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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Don't you owe me a setup or sumfink, maggatoid? :mad: I don't see a game with you in it in hamburgerer helper.
  2. I think I tried "Alpine Summer" with Axe. Not our cuppa. Too lng to contact for us short attention span maggots. :mad: :mad: :mad: And I'm going to thump the dog with the BIG, SOFT bbs. No damage done other than shock and scare factor. I'm a little tired of being woken rudely after 0200 multiple times in one week. Although his owner deserves it more for letting him roam at night, his dog will learn this as a second best solution. :mad:
  3. I almost forgot, maggots! I was one angryolized Waffle at 0345 Sunday morning, I tell you! My outside motion detectors went off. Before you think I'm paranoid, we've had multiple incidents of vandalism in the neighborhood. Wait a minute, I AM paranoid. Ignore that explanation. :mad: Anyway, first, three beeps. That's the driveway. Then the motion lights turn on. Eh, we've got wildlife, no biggie. Then BOOOOM! Something is banging on my garage door or the garbage sheds. Then BAM! Someone or something is at the outside double doors leading to the garage storage room. Now the back alarm buzzes and the lights snap on. BURGLAR! Stupid maggot picked the wrong house. More noises from the back of the house. Noise from the back slider. AARRRRARRARARARGH! .45 and tac light in hand, it's time to welcome my little friend. I scout downstairs, nothing in the house. Open the door to the garage and the lights turn on from the motion. Just cars, still noises outside. Crack the door from the garage to the storage room and turn on the light. This is visible outside, should get a sane person to leaving. Still, noise and banging on the door. I turn off all the inside lights and yell, "GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR! NOW!". No more noise. Leave, shutting and relocking all doors behind me. Ask my wife if anyone left back down the driveway. She says, "No." Still some noise around back. So out the front door I go, skirt the corner wide, ghost outside the spotlights after checking for vehicles on the road and neighbors driveway. Now I put a tree between me and the garage and lean left with the pistol and tac light ready to go. Double check, yes, the safety is off. Can't chuck angryolized Federal HydroShok 235 grain maggot seeking bullets with the safety on. Motion on the corner, just out of sight, but enough noise to let me know my 'friend' is there. I'm too far out for an adversary to grab me and in a position of surprise, in the dark. Go time! Crouch and side step quickly to the left, towards the next tree and hit the tac light. I've blinded a large black dog as it stepped towards me, growling. "GRGRAAAARGH!", I yell and the thing stops, turns and runs blindly into the woods on the side of my driveway, hitting the side of it's head on a small tree and continues on at lightspeed into the darkness. Lucky for the dog it didn't take a second step towards me. :mad: This dog has been out at night before (I've seen him) setting off my alarms but always just traveled through. There are at least 4 big black labs in the neighborhood that I know of. Apparently this dog was after my cat this time, and was hell bent on getting into the store room where he stays in cold weather. I go back inside cursing the dog and it's idiot owner. :mad: Next day, I check outside and find extremely large dog prints in the snow around the little sheds holding the garbage pails, and blood on the door of the shed. The back double doors have paw prints on them by the door knob, and scratch marks all around the bottom. It also has some nails sticking out from the weather stripping where the builder tacked it back on after repairs. Explains the blood on the shed door. I'm off to the sporting goods store tomorrow to buy a fully automatic 6mm soft bb MP5. Multiple .20 oz bb traveling at 475 ft/sec should do the trick. Dog doesn't deserve to die for being a dog, but it WILL learn that my property at 'oh dark hundred' is a painful place to be... :mad: :mad: Plus, my wife actually agrees I 'need' this new toy after the excitement. She was a pretty angry maggottesse herself. [ March 14, 2005, 02:26 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  4. GUINNESS. WaW does look very good. Is that the World in Flames game out of Australia, or a true Grigsby game?
  5. There are only two kinds of people in the world: those that drink Guinness, and those that wish they had the taste to. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  6. The proper phrase is, he looks like he came second in an axe fight. :mad: :mad: or he looks like his face caught fire and someone tried to put it out with a shovel. </font>
  7. You've got mold growing on your chin. Drinking Guinness today, because I feel the need slurp pond scum. :mad:
  8. GRRRAAARGH!!!! WHO LET THIS KNUCKLE DRAGGING, MAGGOT HUMPING PILE OF WORM DROPPINGS INTO MY BELOVED WAFFLE? Gotta use initials 'cause he can't spell his own name. Probably got the initials wrong as it is. :mad: Get to chuckin' TNT and :mad: 's, you verbose sack of ant mold, or get to the other thread. I have beer again and can drink. Unfortunately for you lot, <font size = 10> I RULE!!!!</font> and am still ornery. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  9. Is a sloped scull faster than the regular version? Does it hold the usual crew or does the slope knock a guy out of the crew? :mad: Maggot! Send a setup, sloped or otherwise. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  10. A hundred bucks? Silly Taxachuessettians! I payed $19 to cover bg check costs. Safety course required for hunting permits only, cost is about $25. Sheriffs give you a ton of free reading for your CCW permit (shall issue).
  11. Anybody playing me (except Kiwi Mike, who is kicking my arse into anatomically incorrect shapes) choose your theme. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. I have no beer and cannot drink. :mad: I have no turn and cannot play. :mad: I have a monkey you can touch. :mad: Maggot. :mad: Damn, I'm ornery when I have no beer and cannot drink. :mad:
  13. I have no beer and cannot drink. :mad: Snow is coming again. :mad: Tomorrow is Friday and all three kids are home from school. I have no beer and cannot drink :mad: GGRAAAARGGGHAAARGH!!!!!!
  14. Resend the turn, apres-u-getta-brain. It's apparently in the SMTP cylindrical file. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  15. Still isn't. ps <big>I RULE!!!!!</big> Coop dee Tat, with plenty of TNT.
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