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Hiram Sedai

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Posts posted by Hiram Sedai

  1. Look lad, I'll grant you that not being an Goobernational is, by definition, better than being, say, an Australian. But that really just puts you in the plus column for that one category. We still have to look at other things.

    Stuka, call him what you will (and we do of course, all the time) has BEEN HERE! He's been a constant if irritating presence on the MBT for years now. You seem to have dropped off the radar. So we really have to give points to him for that.

    Stuka has been playing the game. Not all members (or those others recognized as members ... {couMichaelgh} ...) can say that. Points again to Stuka.

    Finally, as much as we may not like it, Stuka is a Seniour Knight of the CessPool ... now you may be one too for all I know but I don't recall it so for all practical purposes you may as well not be one. Points to Stuka.

    So ... if we tally that all together ... you win ... I mean he's Stuka and you're not.


    Old, Foul, Crotchety, Denture wearing Joe , I truly don't want to intrude upon the man-love dream date that you and your Aussie Life Partner are on. I was talking about morality and a degree of veracity. You are talking about how warm your dingo loving mate's hands are. Two different subjects here.

    I really and honestly don't care how senior or profoundly important Stuka is to you. I'm not trying to take his place in your heart and your "No Tell" Motel room.

    Tell you what, go ahead and give him all the points. I'll live.


    Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

  2. Gee... who's better, Stuka... or Hiram?

    Okay, it's impossible to figure out if you're forced to work with words like "better". How about, "Who's the least offensive?"......


    No, still can't process it. We're being given a choice which is really no choice at all. Would you rather be reincarnated as one of those diaper thingies a Sumo wrestler wears... or have your nose grafted to Sasha Baron Cohen's armpit?

    Jeez.... I'll have to get back to you on that.

    What hurts more? A pressure sore on your tailbone or being sung to by Yoko Ono?

    Which pain is worse? It's a cyclical problem that I don't think has an answer.

    Gentlemen and Old, Foul, Crotchety Joe, please know that I am better. I have the moral highground here because God fearin Merkins are automatically guaranteed a spot in either celestial or telestial heaven as opposed to ex convicts and their "down unda" offspring.

  3. I just sent a set up to Seanachai. 45+ turns.

    It'll be interesting to see if neither of us dies from old age before it's done.

    praytell, how would that be interesting?

    I remember when I first signed up for this grognard powered circle tug and the bard was old as dirt back then. I'm guessing that both of you are now using exponents in your ages and quite proud of your very senior citizen discounts at McDonalds.

    Granted, Old Foul Joe was old, smelly, and dangerously flatulent back then. I wonder if his disposition has gotten better since then. ripening could be interesting

  4. Wow, and he never even had to challenge anybody.

    Things sure have changed since I became a Serf of the Cesspool!

    Back then, becoming a Serf meant something.

    I had to play RLeete in a fecking game of Crodaburg before I became Serf!

    I see no good coming from this, Lads.

    Weak as water are the Squires we'll be having from now on!

    Weak as water!

    Crodaburg was an abomination.

    I imagine one would have a head start if already challenged by DNA, genetics, society, and country of origin.

    I can barely remember being a squire of the Bard

  5. Well, as Lord God and Supreme Being of the Peng Challenge Thread (I'm also considering adding Divine Savior to my title), I am empowered to reply that Steve—may his beard be long and curly—has more or less stated flat out that they expect a Mac version to be simultaneously released with the PC version. Now you can take that for what it's worth, but it is almost a direct quote...sort of.


    You rock! Thanks Michael. I take back some of the bad things i said about you in the last 11+ years. Of all the souls I've conversed with, yours was the least Old Foul Joeish


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