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Posts posted by Noba

  1. Like this;


    It's been overly long... **

    Oh deary me, I'm all afraid, all of a sudden.

    Boo of the flaming Shermans.

    Boo of the dead infantry, all lined up ready for their caskets.... the list is endless.

    But still, I tremble. What if his tactical incontinence infects me?

    Sigh. A setup is on it's way. You shall be German. I shall win.


    ** It's true, you have been peeking, again. Tart.

    ps. There is no "11" in exclamations.

  2. What is with all this buzzing and clicking from the Oddstralian contingent. I thought they'd learned to speak Uh-mare-uh-kun by now...

    Back in your box, Insular Dolt. We are speaking of things way beyond your ken, and your george, and your malcolm...

    We speak of things beyond the border of your country, therefore things you know nothing about.

    So, just leave this discussion to the worldy-wise.


  3. Noba, how many times have you been booked so far? Come to think, I drove past an abandoned rex on the freeway this morning. Nabbed under the hoon laws, were we?


    Five years ago.

    Constable Kodak - bastard.

    It's sweet when you line up some poor unsuspecting bugger to be your latest victim... All they hear is the growl, and the turbo spooling up as you flash past.

    There is a heirarchy to Rex owners. Old cashed up BB's like me buy the new ones and thrash the bejeesus out of them. We sell them to poor unsuspection young rev-heads who then go on to get their poor wrecks impounded.



  4. I wouldn't know. I live in Victoria, not Western Australia.


    And for that, we are eternally gratefull. Anyway, over East the cops just use real bullets, none of this e-lectricity stuff.

    As to Stuka being a Kiwi. I must, I'm afraid, support him somewhat in this little poll. There is no way he is a Kiwi.

    Let me list the reasons, in no particular order...

    His skin isn't tattoed.

    His hair is straight-ish.

    He falls off things and can't side-step - no Mojo, I'm afraid.

    His rendition of a Haka usually ends up with large bowel movement during the squats...

    He can't play rugby for quids (mind you, at least he doesn't choke).

    As far as I know, he's not on Social Security.

    So, on balance, he must be an Aussie.


  5. I'm in Prague and none of you lot are........

    I think you are all quite mean to Old Man Stukes. He of the advancing years, he of the cluelessness. His reply to my query about his

    non-turn-sending-ways were answered by this litle gem...

    "Yeah, turn sending is not high on the list of priorities right now...so suck it up Mr retired guy".

    Now I know the stress of being on holiday has some deletrious effect on most people, but mistaking me for a square-headed ex-Marine is the pits. Honestly. I know we have to cut him some slack, after all Queenslanders never really catch up to the rest of the country. So, pat him lightly on the head as he meanders across the globe, and

    don't take too seriously his alchoholic babblings.

    Poor Stukes.


  6. I don't think that it's accurate to refer to Stuka as an absolute tosser ... that would imply that he's actually achieved perfection in something and I just can't see that happening.

    Surely there are tossers out there who are better at being tossers than Stuka ... probably ...


    Er, Yes Joe, my mistake. Thankyou for pointing that out.

    Agreed. He is nowhere as good a Tosser as you...


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