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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Naw, Jim probably did mean viola and yes, we are swine. Your point being??? :mad: :mad:
  2. On the first: The Cheery Waffle meets North Africa: Excuse # 46-Goodale Invaded by Desert Rats On the second: NO!!!!
  3. GRRGRRAARGHGHHHHH!!!!!! Silly maggot!!! Don't you follow anything on this board that apparently the Four Hoors Men of The Appy Lips run? I can't marry Axe. Everyone here hates Canadians. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  4. How sad. Can I have the body for my Halloween graveyard scene? [ October 09, 2003, 10:38 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  5. Arrrrrggghhhghg!!!!! The turns are trickling in so slowly that I had time to dig out "Age of Rifles", figure out how to run it with XP AND get the sound to work with this ancient DOS game. Non turn sending maggots. Exceptions made for Axe and Becket, and of course any of you I'm not playing. That leaves... wait for it... {drum roll...} The Mold Encrusted Master Renovator Yeah, I know. Knocked me over with a feather covered stick of TNT also.
  6. Not really sure what happened to our other Finn. All I know is Keke and Pee Ewe both dropped out of sight about the same time. Only one came back... Muaahaaahaaa. Axis or Allies? Or no preference which side bastes you in nitro and throws snap caps at your feet? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  7. OK, Mike the Kiwi. I've got RTM, and a slot to fill since Cakey accidently shot and stewed The Prinz of Finland.
  8. Hmmmm, I used to think you were alright Becket but now that you've admitted to keeping this pair of reprobates in your mind for more than a fleeting moment, I'm not so sure anymore...... </font>
  9. Watch 'im Axe. He feints with his Mike then hits you with his Stalin's Organ. :mad: :mad:
  10. Why aren't you editing? Huh???? :mad: :mad: And none of that sticking extra vowels into words either. And be sure to add plenty of smileys to please them Peng peeps.
  11. What? Gang bangers with speach impediments are less dangerous? PBEM helper won't tell you you forgot to open a game attachment or read your email. It won't tell you you left the gas on while you renovate your heating system either. You need to watch for Skunk Nads getting woozy for that. But PBEM will remind you to SEND THE FECKIN' TURN!!!
  12. Sent one AGES ago. Resend out in case your assorted wildlife opened your email and deleted it.
  13. Oh, you want a poem, do you? Ahem... {clears throat} No. Poetry is for non TNT chuckers. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  14. This is the one I'm going to BFC with. Especially if you kill my Tiger, which I keep in my basement along with a cayman.
  15. I don't think hunt comes into play when encountering infantry. Now I've got to hunt my manual down again!
  16. You're all a bunch of gamey low down anti-Canadian TNT chucking carbuncles!!! :mad: :mad: Except for Axe. He's a gamey low down Canadian TNT chucking carbuncle. In other depressing news the only person to put as big a whuppin' to me as Keke is Becket of a Thousand Tanks - that over armored (armoured for the UK English fans) ant shagging Cheerio and Waffles denizen :mad: :mad: Boy, how the worm turns. And then slaps you in the arse with hot, bitter payback TNT.
  17. Smopium!!! You silly man (maggot). Stop scaring the new people away with your autobiographical comic book collection!!! Why don't you get a normal hobby - like collecting mold, ants and mice in between renovating your hovel? :mad: :mad: [ October 06, 2003, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  18. Stay calm. Rent 'Stalingrad' and 'Enemy at the Gate' and keep replaying the juicy bits. The party goers may be a bit freaked, but at least you won't be setting Acme traps for the road runner while your parents cut the cake.
  19. The shell hit on the superstructure. BFC doesn't model battle damage.
  20. Malakas! Axe, who runs out of armor first? I'm betting on you. But your infantry show themselves to be burrowing maggots of the first degree. :mad: :mad: :mad: I need to blow up more buildings.
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