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Everything posted by ALthered

  1. No need to bring a demo out just yet chaps,i`m a bit busy at the moment.Last week in April should be soon enough. :cool: Al.
  2. Doh! I thought you had a vid of SC2 "work in progress" or something,what a let down.
  3. Bugger.Did`nt think it would come this quick.My mother was bitchin about buying me something for christmas so i said "i`ll order somethin off the net and you can pay for it if you like...".Sure enough, mailman arrives while i`m at work and dear old mum has now hidden it away,"you`re not having it until christmas morn". Does anyone know a professional hitman?
  4. Well,i decided to go for a radeon pro 9500.A local store was selling them at trade prices over the holiday last weekend and i coud not resist.After scouring the net these cards appear to offer the best value.At £130 it was about £40 dearer than the Fx 5200,but when benchmarked against my old Ti 200 card (which is only marginally slower than the fx,apparrently) it is easily 3 times faster .I now have a super fast system which copes easily with UT,Mohaa BF1942 etc with much improved graphics. As for CM it works fine.I played the deadly encounter scenario tonight and it was great (apart from some shimmering on certain vehicles when viewed at distance).I realise there are issues with fog emulation which i recall seeing on this board and wondered if anyone could suggest a scenario which might test this out.Or will it simply not work? Al.
  5. Cheers Guys. After running the UT benchmark utility on my system,and comparing it with online results performed by others using the new Fx 5200 the Ti 200 actually came out on top! I agree that differant drivers might make a differance,but not enough to justify spending money.As a budget card though it looks impressive.If i do decide to upgrade then the radeons might be a good option (as suggested by easytarget). Al.
  6. I am thinking of buying one of these new "budget" super cards.I currently run a Geforce Titanium 200 and wonder if there would be a huge increase in performance,or are they overhyped? Al.
  7. Yes,i use Norton Anti virus,which is very good.It is easy to use,updates itself regularly and immediately intercepts any malicious code.It also allows you to scan any d/loads quickly. Al.
  8. Well,the Notebook arrived last night and i must say i am very happy with it so far.As predicted SC worked like a charm and it was with great expectations that i loaded the CMBB demo.It loaded up very quickly and runs without problems.The graphics look ok and all in all the game is stable.Ok,there is a bit of pixelization (is that a word? ),but smoke is clearly visible and tracer rounds fly about everywhere.The cooling fan did not run at all during 30 mins of play and the battery drained at an acceptable rate,i therefore deduct that the processor/graphic card is not overstressed.No more boring lunch hours for me. Al
  9. Well,i can`t say i`m encouraged by your response but i will have to wait and see.Of course i only bought the notebook for work and i never expected it to be a games machine,but when i saw the specs......... I assume map type games like strategic command and Civ 3 should be ok. Al.
  10. Hi.At long last i have splashed out on a brand new HP omnibook.I won`t actually get my hands on it until about Tues/Weds but i was wondering if i can ecpect CMBB (or CMBO for that matter)to run on it. Spec 1.2 ghz Intel Celeron 256 mb ram 30gig hd Graphics card - S3 Savage4.(Twister) I know the basic spec should be fine,but i was wondering if the graphic card will be up to it. Cheers Al.
  11. Yeah,same for me.I was devastated at only 2kb per sec,but dap took it up to 55kb.
  12. If it`s not too much hassle, please send it to me too, allen_dewsnap@msn.com cheers Al.
  13. Well,mine came from Ireland and was wrapped in bubble wrap inside a padded envelope.
  14. Yeah,mine arrived this morn too :cool:
  15. Great news.I read in another thread that the game will be shipped from Ireland too,so hopefully us Brits won`t have to wait to long. Our Alsation is already getting confused,every time the doorbell rings i get to the door before him!
  16. I was surprised to see what appeared to be a British army unit fighting on the Russian front alongside the Germans (screenshot 19).I realise this game is very open ended,but i did not realise such alliances could be formed.Do British units become available to Germany when Britain succumbs, or is this a full blooded alliance ? Update Oh,Penny drops...they`re Italian However,can Britain and Germany fight on the same side? [ July 23, 2002, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: AL the red ]
  17. i too have just purchased uncommon valour but have not yet received it.I am encouraged by your remarks.However,i like the strategic command demo and will definately be buying it when it comes out. Al
  18. No,only kiddin.I was knocking on the doors of moscow tonite only to get the dreaded end of demo box.This is terrible!.How long do we have to wait? Seriously though,i`m a bit surprised we cannot pre-order yet.It`ll take about 2 weeks to get here (UK).I heard it`s coming out sometime in early summer :confused: ,erm,it`s June next week!
  19. Is this definately WW2? I know the French experimented with armoured shields with which to approach German trenches during WW1.These were very heavy and were pushed towards the enemy by the (brave!) operator for recon reasons.They would be pulled back by attached ropes or chains.Unforunately,whilst bullet proof they were not grenade proof and the Germans had no trouble in repulsing them.
  20. I have just watched a brilliant review for CMBO on CYBERNET (UK ITV).They really did the game justice during the 3 minute slot,describing it as "a game more like an advanced version of chess,than just another RTS title" and "you`ll watch every order carried out in real time cinematics".The video capture was absolutely top notch and any strategy fan watching could not fail to be impressed.They whinged about the graphics of course,"they might not do the game justice.....",but they looked pretty good to me! Unfortunately,this programme is always shown in the middle of the night so not many people will have seen it :confused: .However,it is possible that it may be repeated at 03:45 in the early hours of Monday morning ( 29/04) . I would definately advise any UK potential buyer to video this,but leave plenty of time on either side because it does not always start bang on time. To recap CYBERNET 03:45 Mon 29/04 on ITV. Al.
  21. 42 Feel like 92 after playing Medal of honour all night .( oops!) [ 12-17-2001: Message edited by: AL the red ]</p>
  22. Yeah Thanks, I have now solved the problem.Using msconfig to examine the registry,i found the program that was causing the error.It was a "NEWNET" application which is a spyware trojan.It copied itself onto my harddrive via the YO MAMMA BIN LADEN game by Twisted Humour.There is a good website that details these type of Spyware/Adware programs at www.cexx.org/adware.htm .Also,you can get the AD-aware 5 Spyware removal tool which removed 139 Spyware components from my machine!! Al [ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: AL the red ]</p>
  23. Every time i turn my computer on i get this error message.Clicking on ok removes the dialog box,and things seem ok apart from occasional probs with IE.I assume the dll file needs replacing from the windows cd but my brother has borrowed it and i won`t get it back until next week.There is a backup of this file in the same directory but you cant access it whilst windows is running!.Does anyone know how to solve this ? Al.
  24. Whilst we`re on the subject,my UK chums might like to know that the first 2 episodes of Band of Brothers is showing on BBC2 ,Fri 5th Oct at 8:30 PM. Al.
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