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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Last time I invaded England the Government moved north and they kept on fighting. So you have to take more than just one space.
  2. But, but, but what about tradition? You really think I (or anyone else) post here sober? {and you’re ignore the possibilities of what a group of drunk Kniggets would do, and it wouldn’t be pretty, let me tell you}
  3. Or increased chance of no-retreat as Hitler gets loonier.
  4. Not if the Germans drop nerve gas on London.
  5. Good points Bill, I was thinking the same thing last night. There is no reason for the German player not to attack Russia in the during winter or the two mud seasons. I usually launch the assault in early winter! I don't know which would be an easier fix, reduced movement for land units or increasing the defense value during those time periods. But you would need to figure out how to apply and show it on the map for the areas effected. Would be nice if the season was shown by the date too. Simon, I've been trying about the same thing. But while I'm waiting for France to fall and moving and reorganizing the armies back to the Russian border, I take a Tank and Army to Sweden and loot it for the points. Really pays off. I leave Yugoslavia to the Italians. March one of the minor allies corps in there and all the points go to the Germans. I totally skip research too. While it's fun to play with, the demo is to short to take the chance of it not paying off.
  6. ...and to their horror saw a strange man in a dress singing and twirling around on the mountain top. Persephone</font>
  7. Sorry, Goanna, no room for Lizards at the top. Too cold. Maybe next time, when I send Seanachai off on a horse with no name. {And why does the horse have no name? You’d think if you were crossing the desert with nothing better to do, you could at least think up a name for the horse. Oh, wait a minute, it’s Seanachai}
  8. Simone...Idjit is never gone...muuaaahhhaaaahaaaahaaaahaaa</font>
  9. The Memorial Ascent of Peng Challenge (Elev. 40,000-1/2 ft.) Going on a little rock climbing trip this time. SSN's are welcome to forget their oxygen bottles. {like they ever remember to breath anyway}
  10. They gazed up at the lofty summit, awed by the mighty bastion which reared its majestic head against the cloudless sky. It had been discovered by Allied airmen during the war. The massif was in the shape of a reversed letter "M". The great peak struck fear into the hearts of the puny mortals who were soon to set presumptuous foot on those dreadful slopes. O. Totter , in 1947, had written: "The Mountain is Difficult – Severe Even – But It Will Go". The lower slopes were gay with Facetia and Persiflage, just then at their best, and the nostrils were continually assailed with the disturbing smell of Rodentia. Nostalgia, which flourishes everywhere but at home, was plentiful, as was the universal Wantonia. Higher up, dark belts of Suspicia and Melancholia gave place to the last grassy slopes, where nothing was seen growing but an occasional Excentricular, or old-fashioned Manspride. The fauna, too, was a constant delight. The Scapegoat was, of course, common, as were the Platitude and the Long-Tailed Bore. The Weak-Willed Sloth was often met, and sometimes after dark you could catch sight of the Miserable Hangdog. Persephone, in great excitement, pointed out a disreputable-looking creature which she said was a Earless Dog. Joe Shaw swore that it was not a Earless Dog at all but a Hairy Disgrace, but this may have been intended for one of his peculiar jokes. Joe Shaw's sense of humor is rather weak. He claimed that he was being followed by a Lurking Suspicion, which is obviously absurd. But he is a good fellow. Everybody was naturally agog to catch sight of the Atrocious adorC, about which so much has been muttered. As they stood there, Seanachai spoke for all, "She stands like a Goddess, defying those Grogs who would set sacrilegious feet upon her unsullied shrine". There was a murmur of agreement. In such a moment, a man feels close to himself. They stood there, close to themselves, until sunset, that supreme artist, touched the snowfields of that mighty bastion with rose-tinted brushes and the mountain became a vision such as few human eyes had beheld. But, above all, one thought was uppermost in their minds, "Will It Go?". The Expedition: Seanachai (aka – Bard, Call Sign - Binder): Expedition Leader {Kindly, dogged, reliably under-insightful, and entirely too light-hearted, wants to go high}. Joe Shaw (aka – Burley, Call Sign - Deadweight): In charge of Justicariat & Strong Man {Well known for his feats of prodigious endurance, of late suffering from high altitude lassitude, had been high}. Berli (aka – Moloch, Call Sign - Fiddler): Scientist to the Expedition {Excellent on molten magma, trying to find boiling point of ice, had been higher than most}. Persephone (aka – Shute, Call Sign – Dickie-bird): Team Photographer {Splendid on ice, frightened of Camera Obscura, had been as high as most}. Peng (aka – Jungle, Call Sign - Wanderer): Radio Expert & Route Finder {Currently calibrating the compasses, will join up later, had been nearly as high as most}. OGSF (aka – Cant, Call Sign - Patter): Linguist & Diplomat {In charge of the porters, speaks the local dialect like a native, was expected to go high}. Mace (aka – Prone, Call Sign - Ailing): Doctor to the Expedition {Livestock expert, currently down with scrapie, had been high enough}. With 30,000 Yogistani SSN Porters (there were always plenty of SSN's available, their mothers wanting to be rid of them at an early age), 375 Rudistani speaking Squires, and one Donkey in support. What's that you say? You too, feel up to a spot of mountain air? You really want to be roped to one of these intrepid explorers? Well then, pull up a chair, lad. Sit down, sit down. Get settled, light up a bowl of stunk, and please read the following for your ascension protection. THE RULES: S) Go away. O) Go even further away and fall into a crevasse. D) {***sigh***} If you’re still reading this, you’ve missed the crevasse. Try again. But if you insist, PAY ATTENTION!, or we will stake you out in front of an advancing glacier. O) This is the Peng Challenge. Challenge someone SPECIFIC, just make sure it’s not Peng. Try a newbie SSN such as yourself, not a Knigget or an Olde One. If you don’t know what a SSN, Knigget, or Olde One is, go away, do a search or sumfink, and fall into a crevasse. F) The key word being CHALLENGE, sound off like you have inherited a pair from someone other than your pet hamster. If you can’t manage this, go away, fall into a crevasse, and shout until you start an avalanche. F) Do not sound off about your pair. Try to act like you have a modicum of wit, style and panache OR Half of a Brain. If you won’t keep this thought in your Half of a Brain, we will boot it to the other Half, you will have a piton hammered into the rock-hard strata of your Half of a Brain, your climbing rope cut, and we will laugh maniacally while you crater. !) If you have any questions at all, post absolutely NOTHING! We will get back to you shortly after you expire from exposure. And the crevasse is right over there (are you starting to see a trend here?). Now, where did they leave those medical supplies?... {edited due to pre-holiday beers} [ May 24, 2002, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  11. Lucky 300. I'm going for it before one of these dang foreigners sneek in while we're all out swilling beer for Memorial Day.
  12. Thanks. I just had a chance to run the demo again and figure that out. You might want to add a small penalty for reallocating, scientists get a little ticked/disorganized when you suddenly switch them from sub research to long range airplanes.
  13. O.K. I just had an idea (I know, rare event). How about The Chamberlain Option? Basically England and France sell Poland down the river and stay random neutral like Russia does now, but Hitler gets a chance to keep on trucking to the east and try to carve out a little lebensraum. What do you think?
  14. Can I reallocate research points from one area to another with no penalty? And can I cancel all research and cash out the MPP?
  15. I have the same problem, just one more turn, please. The full game is supposed to come out in early summer, so I guess we'll just have to wait. Which brings up a question. Is that early summer for the rest of the nation or early summer for Minnesota? Cuz it's snowing in Baudette right now and I don't want to wait until August to get the game.
  16. Doh! Thanks Yorick. Note to self: Do not allow the only Italian unit around to take Yugoslavia after the Germans do the dirty work. Italy had over 1000MPP and the Germans had squat.
  17. 1. The mini-map should have some useful info in it like shading to show possession and maybe unit locations. 2. North Africa needs to be extended southward (no room for maneuver), Norway/Finland northwards, and the Atlantic needs to be wider (no real mid-atlantic gap). Might as well throw in a Murmansk convoy route to boot (allow Allied MPP's to be diverted to Russia by convoy if Murmansk is held?). 3. How do you spend Italy's production points on new units/research? Good fun, looking forward to the final version.
  18. How'd he do that? The Capt. been waving the whiskey bottle around again?
  19. Seanachai go away? Not a chance. Anybody who pens rants of that length will be back. I can see him now, just like the Little Teapot, building up pressure... {that was your cue, Persephone}
  20. You picked the scenario. And yours were all hiding in large apartment blocks overlooking about a 1000 meters of dead flat terrain, backed by Jagdpanzers and King Tigers. Guilty, but I'm going to do the same thing to Noba, so I don't care. It was kind of fun to watch a company of infantry run right by a King Tiger. Only because all your troops ran off the map instead of sticking around to let me exterminate them. The next time we play, I'm going to line your back side of the map with wire. Or maybe just your backside.
  21. MrSpkr’s head is now available. Lars – 58 Mrsspkr – 42 Axis surrender. Allied Minor Victory. Let’s hope he does better in the courtroom. Or gets run over chasing ambulances.
  22. I'll second this. I do believe a cast of thousands is required. And besides, I rather like the thought of Slappy trapped and lurching about the tower.
  23. Coming soon to a Cesspool near You!!! MrSpkr’s head on a Pike!!! Get yours now before the dogs have at It!!! Limited time Offer!!! {no warrenty expressed or implied, cash sales only, all sales final, this offer not valid anywhere grogs are present}
  24. Coming soon to a Cesspool near You!!! MrSpkr’s head on a Pike!!! Get yours now before the dogs have at It!!! Limited time Offer!!! {no warrenty expressed or implied, cash sales only, all sales final, this offer not valid anywhere grogs are present}
  25. -23) You're 23 posts early. :^) It doesn't have "Challenge" in the title.
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