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Posts posted by Noba

  1. Is that another Asahi beer? Why yes, I do believe i`ll have another.....

    You are a loathsome article in (near) human form, you realise.

    Why else would your Company send you away so often? Of course

    it could be that your lovely Wife is starting to understand what

    an absolute tosser she was tricked into marrying, and the delightfull

    Lady has been making phone calls to your office to get some relief

    from your disgusting habits...


  2. In news fresh in from the Normandy front, war correspondent Gomer T Pillock reports that Stuken led Shermans have approached the villages of Emieville and Cagny and met with Tigers and Halftracks of Ersatzregiment Nobawitz.

    They remain skulking on reverse slopes, afraid to face the enemy. One even managed to bog itself in a very deep, safe crater from where it bravely despoils the French countryside with it's last remaining HE.

    After initially attempting to seize the advantage, early skirmishs have Nobawitz withdrawing into the built up areas leaving the smoking hulks of 3 Tigers and 4 Halftracks on the battlefield.

    Typical overclaiming by his tank crews has led the Allied Commander to become overconfident. Anyone would think he had fighter pilots instead of tank crews.

    No losses on our side, save for one Tank Commander who had his beret blown off by a near miss.....unfortunately his head was still in it.

    This is shortly to be remedied by the phalanx of 88's waiting over the next rise.

    As we go to print the Shermans push forward, bravely determined to free occupied Europe from the clutches of tyranny and usher in a new era of global financial mismanagement, corporate fraud and disproportionate distribution of wealth. Long live Democracy!

    Meanwhile the defenders drink more erzatz coffee and polish their superb optics to a bright lustre.


    Fixed that for you....


  3. The difference in mind between man and the higher animals, great as it is, certainly is one of degree and not of kind. -Charles Darwin, naturalist and author (1809-1882)

    The difference in mind between Man and Aussies, great as it is, is just a matter of how many beers have been drunk.

    -Seanachai, drunkard and Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread

    My My. What a case of Aussie-Envy you do have. Almost every

    time you post, you comment upon our wonderous land.

    Filled with top-notch Sheilas and marvelous p*ss. (Beer to you unedumacated heathens)... it's difinately the place to live. As to your

    famous 'line', we like it that way. Keeps the rif-raf out, dontcha know.

    As to the status of your Australian Citizenship Application Form, posted by you two weeks ago' we must inform you that your Department of Homeland Security have advised us that your status of "Citizen of The United States" is about to be revoked and that "Take him, he's yours" was scrawled across the bottom of the Official Fax.

    Also, as you may be aware, it can take the Government Department of Immigration up to five years to process an application. In this case we

    would expect them to expedite your request via the "round file".. soon.

    With this in mind, you joining a boat from Indonesia might be your best bet. If you get the next one, the cyclone forming off Broome will make

    your trip a memory to cherish...


    ps. I'll put some prawns on the barbie for your arrival.

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