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Posts posted by Noba

  1. I'm going to take 'Fat and Stupid' for points, Noba.

    'Showing up and caring as an Old One of the Peng Challenge Thread' to win.

    It occurs to me, Noba, that I haven't told you that I love you, lately.

    C'mere and gie us a hug, you big Aussie bastard!

    Imagine my arms slapping you on the back, and my ancient, grizzled cheek rubbing against yours, not to mention my belly bumping up against yours.

    Now, tell me something about your life, a true thing, something you wouldn't otherwise share with these fools.

    And I'll tell you something, too.

    I'm sorry, but Fat and Stupid is definitey worth more than a fake Caring and Sharing routine. Trying to rip sincerity off Lawyers and Politicians, plus Real Estate Agents, Bankers, Car Dealers.... you get my point, doesn't cut the mustard. You need to be more inventive. Fat and Stupid is still the leader.

    There's actually something I like about you, too. But I can assure you rubbing up against your gut is not one of them. (Although I think you had better make a wide berth around the paddock). I know, I did say "berth" when I could have used "girth", but that would be just too cruel.

    No, it's your simple approach to life. Your love of your betters knows no bounds. You're like the slobbering Labrador that wipes itself all over everyone and anything all the time thrashing the air with it's fat tail, killing and maiming children - and the furniture on it's ride through life.

    Did I mention predictability? Like-wise with the Lab as with you... we know exactly what your whining and moaning will be about as soon as we see your post. It's all about you, isn't it? You're the precursor, the excuse Generation X (or is it Y?) use to complain that the world owes them something.

    Something I would tell you, but not the rest of the world ? Nah, there's no such thing as compartmented secrets. Once uttered, never recalled.

    Mind you, I do have a passion for women with tattoos.


  2. snip... perhaps there's hope for you yet ... probably not of course but perhaps.



    JoeJoeJoe. I know you're into team building an' all that crap, you being a Banker*, an 'all. But really, he's just another 'merican bum with no hope of bettering himself in any way, whatsoever.

    So why build him up, just to kick him down again... ?


    Got it.


    * Bankers now have a worse reputation than Car Salesmen, Real Estate Agents and Polititions. Go to the top of the class.

  3. And I ask again, Noba, am I not the Old One of the Peng Challenge Thread? Do you think I come here for my own ego, which is massive, or do you think I come here to hear from you lot that I AM AN OLD ONE OF THE PENG CHALLENGE THREAD, EH??

    You're like tinnitus, you know that? There should be a law against something like you, you know, goes against the laws of nature and not even gene therapy can cure it. I hear they have a job going at Cern, they want some one to them help catch the Higgs Boson. You should apply, since neither of you have a clue about reality.

    We know you are full of self importance but really, and I mean really, this ego leaking has got to stop. You'll end up like OFJ ! I'm warning you.

    Now go away, go very far away. Where there is no Internet access, preferably.


  4. 3 am, and no one there?

    Fecking weaklings. Where are the Australians, I ask you?



    Do you ever look in the mirror and think "my brain has gone. I hope it went to a good home".

    Do you know how hard it is to ignore the "Mens magazines" in this here hairdressing shop just to reply to you? Useless sod, go paddle up the creek, without the paddle.


  5. I'm so lucky! I've just received an email from General David Petraeus wanting ME to help him with US$10m he has stashed in a box in Iraq that he was saving up for his retirement.

    Poor guy...his spelling isn't so good either which is why I guess he's forgotten that Western Union could transfer the money very easily for him.

    Still a share of US$10m is not to be sneezed at but just in case this Gen Petraeus is not legit, i'm forwarding all of Joe's personal details to Niger...I mean General Petraeus.

    That won't work, I'm afraid. Everyone knows OFJ has no personality, hence, no personal details.


  6. I am also sober...it has been 24 hours since my last drink...hence, my level of superior CM play will rise to levels previously unimaginable to the red-headed step children I most usually pummle with invariant ease.

    Blah-de-Blah. Pity you can't spell as well as you say you can play.

    Since you pulled out of our last game when you were losing, I'd say you should send a setup. Of course, if you stay sober long enough to actually send an AK setup, around 2000 points, meeting type battle, then you can truly say you have taken a bumbling step forward, or somefink.


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