost an HT to them either.

    I am curious how close you are bringing your HT's to the MG positions (or vehicles with that weapon mounted on them). I suspect its pretty close range (100m or under).


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  8. In open terrain with suitable overwatch I use vehicles jumping from cover to cover in order to scout ahead, if vehicles arent available I will use infantry, In close terrain (< 100m between cover) I will use infantry in bounding overwatch with tanks right behind. I never will use armor as scouts. Use armor in overwatch positions for the scouts.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  9. BTS,

    I write software too, and have found that about .01% of customers make up about 90% of the headache, Tris would obviously fit in that category. We usually tell them to not use our product anymore and suggest competitors, knowing full well we are the best in our niche. They never do leave, but they do shut up. Tris is in a category I call "pseudo open mindness", he always claims HE has an open mind but refutes everything presented against his view and will do so continiously because he thinks he's right and cant bear the though of himself being wrong. I usually find these type of people to have a very high regard for themselves (especially intellectually, ie they think they're smart), but have nothing to actually show for it. "Customers" like this aren't worth it, since they think their $49.95 is a license to complain, when in fact it is not. You get the software, and it works, anything beyond that is gravy from a software point of view.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin:

    I can't resist:

    All the judges of the Florida Supreme Court were appointed by Democratic governors... and CNN was acting as if they didn't know which way the judges would rule.

    Can anyone tell me who appointed the Federal Supreme Court judges, so I can predict who won the U.S. election?

    In Canada Supreme Court Judges are appointed by the Prime Minister and they are there for quite a while. I wouldn't be able to tell you if they are all Liberals, or if some of them are Conservatives from the Mulroney days.

    : )<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    7 of 9 were appointed under Republican presidency (US President nominates a Justice and then that person is confirmed by the Senate (might be House, have to go look). FYI


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

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