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Hiram Sedai

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Posts posted by Hiram Sedai

  1. So, I correct the spelling and not the position (face down) of the Justiciar and the pint sized Bard throws a mini-tizzy. One would think that since he is eye to eye with stacks of books in his hovel, he would be able to understand the it is HE who is incorrect regarding the spelling in this instance. Never for a moment did I question the position (legs akimbo) of Old Fowl Joe(birdman). I would gently but loudly remind the ancient, incontinent and toothless Bard that reading is still fundamental. If a dictionary is still not amongst his books, I would recommend one soon.

    Also, it should be pointed out that my Lingua Latina is not slurred. Insofar as it is not I

    who is intoxicated 27 hours of each day, I would like to kick the Bard in his saggy bottom and remind him about "glass houses". Said kicking of the bard would be quite difficult because of how he is the size of a toddler and DFACS would probably arrest me.

    Let me type slowly for the decrepit and imbecilic amongst you all. Spelling and not position. If Joe wanted to be the "Tapeworm Tapdancer" so be it. I could only pretend to care. Whether or not Seanachai made Joe the way he is today, means very little to me. I wish them well with their colostomy bag wars in the near future.

  2. Originally posted by Elvis:

    Dear Speedy,

    We're still here. Just a little banged up this morning and slow moving.

    As I seem to do every year with this team I find myself quoting Adeli Stevenson again from after he lost the second time to Ike..."It hurts to much to laugh and I'm too old to cry."



    P.S. Hiram, you may feel free to switch bandwagons if you want. If I were you I'd try something in San Diego or New England.

    not quite

    I'm proud of my Eagles with their 2nd string.

  3. Sirius is magical. I can now listen to ALL of my 80's hits, especially those by Salt-N-Peppa.

    Oh, an example of Peng type humor in the real world. I was talking to our business owner's wife who is 67 years old and a big Bill Gaither fan. She is Southern Baptist and a cotton top (Think Paula Dean combined with Minnie Pearl) She offered me a new pen the other day and I demurred saying "no ma'am, I'm not worth the effort" She did an odd cackle and offered once more. I then dropped the Pengism on her. "You can just spit on my head and I'd be grateful, ma'am" She thought I was serious since I seldom smile.

  4. After reading through the Justiciar Joe links about his gestation period, I came to a

    little conclusion. The Old Firm can back me up on this one. I would "go away" and then "come back" quite often. Why is that? I get bored. The Innanet is a big place and you can only entertain me for so long. 7 years of this...

    I confess that my latest tryst was with RTS games. I became somewhat of a quick fix, constant movement whore with my games. Battle for Middle Earth I and II, Rise of Legends, and Company of Heroes kept my attention for a little while. But, when it's all said and done, I return here. (like a dog returns to its vomit)

    Let it be known that I would never, ever question Lorak since he gained much of his knowledge in the Waffle House and he was a sight nicer than you filthy mongrels.

    In hindsight, this Peng Challenge thing has become an online diary of sorts for many of us.

    I can read through what happened before and just shake my head. I simply am embarrassed at what I typed so many years ago. I must have been drunk. My gameplay definitely shows that to be true. All in all, it was entertaining to participate in and read these threads, except for the painful parts of my life. (of course)

    **serious off**

    I have unmodded, very patched CMBB on my HD now and am relearning the game while sober. Let us continue the persiflage and challenging.

    edited because i have a few more gray hairs and some wrinkles but I will never be perfect like Germanboy

    edited once more because Berli's(his infernal highness) Monday Machine is broken and my Friday is a Monday again.

  5. ah, so it turns out the Joe is spelling it incorrectly after all.

    jus·ti·ci·ar /dʒʌˈstɪʃiər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[juh-stish-ee-er] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


    1. a high judicial officer in medieval England.

    2. the chief political and judicial officer in England from the reign of William I to that of Henry III.

    3. justiciary (def. 2).

    [Origin: 1475–85; < ML jūsticiārius justiciary]

  6. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

    Ok....give up???

    So they can view the warships of the old Japanese Navy.

    Let's everybody give a nice round of applause to our very own Shecky1. Isn't he wonderful? He'll be right back.

    Against our wishes. </font>

  7. Originally posted by Nidan1:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

    Je dis encore..... Does anyone else hate this new Battlefront Banner? It cuts off about 20% of the viewing space of the forum as well as creates a distraction when reading. Is it just me?

    scroll up, right click on the Combat Mission Shock Force Link and open in new tab, no more banner.

    Myopia still runs rampant in this thread. Good to be home again!

    PS Thanks for the warm welcome back, gentlemen. I know of no greater insult to you really really nice guys than to compliment you. </font>

  8. Originally posted by Nidan1:

    Je dis encore..... Does anyone else hate this new Battlefront Banner? It cuts off about 20% of the viewing space of the forum as well as creates a distraction when reading. Is it just me?

    scroll up, right click on the Combat Mission Shock Force Link and open in new tab, no more banner.

    Myopia still runs rampant in this thread. Good to be home again!

    PS Thanks for the warm welcome back, gentlemen. I know of no greater insult to you really really nice guys than to compliment you.

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