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Posts posted by Noba

  1. You mean the battle you had already played at least once before with Stuka and so knew the disposition, placement, timing and quality of all my troops even before we started the game, Sparky McGamey-Game-Meister?

    Is that the battle you're referring to? Is that the one? Is it? IS IT???


    Sorry. Too much coffee this morning.

    Yes, that one... except that - he Piked Out without completing the game. But then you would expect him to do that, he was getting a thrashing as well. Can't stand the heat, obviously...

    Of course anyone who plays against you works out an obvious battle plan that works against normal players, and promptly throws that away along with the baby AND the bathwater because he - or she - KNOWS you havn't got a clue. So really, to win all I have to do is move my troops to the flags knowing I will kill anything of yours in the process.

    Ces't Le Guerre.


  2. Well it doesn't work very well then does it? Perhaps it was designed by Amurikuns?

    What they are missing in all this misguided nonsense, is that the Pom's's off-loaded their first load of unwanted persons to America. Of course, they then realised that Australia was their's for the taking if they could just beat the French and Dutch. AND, Of course, they needed a fleet really quick - so they had these hulks laying around with a ready made crew - chucked on a few sails and beat the French (again).


  3. Well? Well, just where the FECK do they get off then, eh?

    Nah, they just pile the bodies on the sides of the road. Then the crows get a population explosion picking over the carcasses.

    But, It's good to have a WRX all wheel drive when the pesky buggers jump out onto the road. Gives you the opportunity to swerve to hit, or miss.. adds so much fun to the trip to work. Panel Beaters love them.


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