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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. No, no, no, lad, you can trust me for a quart of whiskey. You just can't trust me with a quart of whiskey.
  2. Too obvious planting them in the middle of somewhere. You'd expect that.
  3. ham, can you recommend a good English text on the Continuation War? Perhaps a Finnish translation? I've never been able to find a really good one that didn't deal with it in a wholly ancillary manner.
  4. Really? I believe I got a top hit with the arty. The rest of you assertions are...um...mere lies, yeah, that's it....
  5. Ditto. Except that bastiche Papa Khan is whipping me. Mostly because I have less TANKS.
  6. "A Frozen Hell: The Russo-Finnish Winter War of 1939-1940" by William Trotter. Raven25, I suggest you pick up a copy as you seem to have bought into the myth of the UberFinn and are sadly misinformed on the subject.
  7. LOL, the Finns were well supplied. What histories are you reading? The Finns were short on almost everything. Funny, I thought they were about to crack and Tanner signed a hasty peace treaty before they were overwhelmed. You seem to have the same pipe dreams the Finnish Cabinet had of receiving help from the Brits and French. They were never going to get any men or supplies in time to do any good.
  8. Wow, they couldn't save it and had to scrap it in order to get your stench out, that is of historical note. Couldn't even convert it to an Aussie sheep transport.
  9. It was one of the better ones. You'd think drinking 198 proof liquor would be a little cleaner on the impurities, sheesh...
  10. The example you are giving is of the more northern portion of Finland and what you're talking about is tactical mobility, which wouldn't show up at this scale. I doubt the Finnish army of the time could have moved more than two SC hexes into Russia and kept their troops supplied. Excepting the Leningrad area of course, where there is at least a road/rail network.
  11. Played this one as Germans in PBEM and got slaughtered. Spoiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If I were to do it again I'd wait for all the reinforcements to show up, then rush up a map edge using the cheap tanks to create a masking dust cloud for the good stuff. Once on the flanks of all those guns you should be able to roll them up as they aren't all able to hit you at once.
  12. No, the PDA. Not even dalem is geeky enough to use a PDA...
  13. I always hated that song. dalem you bastiche, now it's going to be stuck in my head all day.
  14. A little Gas-X will fix that old man. In other news, dalem has been utterly smited in the rune scenario "The Most Offensive". Er, or somfink. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. Despite dalem's gamey use of laser sighted Stuarts and Fireflys, despite his desperate gamey first turn rush towards the town in the center with clanky troop carrying things, despite his spite, I have crushed him like he hasn't been crushed since being turned down for the prom. By his mother. rune, you wanted a write-up on the scenario, here it is. Needs more cowbell.
  15. Patience, lad, patience. Something this good needs to be savored...
  16. It has been sent. I put CMAK in the subject line so don't go mixing it up with all that SMACK porn that you usually get. Wouldn't want to get back a sticky turn...
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