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Posts posted by Noba

  1. The Oddstraylyuns couldn't put together a good set of rules if you promised them free beer and Vegemite for the rest of their pointless lives.

    Comes from participating in all those weird sports of theirs, I imagine.

    Pah! We are a truly demo-crated society. We make up the rules, from years of practised elbow-bending sessions at the local.

    2nd rate colonials need not apply to become part of the cultured masses who invest time and money in Aussie Rules Football. Ask Mace.


  2. What? Did I hear one of 'em whisper a challenge? Naw, couldn't be. They don't have the hormone glands for such to be the case. Aw well, maybe I can talk Lars into shooting one, just to put it out of our misery.

    Coward. Come out of your hillbilly lair, show your fetid face to the sun. Become a man and defend the *cough* honour *cough* of your second-rate colonial outpost.

    ... Or more appropriately, your outhouse.

    Of course when I win, I will crack your thick skull with the finest bat that sculpted willow has to offer. I shall be the Shane Warne to your Gatting. The Lillee to your Boycott.... and overarching all... THE Bradman to the Whole English Team.


  3. Cricket...you know.. the thing where players get together for three days and rub their legs together to make a sound like crickets? It is not like you have any real sports down there.


    Silence! 2nd - rate colonial offspring of the Great Motherland.

    As the Premier Colonial Outpost of the glorious Motherland's Empire, only WE has the right to usurp the Motherland's Great Game and turn it into our own. Not for us running around a field for 10 seconds in padded pajamas in a bastardised game of Rugby... stopping to catch our breath cos it hurts when we collide. Bunch of nancy-boys.

    We basically own cricket, nowadays. Top team in the world for the last 10 years, beholden to nobody. So, we let one slip, a bit. It's those dodgy currys, does it every time.

    Soon it will be time to send the South Pacific Poms home with their tails between their legs. Glory will be ours, again.


  4. Now I freely admit that I haven't paid as much attention to John's postings as I perhaps should have but ... what the hell are you on about?

    Isn't there a pet funnel web spider that needs poking with a stick or a platypus that needs you to groom his hind legs?


    Well Joe, it goes like this...

    Your grasp of "where things fit" is way out of whack. A typical ignorant

    American. Oh, you can claim to be otherwise, but you know, the rest of

    the world is onto your little con-job. You see, we know that you don't know where any other countries are on a globe. Heck, most of you 'mericans still think the world is flat. (Thankfully it isn't. That puts a great sufficiency of dirt between us).

    So you see, funnel web spiders are over 3,000 kilometres from here, as are platypusses.* (That's a very, very, very long way, in your terms).

    As for the oranges. Yep, you got it wrong again. We import our oranges from California, or Israel, or anywhere in fact. Ever since those T' Othersiders drained the Murray they've got no water to grow fruit... sad I know, but manure happens - especially over there.

    As for the billabongs. Gone. Desertified. Dried-up even. (See the bit about the once Mighty Murray above...)

    Anyway, now that you've gained a tiny insight into this great world around you just go back to sucking the 'merican people and the economy dry, and screwing the rest of the world while you're at it. At least you're good at something.

    As for Kettler. You both live in a fantasy land.


    * Platypi ?

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