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Posts posted by Noba

  1. You think Seanachai will just loan Boo out to you, just like that?

    What do you think Boo is, a common rent-boy or sumfink? Well, yes, perhaps, but anyway, you know what I mean.

    Of course he will. What use is a thuggish Henchman to a Gnome?

    I know there is the threat of siccing Boo onto your enemies

    but really he is so slow as to give any normal opponent plenty of

    time to move away, or leave the country, even.

    He's more than likely to get stomped accidentaly, is our Bard.


  2. How much weight does all that wood add to the vehicle?

    Are you having to go with extra heavy duty shocks and such, or is it not really a concern?

    I woodent be worried about the weight of the structure... more about the weight of the passenger(s). You wood need a permit just to take to the licensing centre.

    Probably need a man with a flag to walk in front, as well.



  3. In spite of the weather here leaning towards winter, I spent a carefree hour on monday carousing the skies over Northam, in a Hot Air balloon.

    (Although it should really be called a Joe Shaw Balloon).

    Of course, none of you overweight deadbeats would ever pass the required test to become a passenger. Fat b*stards like you 'Mericans don't have ballooning any more since the FAA banned the sport because the floors of the baskets couldn't take the weight. Making a strong enough basket would have required NASA to design it, so they gave up.

    But, T'was a marvelous flight, broken only by re-connecting with the ground.

    In a paddock filled with cows... and cow manure... some VERY fresh.

    And the basket skipping along the ground a few times before coming to rest... on it's side.

    At this point the Aeronaught hops out and warns all 20 of us to "stay put!" (This is to make sure the balloon has time to deflate...!)

    Yeah right! He then proceeds to call for cameras, and records his poor performance for us whilst gaily explaining that we can now claim to have "Been laid, in a balloon".


  4. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

    Ah yesss, the ack-ack wot acked up a alf dozen alf trackackacks? You Shirley did cut them down like crazed curs.

    Peng I see you're at it again ... crowing to the Gawds about a victory over an opponent that even the AI regularly trounces.

    Boasting of a victory over Boo Radley is like boasting of a victory over ... well, ME I suppose.

    Joe </font>

  5. Aww, shucks. Youse guys are the best. A bloke couldn't ask for a better bunch of totally thoughtfull people.

    Joe just gave me his last $1:47, and him being a poor banker, we know it really hurts to give money away. (I suppose it come with a compound interest rate, but it's the thought that counts).

    Boo the first "Happy Birthday". Always quick off the mark, is our Boo. First to wade into a conversation, even if it's not his to join, foot already planted in that great big cake-hole.

    Emrys, late as usual. Those nanna-naps must be taking longer and longer.

    Me Old Mate, Stukes, the stupid queenslander.

    Yep, an all round nice bunch of people.


  6. And in other news, Noba has hacked CMAK apparently!

    Not only did I own all the flags except for one contested one in the middle of the map, but the final score was something like 69 to 31, BETTER THAN DOUBLE HIS SCORE, and all I get is a lousy tactical victory!


    Not true. Nidan0.76545 is the real hacker. He has a Panther that kills Shermans whilst reversing and firing through the flaming wrecks of his own trucks!

    Boo is the real hidden-hacker. He sets up a QB with a map full of defensive terrain that 16 inch guns couldn't clear, and adds rain and soft ground so that my poor attackers had no hope of getting to grips with his cowering out of sight troops. That's code-breaking!


  7. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    Can <font size=-2>Lawyers</font> actually play the game? (With any level of competence above zero, that is..)

    We know <font size=-2>Bankers</font> can't.

    We know <font size=-2>Photographers</font> have difficulty as well.

    Does their attention span last for a full minute.. or do they have to run a turn twice to get the whole picture?

    Can they master the process of receiving, and sending turns on a regular basis, or are games with them a life-time commitment?

    Much like with <font size=-2>Bankers</font>.


    Was this supposed to be a challenge?

    However, as I continue to expand my legal practice into disabilities and special needs law...

    Steve </font>

  8. Originally posted by Kingfish:

    I wonder if anyone could lend a hand at clarifying the sequence of events on the afternoon of August 7th, 1944, starting from the midday bombing by the USAF up to last light. What I am particularly interested is the time the Polish 1st Armored Division entered combat in relation to the German counterattack.

    Kingfish: I don't have the book mentioned below, only a "Battle Zone-Normandy" Road To Falaise.

    Meyer and Waldmuller had been to a small rise to the NE of Gaumesnil around noon and seen the massed armour waiting. Meyer then ordered Waldmuller's battlegroup to attack at 12:30 northwards towards St-Aignan. It states that Meyer and Waldmuller met around 1220 hours at Cintheaux finalising arrangements for the counter attack when he "noticed" the Pathfinder planes dropping flares. (The counter attack went in but after inflicting damage and taking losses the Germans were back at their starting positions (by 1400) just as the Allied armour began to move at 1355, maybe not 1335?)

    As I understand it, the bombing occured at around 1300 hours, and the Poles left their starting positions just north of St. Aignan at 1335 hours </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />At 1335 hrs 24 Lancers and 2 Tk Regt, each reinf by one sqd of Dragoons, one sqn of Crabs, and one platoon of Engrs, started the attack as leading regts.
    Source: Operation Report of 1st PAD

    Meanwhile, the Germans had begun their counterattack earlier. Reynolds describes Meyer ordering his troops forward once he spotted the pathfinder aircraft overhead, so as to be out of the target area.

    This to me indicates the Poles ran into the German counterattack just as it was beginning, and were then thrown back with heavy losses. </font>

  9. Originally posted by Kingfish:

    I wonder if anyone could lend a hand at clarifying the sequence of events on the afternoon of August 7th, 1944, starting from the midday bombing by the USAF up to last light. What I am particularly interested is the time the Polish 1st Armored Division entered combat in relation to the German counterattack.

    Kingfish: I don't have the book mentioned below, only a "Battle Zone-Normandy" Road To Falaise.

    Meyer and Waldmuller had been to a small rise to the NE of Gaumesnil around noon and seen the massed armour waiting. Meyer then ordered Waldmuller's battlegroup to attack at 12:30 northwards towards St-Aignan. It states that Meyer and Waldmuller met around 1220 hours at Cintheaux finalising arrangements for the counter attack when he "noticed" the Pathfinder planes dropping flares. (The counter attack went in but after inflicting damage and taking losses the Germans were back at their starting positions (by 1400) just as the Allied armour began to move at 1355, maybe not 1335?)

    As I understand it, the bombing occured at around 1300 hours, and the Poles left their starting positions just north of St. Aignan at 1335 hours </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />At 1335 hrs 24 Lancers and 2 Tk Regt, each reinf by one sqd of Dragoons, one sqn of Crabs, and one platoon of Engrs, started the attack as leading regts.
    Source: Operation Report of 1st PAD

    Meanwhile, the Germans had begun their counterattack earlier. Reynolds describes Meyer ordering his troops forward once he spotted the pathfinder aircraft overhead, so as to be out of the target area.

    This to me indicates the Poles ran into the German counterattack just as it was beginning, and were then thrown back with heavy losses. </font>

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