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Everything posted by Tanaka

  1. No, it is not a bug... It's a sort of a small game limitation. Do the following: Use level 2 or level 1 zoom, near or inside the building, in order to be able to target a specific point of the building.
  2. Load the game like a PBEM, then restart and load auto-save, chose TCPIP and it's done.
  3. "...had two roads running parallel to each other connected by a cross road at every single tile." It was a railroad, you didn't noticed ?
  4. Gpig, You also maybe referring to the British LRDG (Long Range Desert Group) in N. Africa front. Although they used any vehicle they could get their hands on, even German or Italian ones, the vehicle they used most was the Chevrolet "van". The Land Rover as we know it is a post war project. [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 02-15-2001).]
  5. Vanir, Maybe I wasn't that clear... We have one game limitation, that is the way the game treats unarmored vehicles, but we have different problems created by this... The problem with zooks is more a problem with the gamey recon. For example a Jeep MG should be easily KO by 10m AT team shot, but it isn't and in the top of all the AT team will be waisted by the .50 fire immediately. I know what I'm talking about, I've had some PBEM adversaries that walked every woods edge with a Jeep MG. The other problem is the long range engagement of a SdKfz (size 120) 7/1 (with it's quad 20mmm gun) with any armored vehicles with a good AT gun( M18,M8, even the Sherman...). The very good aim of the quad 20mm will score many hits and even if it can't penetrate the armor you are in with a good chance of a gun hit/immobilization... On the other end you are using a more expensive vehicle that in reality could fire a 700m/s AP shot with reasonable chance of hitting (size 120), currently they are incapable of doing this. What they use is the HE ammo, if (and a big if) they have enough HE ammo, what could not be true, specially in the case of TD like M18 and if the battle is not in the beginning. Any way, I don't call it cheating, I call it exploitation of a game limitation. I can leave with 1 or 2 of this vehicles, but when you see in a 1500pts battle 3 or 4 of them ... Also is good to notice that BTS have some how put down this problem with the patch 1.11 and 1.12. The TacAi in this vehicles will most likely flee if they are under fire, in this way the offensive power of them is diminished. The cost of some of them went up 10%, the jeep MG can't take a passenger and finally, they had make them a bit more susceptible to HE blast (I'm not very sure of the last one, I'm to lazy to go and see on the txt).
  6. LOL That must be a great movie, a success back in the East ... Or should I say West of Canton ? Now really, never herd of it...
  7. Just a quick idea...Maybe there isn't a much improvement in the penetration of high sloped upper hull/ turret KT armor using T ammo at that distance
  8. If you find three or more of them, not close to each other, on a relatively open battlefield, you will at least start thinking that your resources employed to KO them will be very poor employed... To destroy the 3 or more SdKfz you will need at least 3 or more different artillery barrages or well armored tanks, any of these two solutions cost 2 or 3 times more then the problem... One more thing, do you really think that a well played SdKfz will come closer to your troops, so the small arms fire will start to do some damage on them ? He will start to tear them apart from distance greater then 500m , even at 1000 m they have a much greater chance to hit then any of allied tank weapons, specially if they are using HE ammo...
  9. When you hit an incoming/stopped/reversing vehicle on a 0ยบ angle 60% of the area is critical hit zone ,(on a SdKfz it is a BIG engine), what do you want to hit, the windscreen ? And remember who is the poor bastard that aims to the windscreen with a c ammo ? The biggest problem in CM with the current patch, is the SdKfz with the quad 20mmm gun and it's very high hit chance, this weapon carries a very big ammo storage. I'm not even talking of gamey recon with this vehicles... Do you have a steel meal in your town ? If you have, go there using a T-Shirt Wrong.... They melt the human flesh
  10. I don't agree with this, doing some unscientific quick thinking... In a frontal shot,when a score is made, the chance of hitting the big engine would be at least 60% and this considering that the shot was fired by a total jerk that aimed to the all of the front. In a lateral shot the chance of hitting something important (engine and big gun) would be at least 40%... Just remember one thing, in what place did this vehicles store the ammo ? Another thing, steel starts to melt at more or less 1200ยบ C, don't be near to a 1200ยบ plate of steel, the result could be at minimal a very serious burn, why do you think the zooks were used later against people ? [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 02-14-2001).]
  11. With the present CM dual system, firepower ratings and penetration equations, the above is entirely true.
  12. I can see that the timed out connection was only for me, not for the server [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 02-13-2001).]
  13. Oops... [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 02-13-2001).]
  14. hmmm... This is a very old topic, in CM, 2 things can kill an unarmored target,(Jeep; SdKfz;trucks and so on), they are: 1) Small arms fire (MG and non MG) 2) The blast of a round (artillery or gun fired) When a German/UK/USA AT team fires to one of this targets, it is using it's HE blast to try to kill it... In the case of a zook it is 6 !!! So you can guess you will have to be very lucky in order to KO one of them with it. Another example is the M18 with it's 76mm gun, if it fires AP, the AP round is using it's very low blast to try to KO the unarmored target, if it fires HE, I can assure that the 33 blast is also low to do the job correctly. Most of the time the TacAi will only fire the MG wish is very ineffective at medium to long ranges... That's the way it is... it is a game engine limitation.
  15. I'm a bit late on this topic, but in my PBEM and some TCPIP experience, never lost a single defense game and by the contrary lost most of my attacks and assaults... For sure something is wrong with me, please care to tell me what it is After the 1st pts reduction in one of the patches (think it was 1.05) I've noticed that it is even more easy to win on defense...
  16. Russia stupidity !!!... Russian stupidity won the war and defeated 8/10 or more of the German Army. Luckily for me, I know that you are a stupid American and that moste of the Americans are not like you... or I might have jumped in a stupid conclusion about American stupidity To claim that 100000000 people are stupid is really something, you must be a genius Indifference for human life !!! You shure are mad... I see you had never been in a positon where there is nathing to lose and everything to gain. The 12000000 russinas that died during the war, many of them were civilians killed by Nazis in detention camps. Do you knon that more civilian rusians died then civilian Jews in 2nd WW ?, (some were Russian and Jews at same time). I can asure you that those people loved the live as you do... It seams to me that your major malfuction is that you don't make the disticion between Russian people and Russian leaders, mainly the infamous treacherous/butcher IS...
  17. ICQ active list ---> 101693784 Most of the players there are from RD ladder, but there are some from TH and Grog and many just want a game of CM.
  18. Well... Rugged Defense ladder is Europe based and it covers PBEM and TCPIP games. http://www.rugged-defense.nl/
  19. The 2 operation you mentioned, are good examples of a "Normal" airborne troops use... The airborne troops were used to secure key strategic places behind enemy lines, taking by surprise the enemy, like Bridges road junctions and so on... When the Army linked up with the airborne troops, they were put to rest (Some of them were fighting for more then 48H). Now you can say, " but when they link up they were fighting together", but a more closer look will reveille that there was no combined strategy at Company level (Ok they had the same enemy, they didn't kill each other), once the situation was under control the airborne unit was put to rest. To see a "non-normal",(what I called "ground use"),but common airborne troops use, you can look to the German FJ. After Norway, Belgium and Crete this troops were mostly used as elite Infantry units... As for the Allies you can look to the Bulge, as Firefly stated " During the Bulge US airborne units were used as infantry because they were all that was available until Patton arrived" In CM,if you chose, for instances UK airborne you are confined to a certain type of units... Why did BTS make the things like this ? For example the 82nd did put it's effort to push the Germans to Berlin like any allied Infantry Division, but it never "rented" their platoons to other Divisions to use, Armored or Infantry ones... The KT is an entirely different meter, CM covers the Western Front after Overlord, this includes the biggest KT concentration of the war, it was in an operation on a style of 40 done in the winter of 44... I think it's called "Bulge" Why am I here wasting my "Latin", who knows, maybe I have a little hope that you could become a fine pbem/tcpip human opponent...
  20. Commissar, Above is an example of ground use of airborne units... It is very different from mixing at company level airborne platoons with Infantry platoons. I think this game is much more fun/real if we only purchase inside the troops type options
  21. AI ?!?!... Why do we need the AI, we need a strong TacAi and nothing more Buy yourselves an old modem and play against an human, there is no AI in the world that can much a human player... AI Shhh...
  22. Just a little mention... As the things are, Infantry is promptly faring the PF at other infantry targets quite often... Just as an example, yesterday I had a squad with one PF, with LOS to a pined enemy infantry (about 15m away) and a enemy Tank (the Tank was 20m away)... I ordered the squad to fire to the Tank (Open top) and the TacAi changed the orders to attack the infantry, what the TacAi did next was to fire the PF to the infantry. Edited because of some spell check [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 01-29-2001).]
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