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Everything posted by Tanaka

  1. Just to make it clear "The round landed approximately 15 meters dead ahead into the hillside. I couldn't believe it. I checked my Hellcat's kill. Listed in the kill column: 1 M18 Hellcat Destroyed" This isn't a bug... "The hellcat fired anyway, even without the LOS" this could be a bug... but 1) Are you sure when the M18 fired, during the movie, he hadn't any LOS to the infantry ? 2) What were the LOS conditions ? was it night, clear day ....? 3) Maybe the shot was intended to go over the hill top and land in the 2nd floor... the gunner missed it 4) was the M18 moving ? that's it João
  2. Was, or had been the crew in shock (red exclamation point) ? If they were, they can go quite a few turns (even all battle) without target and hunt commands...
  3. Fast answer... My "normal" vehicle crew casualties is 1/2 to 1/3 of the original crew. "fastest way to kill the crew" I think there is now way to assure crew casualties when knocking out a vehicle... When they are outside, that's another matter. João
  4. "A mortar round landing too close kills them. I have taken them out with snipers" As you can see you destroyed it with with artillery (HE) and infantry (small arms fire), although a sniper shot was a bit lucky, I guess,look at the size of the crew Now go and shot it with a zook or an AT round and you will be my hero "I think you must have played a PBEM and had REAL bad luck where an opponent really whipped you when by all means you should have won. " I'm a little bit green on this game... I only played 2 times against the AI I'm a lucky ba$ter# and only one of my pbem opponents used 2 of them once, one in each side of the map... after seeing them in action... and after a couple of home made tests I surrendered and reported the lose to the ladder... João
  5. "...but these vehicles are included just like others" So if we discover that a certain vehicle is indestructible, (by the way this would clearly be a bug, there were no indestructible vehicles in the war ), you would use it... it was included like the others "it goes way out off line to tell someone not to use them" If you read my post again, you will see that I never told what is stated above... I only said what I do, and then gave an opinion... freedom of speech "Most off the time I use one of these weapons because my opponent might have an airplane. If he has not than I use them for other purposes,and only after I managed to kill his armor." I can leave with one SdKfz, maybe two... with more I can't, sorry If you are so wearied about planes, why you don't take AA guns instead of the gamey SdKfz 7/1 ? The answer to my last question is simple... the a regular SdKfz 7/1 (4x20mm flak) costs 46 pts, the regular quad 20mm flak gun cost 52, The static one costs more !!! Ok, I may not remember it well, but I think BTS said that, in CM the cost of the vehicles is proportional to the survival rate in the battle field (to kill chance)... If this is so, this SdKfz's are way too cheap, buy 6 of them (less then 300 pts)and your adversary will be in a world of ... João PS- If you play in short LOS conditions (less then 50m), please ignor my postes in this topic. [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 11-19-2000).]
  6. Hi, sorry for the long post Stoffel said, "If you are a commander and you would have this weapon than why not use it. In wars it is important to kill or disable your opponents troops and vehicles. It does not matter to me on what way that will be and a rapid firing 4 barreled 20mm gun system is a very effective way to do that if you have seen Saving Private Ryan you know what effect this weapon have on infantry." Taking out the last part, the one about SPRyan, this pretty much tells the story in the real world... In CM world, the story is different... The SdKfz 7/1 and 7/2 flak vehicles are in a special class... The unarmored class,(like jeeps trucks and others), any vehicle or AT weapon shooting at this type of targets will only use HE rounds. The practical result is that your Tanks and AT guns/weapons will use the blast to destroy the "soft" vehicle... 1) Your 37mm are useless against this targets, their blast is only 6. 2) With the 76mm you got a blast of 33 hmmm... you still are in trouble 3) with the 75mm and 17pdr the things are better,39 and 40 of blast, but don't be too confident 4) The zooks are in big big trouble... yes they will use their very small blast to try to knock out the soft target. In resume, we all can guess what a fast 37mm AP round can do to every day car/jeep ( soft target )... We all can guess what a zook can do either... To me this is a game limitation, this kind of vehicles are in a border between infantry and armored targets, so at the present CM doesn't handle these well. The SdKfz is a very serious flaw, because not only is very hard to kill but also it destroys Infantry and Tanks very well ,to me any PBEM opponent using this thing is some one I wont play again... In my opinion, any one using this vehicles in CM should only be playing against the AI. The AI doesn't give a s%", the human player might... PS- Just in case, if you do find one of this things in a pbem, the best weapon is the artillery, then it's the HMG at close range(less then 100 m) and finely the infantry at less then 30 or 40 m ... Thanks, João [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 11-18-2000).]
  7. The resolution computer can never see the movie,(unless you got the password of your enemy). If with the pbem file that we receive see a movie in our turn (movie only turn or movie+orders turn) then our computer is not the resolution computer. In conclusion, after all that work, your adversary will simply calculate a different resolution in his computer of that calculated in the "ghost computer"
  8. So far there are 2 Portuguese interested in this... I see that there are at least 6 Spanish players in the ladder... Will you do an all Spanish team ? If not what do you think of an Iberian team ? or a Luso-Spanish team for Spanish/Portuguese speakers ? João
  9. hmmm... Giving it a 3rd read to my post, maybe I was a bit harch... English is not my 1st language... I guess you could send me to read some good english books [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 11-05-2000).]
  10. Oops... [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 11-05-2000).]
  11. Colonel_Deadmarsh, Sorry man, I'm going to give you a small lesson of economics. As a consumer,(ladder/Cm), I want as much offer as possible, so I may chose what I think best for me. Concurrence doesn't do any harm to any one, it leads to better development and resource application...I could go on, in resume I recommend you to do some reading in the area of economics, start with this book, Samuelson/Nordhaus Economics. PS-The RD ladder is hardly a new CM ladder, I think it was the 2nd one after CMHQ, as it's more then 200 players can prove João [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 11-05-2000).]
  12. Hi, These are the players on the RD ladder by country: Country |||ladder+less then 3 games (total) USA |||67+65 (132) UK |||10+07 (017) Canada |||06+09 (015) Germany |||07+04 (011) Holland |||06+04 (010) Australia |||02+08 (010) Sweden |||04+04 (008) Finland |||04+03 (007) Denmark |||02+05 (007) NZ |||04+02 (006) Spain |||03+03 (006) France |||00+06 (006) Less then 5 Italy |||03+01 (004) China |||01+01 (002) Poland |||01+01 (002) Belgium |||00+02 (002) Romania |||00+02 (002) Monaco |||01+00 (001) Virgin |||01+00 (001) Portugal |||01+00 (001) Argentina|||01+00 (001) Hungary |||01+00 (001) Czech |||00+01 (001) HongKong |||00+01 (001) Russia |||00+01 (001) Austria |||00+01 (001) Estonia |||00+01 (001) +4 players from ? Total of 267 ladder players ok this could not be 100% accuracy but at least is 95% João
  13. I do not know nathing about ghost tanks, but during the invansion of France through Ardeens in 1940, the French referred to Rommel's fast moving 7th Panzer as the "Ghost Division", and the term stuck. João
  14. When I was 13/14 I played Vulcan and Desert Rats,( by R.T.Smith/ccs), on my spectrum 48k... I guess, with CM, you have a more graphical and real approach to the wargame world As far PBEM goes, I do 5 or 6 PBEM games at the same time,some players managed more others less, this way I always have a game turn to do... Since I have the game, only played 2 or 3 times against the AI.
  15. Jackson do not take me wrong, but you are a young men aren't you ? Some things in life are better when done slower
  16. Hi, Like Joeski said: "Did it spot something and reverse off?" Evident... 80% chance of this being the cause, the other 19.9% is CO error ( rong imput of orders ) GP, "...I supposed to draw an imaginary margin and keep everything in the middle of the map..." No...but if you do abuse of the map edge,(hmmm... that 100% free of enemy flank is so tasty), these things got to happen, at least a few times What did you want them to do ? To hit the map edge and bounce back in ? To stop and probably be killed ? That tank crew just said... " We prefer to live on and fight another day, this CO is n"t$ ! "
  17. Scouting !? Nonsense... The enemy is there... yes right there, go, get him ! ahhhh Banzai, Banzai, BANZAI... Nobody, no one can resist a good Banzai charge... Just charge, anything will do, a King Tiger, a Jeep a Crew... No enemy leaves this map walking ! Now after this inspiration moment, go to your PBEM and act like you have them in the right place PS-Kids, Don't try this at home ! [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 11-02-2000).]
  18. Hi, From my experience Captitalistdoginchina, "Other questions relative to points scoring: Do you also score any points for immobilizing a vehicle? Do you score any points for a "Gun Hit" ? Do you score more points for "knocking out" a vehicle as opposed to an "Abandoned Vehicle" ? Do you score any points for killing a Tank Commander ?" My answers are about moral, moral is directly linked with points ( the flags mess up a bit this thinking) The answer for the 1st three questions in short is no... you only lose moral for vehicles abandoned or knocked out. As for the last two--->Example: originally you have 1000 points, you buy a 100 points vehicle that as 5 crew members (this vehicle costs 10% of the points)... During the battle you lose that vehicle ( abandoned or knocked out), immediately you lose at least 5% moral, if two crew members are dead then you lose more 2%, these making a total of 7% lose of moral on a maximum 10% moral lose for vehicle+crew. As we can see all that noise about scouting with crews has a nice solution in the game... So we can ask, please scout my position with that King Tiger crew João
  19. Hi... von lucke, Read this topic: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/011399.html In the end of this topic you see that I've run into a wall of silence...hmmm What happened was that your armor only uses HE rounds to kill soft targets... No HE round other then MG fire and you were %%&$#&... MG fire only works on this targets at close ranges. Walter, Yes, I confirm this, in a close fight (50m or less) the German troops use the PF-60 against infantry. On the other hand, I never sow them use the PF-60 at distances more then 30m against armored targets... João [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 10-29-2000).] [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 10-29-2000).]
  20. Hi, "...large scenarios are presently tedious..." hmmm... how interesting, I only play on large maps against human opponents and never, never thought for a moment that the game was tedious...There is always a Pzschrek running between hiding, a M18 doing rally on the edge of the map and a StuH 42 in dire need of a rebuke... ) Now more seriously, have you tried to play against an human foe ? I myself only played 2 or 3 times against the AI.
  21. Hi, Look at this post http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/011585.html I would recommend,that before making a new post, give it a go in the search function on the top right of the forum page... João [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 10-15-2000).]
  22. Hi, The CMHQ ladder is &$&$#$,the ladder master wont respond to e-mails too... so I recommend that you use the following ladders: 1) RD http://home.wanadoo.nl/edwin.vos/ 2) TH http://www.tournamenthouse.com/ 3) Gr http://www.thegrognards.com/ There are others... I think. João
  23. Hi, The changes to the 1.05 patch are written in the "README _v105.txt" file within the patch, and yes after the upgrade you can't load old games (v 1.03). João
  24. I'm not other people but they are free to join "...I'd like to see moral checks or some other such penalty for units out of contact with its HQ..." You do know that, currently they don't lose moral but they don't gain any HQ bonus as well ? HQ bonus --> Faster reaction to your orders --> Special bonus like Combat,Moral and Stealth --> Less likely to panic --> Faster they will go from panic to ok João
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