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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Is anyone making CMBB scenarios out of the original 12 Panzerblitz situations, 1-12? I'm getting ready to start on those and don't want to duplicate the effort. Secondarily does anyone have a digital representations of the 3 geomorphic maps? ie one I can follow when making a CMBB map. Unfortunately I have the original 1-12 situation cards but not the maps. Thanks for your help
  2. There was a suggestion of a person to person AAR, I would recommend the scenarios, "A meeting not well met II", "A matter of crossing", "A small delay", "Pevshotraveneve Ridge" or "Raid on Madrid" (set in 1937). For an unbalanced historic fight. "Task Force Smith" set in 1950 Korea might be interesting. Or if you like I can make up a custom scenario for the two selectees. Hans aka Wayne Rutledge Oh yes and thanks to Quinxi and Joesting for playtesting the original scenario
  3. Excellent AAR, I think your ability to defeat the AI is more a testiment to your planning and ability than the weakness of the Russian Defender! Those pesky trees that blocked your LOS from the church, sorry I was being mean as that was found that to be a common way to attack the Battery. Glad you enjoyed the scenario!
  4. Excellent AAR, I think your ability to defeat the AI is more a testiment to your planning and ability than the weakness of the Russian Defender! Those pesky trees that blocked your LOS from the church, sorry I was being mean as that was found that to be a common way to attack the Battery. Glad you enjoyed the scenario!
  5. Now wait a minute folks, we're getting useful ideas here. This is about "BAD" unworkable scenarios. Sheesh a bunch of over achievers......
  6. Now wait a minute that scenario is starting to sound "playable", we'll have none of that around here. you guys take that mortar golf outside, then wash your hands
  7. Well I'm too envious for words. Is that off your site or the scenario depot (if off SD where did you find that data?) New scenario idea Pushy pushy 10 tanks on each side with one 1 km long bridge, no ammo, push the enemy off the bridge...enjoy
  8. There is one small scenario for a battle on the outskirts of Berlin, "A small day in Schwedt" it is at the scenario depot.
  9. Odd as it may sound there were some good ideas in there (not as expressed however) I will now steal them all (manicial laugh) When I get bored I'll make up some of these horrors
  10. Those thingies are rather dangerous in CMBB world while they were distained in the real. I would think their effectiveness is over rated in CMBB. I have designed a scenario which has a "platoon" of them and its proving to be capable of stopping a healthy German attack
  11. Well we have some people here who really need to stop drinking and take those meds! What is weird is I actually built one of these scenarios, and I therefore declare it the "winner of the worse scenario" Flammemwoofers or what ever is the hero. Black Russians Night, heavy fog, deep snow. A conscript company of russians attacks a german factory complex that happens to manufacture flamethrowers. I actually made a version of this for CMBO, had Fanatical green Frenchmen attacking a church because they thought it had alcohol in it - yep it was the Army level German Elite flamethrower repair site......toasty Well donw Flammenwooder, keep those bad scenarios coming! I like the one about T-26s toooooooo
  12. Truck & bullets May 1943 Conscript Romanian trucks try and advance over mixed terrain against a crack force of Russian Partisan snipers. ..you did what to that chicken? Unfit and untrained German Luftwaffe troops fight tooth and nail for an unclean chicken farm on the outskirts of some unpronouncable Russian village. They take on the tactical stylings of a battalion of bogged SU-76 crew members. Barbed wire and brumbar 2 battalions of green soviet SMGers try to storm a bridge over a flaming moat of lava covered with barbed wire and defended by a platoon of elite Brumbars. This is a three battle operation, 20 turn each. The three battles are code named, "Ducks", "Flame" and "Barbeque". Drive me to drink A battle where you drive and fight to exit. Both sides are equipped with jeeps and kubelwagons and try to exit from each others start point. 3000 points each, 2500 for aircraft. FO, I see you December 1944 Each side on a flat treeless steppe has 8 FOs, last man standing wins. Objectives galore This unique but tiny battle in points has a 4 x 2 kilometer map, heavy woods, 100 points of HMGs for each side and 24 objectives. A challenge in planning. Big town brawl This 2 x 2 kilometer square of a QB town on mountainous terrain. Both sides have a recon platoon with limited ammo. River surge The historic Troili'ske May 1942 floods are recreated in this scenario which consist of each side having a mechanized battalion with heavy tanks and SPs on a terrain of deep fords. Each side defends it one dry hex. Parachute drop to hell Soviet airborne drops onto an abandoned slag heap encrusted with anti-personnel mines. They must fight to stay against a vicious counter-attack by Italian tankettes. Sniper vs Sniper 1 x 1 kilometer heavy woods in modest hills, two snipers hunt each other in this 8 battle, 25 turn destruction operation. For the tough minded only. Each side receives reinforcements of TRPs and roadblocks. Blocking the catch German SS Panzers vs Guards Mechanized over the frog harvest in a swamp, on a dark and foggy night Please add your never to be forgotten best of the worst scenarios
  13. Text This has some maps from David Glantz, I emailed last week and he was very helpful and knowledgeable.
  14. We should also have a black ball eraser, each player can eliminate one terrain feature they don't like at the start of the game. Magic users how come there are no magic users? Come on we know they were used in WWII. How else would you explain thsoe British victories? I think clerics (as medics) should be able to not only heal the wounded by raise the enemy dead as grenade spewing zombies!
  15. AndrewTF your sick! I like a man like you, you could go places Now other types of improvements we could have is "combative terrain", some forests would grab and rip your men apart maybe even grab the main gun out of SPs and tanks...that would be cool Or how about terrain that just opens ups and swallows units randomly....that might be cool And certainly some factory areas should randomly transport you .....that would definitely be cool....
  16. Man, you haven't loaded the game right, here is what you do First uninstall everything Go to DOS (you remember that right) Type in Format C: Now reload CMBB while chanting, "Charles, Charles, Charles". As it loads hold down the Scroll lock, num lock and page down key while hitting the Tilde key every 3 seconds. The the ability to shoot at the Tiger with your MG will occur
  17. Ninjas? guitar? come on were taking a war game here how about neon chicken laying mines instead? 16" shells how about a Godzilla creature with flamethrower breath that wanders the terrain randomly and you have to avoid it while getting to the Victory locations. And may I say some of you have rather victorian tastes Steve? Steve who?
  18. Iwould recommend that a scantily clad female dancing to loud rap music and moving in a sultry manner should bring my units increased armour, health points and bigger guns (75 to 105mm lets say) When one of my tanks is "knocked out" how about being able to use power up points so I could click on it and make it better in say 1 minute? That would be cool. Could the infantry get a "invulnerable" mode for say two minutes or so? How about flying? How about infantry units in the power up mode swating shells back to the firing tank? Oh could we also have a "Madmatt" moment during a game, a bell would ring and during the next thiry seconds all infantry could destroy tanks by touching them! And guns would be able to shoot thru all obstacles. Now that would be wild. On two bells it would be a "Charles" moment during the game, this would allow you to select "P" and move up to twenty units anywhere on the map. Think of the strategic thinking that would encourage. At the very least when I take victory location you should allow me to spent those points on new troops that appear next turn. Come on lets be fair! Oh one more thing, shields, could we have glimmering shields that would deflect anti-tank rifle shots? How much would those cost? I look forward to these improvements
  19. Anything for the 75mm IG, or was it to short barrelled?
  20. For those interested there is a Spanish Civil War scenario at Scenario Depot, "Raid on Madrid"
  21. oh no Laxx you have profiled my CM life, I'm into designing scenarios now........ye gods
  22. Well lets try that again Sgtgoody, you are learning the proper conduct of a New Cm'er, nothing else matters Alcohol...trivial Heroin....not up to a meeting engagement Sex.......not worth the time if it could be spent taking out a bunker in a trench line Money.....only important in maintaining the computer link and hardware Family....do you need to ask? Freinds...if they don't do CM IPs do you realy need to talk to them? Probably not Michael when will you have those maps done? I remember UF too (faintly)
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