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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. MrSpkr and I have completed our re-enactment of the slaughter of Sedan (or was it a station wagon? no matter). It was a faithful re-enactment as I spent the whole time trying to get Pierre to actually advance and shoot at something while MrSpkr sat on a hill and counseled Fritz on the best spots to lob high explosive. It was a easy job for him, all he had to do was aim for the white flags kept at the ready in their shirt pockets. Did I mention that the rat bastiche stuck me with the French? Oh, I see I did. Well, it bears repeating. I will see you on the steppes, MrSpkr. Russian steppes, Courtroom steps, it matters not, but preferably it would be the gallow steps. Now excuse me, I have to go wash the stains out of some hankies.
  2. If you bring a flashlight and don't buy a license they're always in season. idjit.
  3. 17. But I felt about 80 that morning...
  4. And I was sort of hoping that I was Roxy.</font>
  5. And I was sort of hoping that I was Roxy.</font>
  6. Try this one. Bright morning sun behind you shining on the winter woods covered in hoarfrost. You can't see anything in the treeline due to the glare.
  7. Yes. But it leaves the idjit SSN's more confused than usual. Which we highly approve of. Now you're gettin it. All you forgot was the SOD OFF!.
  8. Something along the lines of a Civ style campaign playback at the end of the game would be nice too...
  9. Hell, I beat that by 300 points stoned and hung over. You do know that they have changed the scoring since I took it 20 years ago, don't you?
  10. I haven't beaten it on Expert +2 either. Right now I'm trying Expert +1. The sub war went well for awhile, I killed the two carriers off plus some other ships. . I also killed a lot of the transports coming across before the U.S took out the subs. England and the U.S. just invaded France and they have a lot of strong air. Just received Jet +3 so I might be able to move a air unit back into France without having it wiped. I also have the Italians sending in two tanks and two armies to aid in beating them back. On the Eastern Front I've taken Riga, Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa and the southern mines. I have had a huge pocket battle going on around Minsk and I'm trying to slowly grind them down. Hanging on by my fingernails, great game.
  11. All turns are up and out. If you didn't get one it's because you owe me one. Git.
  12. Herr Oberst, canoes flip much easier taking waves from the rear. The wave wants to push the back end around and unless you can paddle faster than the wave, you have no control. It's better to take them straight on and at a slight angle. Take it from a 20 year vet of paddling the things all over the BWCA and Quetico. We went into North Lake for the day. Great Smallmouth fishing. Had to make two portages through Little North and Little Gunflint to get back into the east end of Gunflint. Then it's a 6 mile paddle up the Lake to get back to camp at the west end. The storm came up too fast. We never had a chance to make for shore. And the shore is solid rock. [ August 13, 2002, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  13. That's the best part. The 17 ft Tournament V with a 80 hp engine was at the dock on the west end of Gunflint.
  14. [/serious mode ON] Time: 6:30 P.M., Sat 10 Aug. Location: East end of Gunflint Lake, U.S./Canada Border, 1/2 mile from shore. Weather: A Wall of Torrential Rain, moving fast from the West, 5-6 ft. Whitecap Rollers, 40+ mph Winds, Visibilty - Nil. Fishing Buddy: Screaming like a Little Girl that he has a Family. My Poor Ass: In the back end of a friggin' 17 ft. Canoe, a foot deep in water, J-stroking like crazy to keep the bow into the wind, yelling at said Fishing Buddy that if he wants to see his wife and kids again instead of the bottom of a 300 ft. deep Lake, he'd better shut his piehole and PADDLE! Always nice to survive your birthday. It's good to be alive. [/serious mode OFF]
  15. I knew Roxy was Al Haig all along. {bolded because he was president for what? a half hour?}
  16. A sing-song you want, is it Seanachai? Roight then, O Canada! That foul and hateful land. True wintry loathing in all good men command. With nauseous hearts we see the source, The Frozen Boreal, barren and a place to pee. From far and wide, O Canada, We'd like to put the *BOOT* in thee. Berli keep their money worthless and away from me. O Canada I come to piss on thee, O Canada I come to piss on thee, Now that I have all my assault boats working again I will be descending on the Canucks like the wrath of the righteous. I will of course be staying on the civilized moose-free side of the border at {censored to keep you lot from calling the Mounties, down bauhaus, down, they are cops in clown suits and they will...oh never mind, have at 'em, they'd probably enjoy it, see if you can get 'em honkin...} and only crossing when vast quantities of beer demand my patriotic duty. And let me tell you, this Remote Entry Permit B.S. deserves to be pissed on. Friggin Canucks, if they think I'm driving all the way to Grand Portage and paying $50 to fish their side of the lake for the day, well, I for one am drinking lots of beer, arcing one to their side and we can argue if I'm actually in Canada or not at that point with a suddenly sodden border guard. To all who are winning, your turns will be placed on floppy disk and tossed into the campfire to warm my soul while I shout curses at the wankers to the north. To those whom are losing {and you know who you are, Simon}, your suffering will recommence when I return on Tuesday. P.S. – To those winning. It is my birthday this weekend. Why don't you get me something I want and surrender. Hosers.
  17. I think CMplayer is rubbing off on Mace. Err, maybe I should rephrase that…
  18. And listing the Justicar's e-mail addy hasn't gotten him/her/it many dates, either.
  19. Shoot straight and don't miss. Nice to see old Panzer Pete is finally paying off for you.
  20. I think he just wants to be sure she wasn't on the East German Swim Team.
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