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Posts posted by Banshee

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette:


    I would suggest trying the experiment I was discussing on page 5 or 6 of this thread. My personal observations was that Tanks will displace without being ordered when subjected to direct Mortar fire. I found this rather interesting and credited it to some sort of crew morale thing. After reading BTS's comments it sounds like this is a deliberate attempt on BTS's part to take care of your 1 minute of terror concerns. However, when subjecting tanks to indirect artillery fire (i.e. FO directed fire) I was not able to recreate a situation in which Tanks would displace out of impact areas of their own volition.


    This only occurs when they can "see" the mortar .. My point is it should happen when they see the arty explosions, which it doesnt. So if this is what BTS meant then it isnt the fix I was hoping for.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    Banshee, the TacAI has been tweaked to do just as you asked. I for the life of me can't remember if this is in 1.05 or an up and coming fix for the next patch. But I know for sure Charles worked on this issue recently.


    Originally posted by CavScout:

    Very good point. It is a VERY looonnggg minute when big shells are dropping all around. This could be a reason for the perceived higher hit ratio in CM.


    BTS : It's definetly not in 1.05, that'll be great if it is in 1.06!

    2 people agreeing with me in one day, a new record wink.gif !


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    Is the probability of a shell impacting a vehicle in CM too high?


    There is a possibility that CM does model direct artillery hits too frequently, but I do not think there is a problem about the modeling of the hit itself.


    You have hit on my personal pet peeve of CM (I never thought it worthy of its own thread but buried in another just to get it off my chest will do).. That is the "default" behavior of vehicles under indirect arty fire is very illogical. It's very easy to take out vehicles (tanks, HT's, et al.) this way (IMHO!!) since they will basically sit there and "take it" for 1 minute before you are able to move them again. I severly doubt this would be the behavior IRL. And though I could point out a plethora of examples from books, it is anecdotal evidence. Since I dont believe there are any stats available for this type of thing I am at a loss how to prove my point. I believe the default action should be to move to the place that is least observable without exposing oneself to fire from the forward direction (very tough for the AI to figure that out I suspect). But I think the fact that you usually get a full dose (minute or so) on target before they can move would increase the likelihood of a hit.

    Where I think the "easiest" way to see this behavior is with light skinned vehicles under mortar fire, it still holds true for larger vehicles under heavier fire.

    Ok, I'm done with my mini-rant, I feel better now smile.gif

    EDIT: Err To summarize the above and tie it into the quote I snipped from BTS : The probability of a shell impacting a vehicle is too high in CM only because the vehicles tend to stay in the impact zone for a longer period of time than they would do historically (IMHO).


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

    [This message has been edited by Banshee (edited 10-09-2000).]

  4. Just to correct an error in your post:

    In the photo's of the JP (such as "Chupie and the holes in the JP") you misidentify the holes in the JP as shell holes. They are actually hatches for the Hamster Truppen crew which manned this vehicle, please be more accurate next time..



    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  5. Do what I do, move your guns wink.gif They limber up instantly, it only takes time to unlimber them. I had 1 lynx, 1 75mm gun, and 1 schreck vs 4 shermans, I positioned a HT close to the 75mm and right after it nailed 1 sherman it was off to a new position.. a round later 81 mm drops all over the old position biggrin.gif .. schreck bangs a sherman trying to make a flank run against my revealed positions.. the newly repositioned 75mm does a double tap taking out the last 2 shermans cresting a hill (I would have moved it again but by that time my whole side of the map was under observation, but I had spotted an arty spotter and chased him down with a HT)..

    a lot of times AT guns are basically left in place to die and Arty makes short work of them.. If you have no transportation available only count on about 3 shots before getting knocked out.. (it will usually be more). Also try placing them deeper in the woods as that will affect how easily they are spotted, I once had a 20mm firing at me for 5 turns straight (hitting a Firefly), I never spotted the gun till the surrender.. it was very deep in woods but had good LOS.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Los:

    Don't let the size of that thread fool you it's bascically the same gang going back and forth rehasing what's been said in the first forty posts over and over....



    With the added bonus of punishing Smoker for every new post (he clicked the "Email Me" option when starting the thread!)




    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

    I expect Judge Joe Brown to rule on this shortly. But are you sure you have all that in the right order. I mean as the defense attorney, I would assert that the AI isn't that sophisticated, and you in your mental state of shock and trauma may not correctly remember the exact sequence of events. Therefore a shadow of doubt exists. It would seem to me that the AI may have stolen your cat, slept with your wallet, and shaved your wife. smile.gif


    I *was* wondering why my wallet was so sticky, and I havent seen mittens around anywhere... here kitty.. here kitty kitty..

    You may be onto something!


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  8. Recent QB (1000 point Attack), I was attacking an Amis force in Hilly and somewhat dense terrain. The VL's were scattered across the map with most of them being minor VL's with 1 major VL on the top of a wide hill covered in trees on its front.

    Me moving into attack the Major VL with a supporting attack on the farthest flank away from my main attack. I let my supporting attack move forward first, trying to push and get the minor VL in the hopes that the AI would shift forces or counterattack, thus letting my main force have a much easier time in the attack. My supporting force hits about a platoon of troops and works to dig them out as I launch my main attack. The supporting attack succeeds in clearing out the minor VL and taking it.. and my main force (still quite a distance from the Major VL) hits a platoon and clears them out from heavy brush on the hillside. I decided then to shift the platoon in the van to face the right and another to face the left to cover my main breakthrough point and pass my unhurt forces through to continue the attack. The AI (brilliantly I thought) counterattacks at the base of penetration (the place of most danger to the defense, even though the far VL was the under the most pressure)trying to seal off the breakthrough. If I took the AI for granted and didnt place my forces as I did I would have been soundly defeated. As it was it turned into a terrific fight with me marvelling at the AI's abilities the whole time.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Smoker1:

    Yes Banshee, I'm still getting emailed when this thread is posted to. The only way to stop it I think is to erase all the BF cookies from my drive. Preferences and profile offer no way to do it. I will erase the cookies when it hits 600. I'll bet it won't go that far. Until then, enjoy a good chuckle at my expense. smile.gif

    Smoker out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    yes!! Life is good!


    You know I'm just messing around with you smoker, and deleting cookies wouldn't help not getting emails. I was rather surprised to see that you couldnt disable the feature in preferences. Back in my EQ days someone did the same thing and that thread went past 3000 in less than a month!

    So consider yourself lucky, it could be worse! Time to start learning how to configure rules for your email program!! wink.gif


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CavScout:

    So very true. Which makes you wonder why so many idolize Rommel...



    Actually he was pretty good about all things "logistical". if you look at the African campaign, he went farther with less than anyone else. The fact that he had few supplies was through no fault of his own, it stemmed from 2 major factors, 1) Low priority given his front by the German High Command 2) Ultra, we were able to intercept high % of his resupply traffic.

    Rommel was able to bring his forces together at the decisive points (which is a logistical excercise) in battle, and also pull them back to avoid annihilation (i.e. didnt let his ego interfere with his objectivity like Patton and Montgomery). I can definetly see why people respect his commanding abilities.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

    Do you really want to break away? I'm not looking for an escape. CM is keeping me from playing EverQuest. and anything that does that is golden in my book.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yeah CM is my Anti-EQ medicine as well. (Actually I stopped playing quite awhile before I found CM).


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1:

    I think maybe the question here should have been, does artillery hit tanks to often


    Because CM simulates the FEBA I think you would see a higher % of arty hits vs general wartime. Because a higher % of arty is under direct observation. In many of the books I read I was surprised at the amount of unobserved fire went on vs "suspected" positions. Or adjusting fire by sound, and various things like that. If you have an area under direct observation by an observer you would have a much greater chance at an accurate hit.

    So I would say "Yes" that tanks get hit at higher % in CM than in General war. But only because in CM your always playing a battle on the front lines.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  13. I vote for "leaving as is"


    Make rarity a factor, but not in the price. i.e. can only buy 2 jeeps before they run out, or 1 King Tiger.. etc..

    a la CC3..

    you would get the added benefit of allowing Conscript through Elite in a PBEM, since you could sometimes find the ability to purchase a unit with a higher exp rating.

    But the method you (BTS) initially described was not one of the better that you presented (IMHO!).

    Thanks for reading.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  14. Considering he gave himself to public service (in such a high profile position there are a lot of benefits AND a lot of bad things, usually bad things > benefits) I would be very respectful. Maybe ask him about his toughest decision being Sec Def or something like that. To meet people who had a chance to define the history for their time in some way is a great honor and should be treated as such.

    Also considering he was Sec Def during the some very interesting and tense times of US vs USSR I could think of many questions stemming from that..


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Smoker1:

    I don't suppose any of you realize that I get an email notification every time this thread is posted to. I haven't found a way to quit the option. How do I turn it off?! Help me PLEASE! I've been suffering for days. I just wanted to know about my jeep recon tactic. Just a simple ... little... thing.......wimper... sniffle... smile.gif

    Have Jeeps, Will Recon!

    Smoker out.



    Stop yer killin me, I was sooo sick of this thread as it got past the point of tedium about 200 posts ago, but now I will get a chuckle everytime this pops to the top of the page...


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

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