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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Keep the Italian sub at least 5 hexes from Malta.
  2. Maybe his problem is he's trying to take Helsinki instead of Stockholm. While I do build birdhouses and can whistle quite a bit of Beethoven, rest easy, I can't do it while eating a pile of crackers. Try the Queen of the Night aria from Mozart's The Magic Flute for a real challenge. I land the Army to the north of Stockholm, the Corp to the south and the Tank just below the Corp. The Cruiser bombards, the Army attacks next, then the Tank. Hopefully the Corp gets to walk in, if not, it attacks for insurance. The other Swedish unit is to far away to get to the empty capital. The German unit in Oslo can be moved up to take a mine and get a quick 5 MPPs if Stockholm doesn't fall on the first try. I never attack the outlying Swedish unit, no point, just like the Dutch Corp. And no, the HQ's do not extend across water as I recall from invading England. gorski, the whole idea is speed. I use the Corps and Tanks (lots of them) to beat the clock. The HQ's can't really keep up so I don't worry about supply. Later, when the full version comes out, I imagine there will be a pause to regroup and rebuild.
  3. Tried it again at Expert level and –100. Got my arse kicked by the Russians, mostly due to getting beat up by the French and having to launch Barbarossa before I was ready as the clock was running. Sweden still fell in one turn though. Bring on the full version!!!
  4. There usually is a little pause while you move units around after the fall of France, might as well take Sweden. Not necessary but it doesn't hurt. To bad it won't work for long! It doesn't delay Barbarossa because you have to destroy the Sov Navy first anyway. Build a Air unit and use one of the Cruisers to bombard Riga and the amphibious landing is back in supply quickly. I've tried the Italians as Army Group Center but you are really leaving your rear unprotected doing that. But it's only the demo so you can get away with it. Linking up with the Finns is usually easy because the AI sends everybody south to deal with all your Tanks. Remember, all Tanks and Corps with Air support on the Southern Front, Infantry Armies to the Northern Front. You are going for the quick knockout blow.
  5. Nah, the lack-wit was smart enough to sod off. Let that be a lesson to you new Squires. It's not too late. Send a setup Buzz. Whatever, whenever (no French). I too am still trying to get rid of the memories of Crodaburg.
  6. That's at the default. It still works at higher levels but you won't get as far obviously. The sooner you capture a city the sooner you can use it to build units in. Which will help counter any attacks from your admittedly long flank later. And the Soviets are really hurting at this point. Can't wait to see the Siberian Divisions show up in the full version. It's all about the MPP's. Moscow is irrelevant as the whole country doesn't fold when the capital is captured. Rostov and Riga have a port. That's 10 bonus MPPs each. Leningrad (10 more!) should be about surrounded and ready to be starved out. And the pickings are looking ripe south of Rostov. I think the Minors will be able to starve Sevastopol out later. After a brief rest and repair it will be time to turn north and finish the Soviets off. Yep, bombard with the cruiser, attack with the Army and Tank. The Corp should walk in that turn or the next. It only didn't work once, was I ever surprised. After the Soviet Navy is gone an amphibious landing to the rear of Riga is devastating. I've never had a chance to bother with Greece really. I want the US to stay out. But in the full version Italy is going there next for the loot to build more units. Yugo's points will go for a tech upgrade for the Italians. Italy then defends in the West while the Germans finish off the East. Egypt and Iraq are irrelevant sideshows at this stage (and probably the whole game if you take Malta/Gibralter) as the goal is to knock Russia out. I'll pick them up later (maybe) when I turn back to deal with the Brits.
  7. Take France as fast as possible, ignore England, keep US out, early Barbarossa. Use MPP's from Low Countries to put two points into Industrial Tech during second turn. Meanwhile move the Corp in Denmark down to port and the Army in eastern Germany up to the port. You should have one Tank Army that had the stuffing kicked out of it in France, move this back to a port and reinforce. Embark the rebuilt Tank Army, Army and Corp and send them with one Cruiser to invade Sweden. By now France should have fallen. Hopefully you have gotten Industrial Tech. If you haven't, Op move everyone East and then rebuild units to full strength. It will eventually kick in and the longer you can wait before spending all the MPPs from France, the better. Reposition the German navy to lie in wait for the Soviets. Leave one Air and three Corps to secure Western Front and to keep the Brits at bay. Use Italian Navy to clear Eastern Med, move the Armies into southern Germany and build Tanks to deal with Yugoslavia after coup. Do not declare war on Yugoslavia, you want the US out of it as long as possible. Later the Italians will be used for Greece or as your strategic reserve. After Sweden falls or the same turn, declare war on Russia. Use the MPP's to build Tanks, Air and another HQ. Go the southern route with the Tanks and Air. You want to cut Russia off from as many MPPs as possible and get them working for you. This is the Priority Front. Use the Infantry Armies for Northern Group and push towards Riga/Leningrad. After destroying the Soviet Navy transport Army and Tank from Sweden and drop behind Riga to help secure this Front. Then continue towards Leningrad/Smolensk with Finnish help. In the South you should going gangbusters and in Stalingrad or Rostov by now, bypassing Sevastopol for later. Leave the Minor Allies to do the garrison duty/mop up whenever they join. You will be outproducing Russia at this point and in fine shape for the rest of the game.
  8. Seanachai you sweaty gnome, drop me a line and I will be more than happy to take you out on the Lake and push you in. I spent the weekend immersed in the water with a cold beer in hand, watching the scenery at Big Island. I have revised my opinion of ski boats after watching one fetching bikini-clad stenographer demonstrate what the pole is really for. Nice to hear you're having a good time. You can't swim, right?
  9. Correction! Today is a Wednesday as we have Thursday and Friday off. Unless you're an Australian, in which case every day would be a Monday I suspect.
  10. Soccer is to Americans as deodorant is to Europeans. We know what it is, but can't be bothered with it.
  11. "Constitutional reform in the Kingdom of Sweden" A topic so dull it makes you fall asleep just reading the title. Very sly, Dorosh.
  12. With that pic I'm sure you'll be playing Finger Puppet Theatre for less time than a 15 second commercial. And no, the Pool does not want to know about your casting couch.
  13. I think it should be $5 as I’m going to need the other $20 for beer to get me through the first night of playing the final release.
  14. Who are the little pillocks in the yellow hats?</font>
  15. You're right. They should skip the nationalism and just beat on his chest.
  16. Yep, that's us. We let the "Wonder how we'd fight the Jerries without those Liberty ships" crowd do all the fighting</font>
  17. I don't know what's worse. The fact that he's in a tournament. The fact that it's Gunny Bunny's tournament. Or the fact that he lost to someone named "Buff".
  18. This just in from the battlefield: The forces of all that’s good in this World – 68 Noba – 32 Did I mention he played this scenario before?
  19. Hmm, it’s the only thread on the General Forum started by Hiram, but then, you are Australian. We prefer it that way. O.K., so that part’s true. Tis fated to be, I’m afraid. But just for you, my little upside-down lizard. Hey Panzer Leader, did you know… And the rebuttal. Hey Dorosh, how does one go about getting a girlfriend? Not often you see a man begging for his own thread to be locked.
  20. That’s the one. It had wit. It had style. It had panache. It slipped the shiv in so deep you could hear the howls of laughter around the whole board. A masterstroke.
  21. Hiram, you're a credit to the Pool. Everyone trek over to the General Forum and look at the traffic accident.
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