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Everything posted by helm123

  1. Looks like one of the hundred WWII RTS on the market. The beach screen shot looks like the typical RTS rush of units.
  2. PLayed the game for a couple of years before I gave up. Suffered through the dreadful launch with the servers being maxed and such. I had visions of experiencing ETO combat during WWII, but after a while it became old. It turned into a game of nothing more than capture the flag with WWII equipment. Which means rush the base with tanks and hose down the building were Infantry and tanks spawn. After a while it just seemed like I was paying to play a modded version of Unreal or Quake.
  3. Can't wait. Have Winter Storm already so I'll even get a discount.
  4. Spartan If you have the funds to puchase Steel Beasts it should give you what you want in a tank sim.
  5. If the WWII version of CMx2 is anything like TOW I have been there and done that. I think I might have to go back to ASL to get my WWII fix from now on.
  6. I have to agree that the game though much better than at release shows little depth and too much micro managment. The scripted nature of the AI really hurts the replay potential of the scenarios, but I can't fault the game for that since CMSF also has scripted AI. I still hold high hopes for the game, but I'm not going to stand around and wait.
  7. It's great seeing all these people bash on someone who would like some info about Vista. I myself have a dual boot system and us XP when needed, which is very seldom. I'm finding myself using Vista more and more with the games supporting directX 10. Call of Jaurez is stunning with directX 10.
  8. If that was even remotely true it would be the worst thing I had heard in a while.
  9. helm123

    new video

    TOW meets Doom, Quake, Unreal. All we need now are power ups.
  10. I stand corrected. You are correct TOW is a sim and not a strategy game. I still believe though if it was more a strategy game and less sim it would have taken off.
  11. Oh, I dunno. How about spending 7 years talking up the game via word of mouth whenever possible, buying multiple copies to give as gifts, forming and maintaining a thriving online and personal community with multiple national and international "nodes", creating and hosting thousands of scenarios and game mods for users on our own dimes, and engaging the developers with wish lists and suggestions? No wait, we tried all that, and got no results. So I guess the answer is "nothing". -dale </font>
  12. I agree with your last statement. If they had made the game more in line with CMBB/CMAK they wouldn't be able to keep it in stock. I preordered and haven't played in monthes, hell never even reinstalled the game after rebuilding my computer. It's just to limited and scripted for my taste. Graphics wise its beautiful, but it just comes up very short as a strategy game.
  13. JasonC is correct CMBB and CMAK wont run on my Vista machine due to the 8800 graphics card. I can change the card out with a buddies Nvidia 7800 and everything runs fine. As it is I just made the machine dual boot with XP, and play CMBB and CMAK via the XP boot.
  14. Follow waypoints to your death is the best description anyone has put out. This is the exact experience I had with the demo and is exactly why am not a owner of the game. The second scenario in the demo gives you a great feeling for the scripted waypoints that lead to units following them to the death.
  15. CMBO runs fine on my Vista machine. CMBB and CMAK I have to run in WINXP. Have my machine set up as dual boot for those two games.
  16. Thats really a very limited list of WWII strategy games you us as your basis. What about steel panthers, CMBO, CMBB and CMAK that's just a few I can think of. Now if you mean WWII RTS then I'll agree with you
  17. dale, What I mean is that Matrix games is coming out with the sequel to Panzer Commander Winter Storm. Not the code from the original CM's. http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tt.asp?forumid=478
  18. I will admit that I have not purchased the game and most likely wont after the experience of the demo. But its amazing the way both bands of thugs are going after each other here. If you think the game has problems and will never meet your standards one side of the room stands up and clubs you over the head like a bunch of religious fanatics. If you happen to think the game is the pinnacle of war gameing your told to head back to RTS land, your genre had destroyed CM. Then the fanactics from the other side of the room stand up with their clubs. I know I wont be buying a game using this engine I'll just stick with the old CM's, but there may be people out there that are interested in the game bugs and all the are worried about the fanatics. If you don't like it move along to the older CM's or another game developer all together. That's exactly what I did after pre-ordering TOW. I realized it was more rts than war game for me so I moved on. Just waited this time for the demo of CMSF instead of impulse buying.
  19. I have the same feelings here. Tried the CMSF demo and I see no way that I'll buy a game based on that engine. I'm hoping that Matrix continues with their Panzer Command series and expands on the scope.
  20. Boneheads that post stuff like that on forums drive me crazy. They deserve a special place in hell.
  21. One word... Vista. Really, bugs and subsequent large or multiple patches are a fact of life today, get over it. They are working on the next patch, be patient. </font>
  22. I don't see that CMSF gives us that choice - every command level down to squad (even split squads) require commands directly from the player - how is it that you're choosing to only play company commander and watch things unfold? What you're describing is a game like "Conquest of the Aegean" where I can literally give a couple of high level commands and watch my AI subordinates create and execute their plans. I don't see how such a thing works in this game, though. I'm fairly certain that even though you're playing WeGo, you're giving just as many commands as I am in RT, per scenario. The only difference that I can see is that you have an arbitrary restriction of giving those commands in one minute pulses, while a player in RT can give them when and where they are appropriate to the unfolding action. </font>
  23. Absolutely right - not a positive thing, is what I'm saying. Human brains do not work in 1 minute pulses - they react immediately to outside stimuli. A squad leader, or any soldier, does not wait a minute to react to incoming fire. Has nothing to do with planning. You're putting yourself under arbitrary, unrealistic restrictions - if that's fun to you, great. It isn't, for me, especially in the climate of CMSF AI issues, LOS/LOF issues, etc. It's 'arbitrary' because it has absolutely nothing to do with what's going on in the game, or how things work in real life. Aside from all that - if I wanted to, I could do the same thing by playing in RT but restricting my pauses to every minute, or every 30 seconds, or whatever other number I chose. WeGO just doesn't provide anything for me that RT does not. </font>
  24. Nice. Nothing makes me smile like a Brummbar when cleaning out a pesky pocket of Ruskies.
  25. For the forseeable future I'll be playing CMBO, CMBB and CMAK. Tried the CMSF demo and it just doesn't meet my expectations of where the game should be. Graphics are nice but I don't see much under the hood. Poor implementation of QB and completely scripted AI kills it for me out of the box. In the demo's second mission where you have the Americans facing off against the syrians the scripted AI real showed itself.
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