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Posts posted by Banshee

  1. There was a huge discussion as to this (how a units experience level could be determined) once, but it's always nice to hear new views on the subject.

    The biggest problem I have with FOW is the icons representing units out of LOS disapearing once the unit reappears. Even if it is in a completely different location.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  2. There was only 1 person on all sides who thought that the Germans could reach Antwerp. Unfortunately that person was Hitler. Just reaching the Meuse would have been a Herculean feat. But even if they did it would have had no effect, the British had more than enough forces available to them stop the Germans from ever crossing the Meuse.

    The Ardennes battle was the biggest of it's kind on the western front. And that is why you see so many books and discussions about it, but there isnt a single historian out there who gave it any chance of success. Even if the Americans failed completely, the British would have still had enough time to reposition their forces defensively against the Meuse, all they would have had to do is hold on until clear weather.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  3. Forgive me for not remembering the name (I will look it up and post later) but a fairly modern (late 80's) light anti-tank (RPG type) weapon used a sighting mechanism with a 9mm pistol which was ballistically matched to the AT round, so you could fire a couple of bullets (I believe it held 6) and where the bullets hits the round would hit.

    My point being that the "ranging by fire" is still alive and well.

    (Forgive my lack of details im at work, as soon as I get home I'll post the exact name and manufacturer).


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  4. I see a lot of disapointment here with the bazooka's and schrecks, and I find that suprising. They are very effective units. I am willing to bet that most of the experience has been with Regular troops. Vet or better makes a huge difference, in both ROF and accuracy.

    Jackal, 3 teams getting 4 kills (and I'm betting they are regular troops again), is about as good as you will ever get from regular troops, actually it is probably a bit above average. The lower the quality of troops the closer the range you should be to guarantee effectiveness. With Regular troops i would say anything over 50m's and you are relying on luck for a hit.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo:

    I've also been noticing the AI's tendency to place the guns way back. So I only

    meet them after having routed the enemy and being mopping up.


    I think the AI doesnt take the terrain into account very well, but if the terrain happens to have the back edge of the map raised up where guns can be placed then you have a hard time dislodging them with anything but arty. Since they have a huge screening force in front of them. The idea of the placement of the guns is good, just the execution by the AI isnt always very good (it would be a damn tough algorithm to write).

    An anecdote about AI placement , one time I was attacking the germans and was having a very tough time of it (the terrain happened to be such that no direct fire could be placed on the defending units, so it was all at the point of the bayonet). When finally clearing the opposition (so I thought) and being nearly out of resources I ran into an 88mm gun sitting next to an MG bunker, I simply didnt have the resources left to take the position, my infantry was pinned by the MG bunker and the armor had no chance against the AI. Sure wished I had saved some of that arty!


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom:

    Actually, many Allied formations did receive uniforms for the winter of 1944. I am currently working on a mod for a British/Commonwealth winter uniform mod.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I was checking where I got the info from, it was Bradley who made the decision regarding the delaying of winter supplies. So Monty may have made a different decision giving the British/Commonwealth forces winter camo earlier than the Americans.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  7. Just a guess. But from a historical perspective there was a strategic decision not to bring up the winter supplies in favor of more fuel, ammo, etc (the belief was we would win the war by then). So these uniforms would not have been available in 1944 in any sort of quantity. And so the mod people modeled this by not giving the 1944 uniforms a winter equivalent.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  8. in the attack I usually try to looks for a piece of ground (either a building or a nice treeline) which is about 100m away from the position I want to take, I then use armor or ht's to move the MG's to that spot to use them as the base of fire. I then move my platoons on to the first objective knowing they will have good fire support.

    After using them in their initial support I will slowly move them up to bring them even with the platoons advance and then have the platoons advance to the next objective (repeat until victory is achieved). The biggest achilles heel of this method is that it can delay your forces just enough for arty to start dropping on you. So be careful of your force positioning. I would much rather have more infantry and arty than the heavy weapons platoon , but if I get one I use it as much as possible.

    The mortars I put in a central location and use the Heavy Weapons platoon HQ or a company HQ (which ever has the larger command radius) as the spotter. I move them behind the main force as necessary for support. Or if there is a really good observation point I place the HQ at that spot with the mortars out of sight from the enemy.

    As for Historical use, I believed the MG's were parsed out to the platoons during the defense, with mortars kept under the Company Commanders control.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  9. I never thought they should be put under paved roads, merely laid on top off the roads to deny access. Outside of coding, there is no reason why this shouldnt be so, but it is a moot point since it isnt worth going back in the code to "fix". Far more important things to do with BTS's limited resources.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  10. Anti-tank mines cant be set on pavement & roads for some odd reason.

    But daisy-chain anti-tank mines can be set on roads and pavement.

    As for Rob/1 you use mines to slow and channel the enemy not necessarily to destroy him (if it happens it's a nice bonus, but not necessary). So having an obvious minefield isnt a bad thing, I not sure of the official BTS explanation on why regular mines cant be laid on roads or pavement. But im sure it is out there.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pritzl:

    If put the Sherman further out, the panzer had LOS and was hulldown while the sherman was not hulldown, but if you moved the sherman closer and near the edge of where the mark IV lost LOS they both gained hulldown status even though the Sherman was on flat ground<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Technically (imho) this isnt hull down, since the trajectory of the shell would still allow it to hit the lower hull, where true hull down status the lower hull could not be hit.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  12. I prefer tactics which minimize or negate arty:

    1) Keep squads as widely seperated as possible. This will dilute the effectiveness of a barrage. (some people even split squads, I do not)

    2) Try not to have one platoon directly follow behind another.

    3) Keep moving! If you move fast arty wont be able to re-target you fast enough. Speed is essential.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pak40:

    Or how about a foxhole graphic with sandbags around the perimiter of the hole?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Unfortunately the CM engine uses the same BMP for the foxhole and craters (from artillery). So during artillery strikes you would get mysterious sandbagged foxholes appearing on the landscape.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  14. Ahh I remember, a good FREE board system, is EZBoard.com, they host the board, you provide the skin. Downside of having banner ads (imho not a big deal, but some people are vehemetly opposed to them). They can handle the load, where a WebX product will cost $1.50 per 1k page views (for the hosted solution), cant remember the non-hosted solution price but it aint cheap.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

  15. I was thinking about this in relation to real life, it is often the case that one side would have an objective that would be different than what the other side has, sometimes they would be the same (In which case the opposing side VL would be in the same spot, we just wouldnt know it). If we could have the VL different for the opposing side I think it would add a lot to FOW.

    Look forward to the debate! wink.gif

    p.s. I think in a given map there are far too many VL's spread across the width of the map. I think there should be 3 maximum (of any kind) on any one map. Just my opinion.


    Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

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