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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Noba

  1. Exactly Noba, and how do we know he's the original Pondscum anyway, has anyone posted his long form birth certificate online?

    And even if he is ... he's still a GooberNational ... like you.

    Which is a recommendation.


    Well, Mr. Self-Importance. It's like this ... only a redneck-conspiracy-freak would require the poor lad to provide documentation ... or may be it's because you are a [shudder] banker [/shudder] and paperwork is in your blood, apart from lunch break alchohol that is.

    Right now this little GooberNational country is doing very well for itself, thankyou. Feel free to visit anytime.


  2. whats this all about here? you guys talk about this page? -> https://sites.google.com/site/cmbnoperationcarentan/

    i have no side scrolling on this page that i could find, anyone here stilll got a 15" monitor and browsing with 800x600 or worse?

    On my wide screen monitor it has no scroll bars either.... except it's like trying to read A3 Landscape paper. You physically have to turn your head to scan the lines.

    In my view, not the most comfortable way to read text.


  3. If this has been asked before then I'm sorry

    Recently I had a brain spark and noticed that the TOW games are on steam but the CM games are not. I myslef personally like steam for its easy login and unlimited download system for the games you have brought to the account you are using. Now battlefront is a great place and a great places for games but would Battlefront consider making most if not all their games available to steam then the users which may not know about battlefront proberly would end up buying the games and could bring in protential new players to the community. On top of that Id imgaine Battlefront would make some extra money so it could be in battlefront intrest to invest in bringing their game to steam and they would proberly make a nice return and profit off that investment. Obviously im not an accountant so I cannot say that for 100% certinatly but still.

    If you bring them to steam BF ill re-buy the games which I have already brought on here so you will at least make more money off me :)

    Battlefront have commented that they have looked at the business model for Steam and said it is not something they are planning to do.

    A quick search for "Steam" bought up numerous threads, so pick one that takes you fancy and catch up on numerous posts. There is a Steam Group that has a Combat Mission focus.


  4. But this probably won't be one of them!

    No time to list a bunch of Rules which no one ever reads and Joe always seems to find fault with! He wants Rules a certain way, then he can come in here and write them hisself, the lazy sod!

    And I speak with the self-recognized power of an Olde One! You can tell because I'm ending each sentence with an exclamation point! (Also known in journalistic circles as a Screamer!)

    And Slagpile Oz, I have yet to see much bile spewing, biting sarcasm or challenging on your part! Step to it, lad!

    Hmm, O.F.J., yourself and a no-account SSN all mentioned in one post. I am seeing a pattern here, screamer nOOB.

    No doubt the Good Lady Rose is slapping you for not doing your chores, you naughty boy, and hence your attempt to cover for your ineptitude and incompetence by declaring yourself to be an Olde One (spelt, not bolded). I bet she's not impressed by that either... better get back to those chores.


  5. What kind of dimwit are you to think I'd be holding the bloody thing? Any infernal machine I design will work far more efficiently than anything you can puzzle out with your feeble imagination.


    Actually, what I'd prefer to hold against you is a plate of white-hot iron, so probably we can work something out.


    Hung by your own words. What part "hold it against you" do you not comprehend?


  6. And that to took you way to long ... you probably spent fifteen minutes to "craft" that reply and you still screwed it up.

    Australians ... there should be a bounty.


    Yeah, my bad. I'll just go and check the "Care-Factor-Meter".....



    Nah, batteries must be flat. Or somefink.


    p.s. Has the Bard gone on another drunk? I was hoping for an update on his life, you know, like the Bold and the Beautiful.... you can miss that show for months on end and pick up the plot in 5 minutes.

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