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Pvt. Ryan

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Posts posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Every time I see Moon has posted something in this thread I think it might be some hint, only to see that it's not. Now thát's disappointing ;)

    If you re-read his posts and delete every third letter, then shift the remaining letters 4 spaces to the left in the alphabet I think you will find his posts a lot less disappointing.

  2. One of my tanks lost a crew member and it took a few minutes for them to do more than sit there. In CMx1 a tank crew was automatically "shocked" when a crew member was killed. I think CMx2 has more under the hood that determines how a crew will react in that situation. Sometimes they even bail out and you have to wait until they calm down before you can get them back into the tank.

  3. Playing through these the first time can be difficult, but I think I did manage to squeeze out minor victories from each side.

    Since then I have replayed as the Germans and it was much easier. I moved all troops off the hills to safety in the rear. I left HQs on the ridge as spotters. I led off with a linear arty bombardment on the the buildings and the cemetery to take out the mortars and try to get the HQs and the half track. I targeted the hedges with my mortars. After the initial artillery strike was complete I targeted the group of buildings on the right side of town where I knew a number of troops were. By then I had spotted the 57mm on my left and took it out with mortars.

    When the Panthers arrived I moved them up the left side of the ridge and gave them hull down positions with LOS to the town. The tacAI took out visible targets and then I targeted a few of the buildings until the Shermans arrived. The Panthers quickly took out three of the Shermans as the rest moved into the town. They then took out two of the M10s as they arrived. After that I waited for a while to see what developed. I plinked away at suspected targets in the town until the remaining M10s showed themselves and were destroyed. I did use the Marders to fire into the town once all of the Shermans and M10s were taken out.

    There was one more Sherman hiding behind the town so I moved the Panthers over to the right. I hunted them forward until the other 57mm started firing. I area fired at it with the Panthers until they spotted it and took it out. Then I inched the Panthers forward looking for the Sherman. Once I took it out I moved one Panther to the right objective and had a clear view down the street into the town. The Panther took out the HT and the infantry that were cowering behind the buildings. The other Panther took out infantry that were behind the church. At that point the game ended with a major victory. The only casualty I suffered was a member of one of the Panther crews who was hit by an M10. I never touched any of my infantry. I was very lucky that neither of my Panthers had their guns damaged or it wouldn't have been so easy.

  4. I never thought I would play RT when it was first introduced in SF. But, I found that

    I did in fact like it for small missions. But larger stuff? Just impossible for me.

    I end up totally focused on one area, and often completely forget about some units entirely.

    Just too chaotic for me to handle large scenarios, so I go back to Wego for that. Oh yah, in RT I pause ALL THE TIME!! :D

    Thanks for typing that out for me. :)

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