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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. I've missed Boggs these last few months. I'm sorry to learn that will not change.
  2. I sent you a setup like, um, 400 DAYS AGO!!!!! Cats. Geez. :mad:
  3. Turns out! Turns out! I attacked MTW in Fiefdom. It was all his fault. Didn't think he was actually silly enough to use his own name. :mad:
  4. The hydrophone on your sub, maggot! You must go through lots of 'volunteers'. :mad:
  5. Crap, Emrys! Before that last post everyone just thought you were hundreds of years old! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  6. Hey Axeomahnk! I bet watching you eat lentil soup is a hoot now. :mad: :mad:
  7. He's not bluffing, Soddball. It's a real badger nailed to his chin. :mad:
  8. If it was just me and these wimmen left on earth, I'd be a blind, hairy-palmed man and the human race would die out. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  9. Is he Sicilian? "Never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line!" You may want to think this situation over a little longer. He may be in the federal witness protection program. :eek: :eek: </font>
  10. :mad: Maggots! I hate it when I'm enjoying forbidden sex and am the last to find out. :mad: :mad: My neighbors are total jackasses. I just found out I'm banging the neighbor's wife! Apparently, I've been doing that for some months now. Talking to the only other adult at the bus stop is enough grounds for NYC busybody fishwives to chatter. Although it was the husband of one that said something to my neighbor (who laughed when he told me). I know who it is. How many of the brood think the next time I see the weasel I should tell him his wife was a lousy lay? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  11. And he has the butt end of a lacrosse stick hanging out of his noggin. It appears the Egyptians found O, Canada before Leif.
  12. What? Your egghead? A painted egg with Egyptian chin hair. Things that make you go "bluuug". :mad:
  13. And they say, "Is that what passes for genitals in the UK? No wonder we came late to every war." :mad: :mad:
  14. Just finished making the 'Midas Feast' for Easter dinner. It's pretty tasty for a 3,500 year old recipe. Happy Easter to all you maggots.
  15. Don't mess with us. That's your arm in some weirdo sock puppet against a felt background. Turned your Elvis portrait around just for this, didja?
  16. Most FPS do a sucky job at rewarding concealment in dark corners / looking inside from outside. At least the ones that flash the name of other player when your sights touch him. Unrealistic. The human eye adjusts for the brightness of the light it's in, not for brightness of the area it's looking at.
  17. -.. --- . ... / - .... .- - / --. --- / .-- . .-.. .-.. / .-- .. - .... / .- / .----. -- .. -.. .- ... / ..-. . .- ... - .----. ..--..
  18. -.-- . .- .... --..-- / -... ..- - / .. .----. ...- . / --. --- - / -- ..- .-. .--. .... -.-- .----. ... ---... -- .- -.. ---...
  19. It will take the AI all of two minutes to send you to Davey Jones Locker. Plenty of time for turns. :mad:
  20. Where else can a reincarnated Egyptian priest go back to the scene of the crime as a growly maggot? :mad: :mad:
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