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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Model - Field Marshal. Nicknamed Hitler's Fireman. Suicided at the end rather than surrender. Jodl - Chief of Operations at OKW. Never had a field command during WWII. Signed surrender documents, then we hung his ass. See? Easy to keep them straight.
  2. If the shame of you hasn't done her in yet, she's got it made. Obviously a strong woman. Although, you could put a sack over your head to ease the strain for awhile. Just saying. Here's wishing her the best.
  3. A lot. A heck of a lot. Just read any of Churchill's quotes on the fate of two great empires coming down to something called LST's.
  4. There's a quote you don't see every day in reference to the IJN... As I said before Edwin, I'd just drop the MPP swap between Ger/Japan. Neither side had enough shipping to make it feasible, and by the time you're in a position to do it, you'll be sending fleets and armies to each other anyway. About game over at that point. What would be interesting if there was some way to sell tech advances back and forth between the two, a la HOI. Quite a bit of that took place.
  5. I'd just like to point out that at least one of you has seen the light. Ok, it might not be the brightest bulb in the box, but still... Anyhow, i've been made a knight by Queen Emma and now i've got support of Seanachai , now, how much more forumpersonalities do i have to harass in order to get some recognition? I mean, how can i not be knight? Me? The one everybody knows ? </font>
  6. For China, you'd just make it contingent on control of the Burma road. For the Japanese oil, think that would be reflected by US subs sitting on the convoy routes. Just make Balikapan-Tokyo a "biggie".
  7. You'd have to up US, Britain and USSR obviously. British MPP's would be contingent on control of places like India and Singapore. For that matter, so would Benelux's. Also Edwin, Vladivostok received Lend Lease shipments on Russian flagged ships throughout the war. So you'd better keep that one for a USSR production center, plus, it would be good for the USSR to have something hanging out there at risk. Don't think I'd add 5 tiles to the US. I'd add them to the other side for the rest of the CBI. As for Japan and Germany swapping MPP's , I'd just disallow it. Never happened historically anyway.
  8. If you can get it done under the current map, go for it. But, looking at a map of the Pacific compared to the European theater, think you're going to need 130 x 76 (or better) for the second one. The Pacific is sort of more "square" compared to the rectangular European theater. Could just widen the European one and adjust the transit times around the Horn to match. You're gonna need an arrow for Panama too, btw.
  9. Wonder if you could some how tweak it to use two different campaign maps and use the PBEM files to send stuff between theaters. i.e. first you play Europe, then load over to Pacific.
  10. DOH! Dont you hate missing the original post?!!!! </font>
  11. Was there one? Damn, I missed it. Dude, write the way you like to write. If others don't like it, well, eff them. It's still a free country last I checked.
  12. Coincidence that I just found this? The ultimate tool for preparing SSN's for the Pool Remember, if you're going to use the thumb, at least give flowers.
  13. The first post makes some interesting points. The only thing I would add is you also need a random map. Let's face it, we all know the best invasion routes and chokepoints. But on a random map? What if there was a land bridge to England? Or perhaps the Channel is only the width of a broad river? Well, you see what I'm getting at. Anyone can run a campaign with a history book in one hand. But throw out the Atlas, and suddenly that history book is no good anymore. Probably gonna be the best part of SC2.
  14. Posted this over at the Windjammer Forum. Thought the Ladies of the Pool might enjoy it. Chris & Shary's 1 Week Wedding Cruise - Feb 2006 Friday Travel…ugg. Up at O' Dark Thirty. It's a long way to Grenada from the frozen tundra of Minnesota. But finally getting off the plane and into the humidity makes it all worth while. Get into the Mariposa, throw on the swimsuit, and down to the pool for Carib's. Oxford from the Yankee Clipper shows up and the party goes rather late. 2 or 3 AMish… Saturday Up early and to the beach! The womenfolk support the general population of Grenada, the men hang out in the surf and drink more Carib's. Clean up for dinner (think I put on clean flip-flops) and it's off to Patrick's. Great food as always, highly recommended. I introduce the newbies to the joy of bush rum and the party goes rather late. Somehow, I just didn't catch the time on this one… Sunday Pack up and get ready for the ship. Catch a van, head over to the Carnage, and there's the Mandalay. We still have plenty of time to kill, so we book the cab driver for a tour. Same guy as two years ago believe it or not. Up to Annandale Falls we go. Hordes of people and vendors as there's two foo-foo's in port. Get out of there quickly and further up to Grand Etang we go to stay ahead of them. The soon-to-be new stepdaughter's one wish was to see monkeys. And next thing you know, here comes a troop of Mona's wandering up the path. Think she burned a little film there. Back down the hill we go, stop at the fort for a bit, then it's finally time to get on the ship for Stowaway Night. The usual check-in stuff, after which Captain Fernando moves the ship out as we are really rolling against the quay. The launch was getting a beating on the concrete. And the party goes rather late…are you starting to see a trend here? Monday Finally, time to go. The Yankee Clipper beats us off the mark and gives us a gun, but we're soon right behind her. Volunteers!!! Sit back and enjoy watching the newbies. See, guys? I didn't lie too you. Beautiful as always. We have calmer seas than the last two week trip, which I heard had twenty five footers. However, still running about eight. Not good for a first sail for the two motion prone in our party. After a few hours, they're a little green. Sit them on the fantail and feed them ginger ale. We pull in to Carriacou for dinner, which helps a lot. Then it's up hook, and off to Bequia overnight. Tuesday Don't think anyone got much sleep last night. Not used to the motion yet and we're still in the Christmas Winds. The divers go off and report back that it's too choppy for the snorkel safari, so that's canceled. Eh well, Port Elizabeth is a favorite. Plenty to do in town. In we go and the womenfolk get serious about boosting the economy. Eventually, the sun wins out and I talk them in to going down to the Frangipani for Carib's. Later, it's back to the ship, clean the sand off my flip-flops, and I'm dressed for dinner. Mac's for Lobster Pizza. Even better than the last time. Bring back one for 1st Mate Duane. Seems soooomebody in the crew (or all the crew) ate the one I sent back for him last trip. This one is properly hand delivered to the bridge. Movie night tonight, which sort of put a crimp into partying around the bar. Oh well, needed the sleep anyway. Wednesday 5 AM the hook comes up and we're off to St. Vincent. Just don't know how I missed that sail raising event. Oh yeah, comfy bed. But I heard it at least. When I finally climb out of the sack, we're tied to the pier in Kingstown. Send the newbies off on the speedboat tour, me and the bride go to the Fort and Botanical Gardens. The bride is an avid gardener. This is good for her. I may never have to mow grass again. There may not be any left after she's seen this. However, it is steaming hot in the Gardens, and we're hungry, so back for lunch and swizzles we go. Speedboat and Jeep tours come back later. Raise sail for Bequia again to get out of the swell for dinner. While we sail the Seahunt takes place. Three way tie for Miss Mandalay. These guys must have all took pole dancing lessons or something. After a great dinner, PPP party. The bride is a Pre-Teen, I'm a Pervert. The rest of the costumes shall remain nameless to protect the guilty. Up hook afterwards and away we go to get to the Tobago Cays at first light. We stay up way too late tonight as the stars are really out. Incredible. Almost like being up in the Boundary Waters in the winter. Thursday Pull in to the Tobago Cays. Grab a bottle of champagne and head for the beach. Nothing better than drinking champagne on the Tobago Cays. Still to choppy too for good snorkeling though. Somehow, I didn't really miss it though. You never get enough time on the Cays. Back to the ship, around Salt Whistle Bay we go, and we're at Mayreau where the Yankee Clipper is waiting. Pour the shot into her sides. Seems we interrupted their Captain's nap. Later, they attempt to get even with a water balloon slingshot. Bunch of limp wristed old women over there, didn't even come close. We man the rail and present a proper target to express our feelings. They still miss. It's TIME. Today's The Day. Getting hitched. Don't know who's more nervous, us or Captain Fernando. It's his first wedding. Off we go to the beach to pick out a good spot. Going to be beautiful pics. Mandalay and the Yankee Clipper in the background, us on the beach. Captain Fernando does a fine job and the crew did too. Baked a cake for us and set up a table full of champagne for everyone. Can't thank them enough for making it a truly memorable day. Later, as we're heading back to the ship Captain Fernando points out a guy selling lobsters to me. $20 for a big three pound plus live lobster. In the bag he goes for the beach barbeque, I'm eating good tonight. As I mentioned, both ships are here, so we have quite the spread tonight. General feasting commences. Afterwards, it's time to climb the hill for the pub crawl. Instant wedding reception, just add passengers! Friday We head over to Union to clear out of the Grenadines, and suddenly, it's last sail. Where did the time go? Definitely a two weeker again next time, I'm just getting into this. Raised the square sails as we're pretty much headed straight downwind. Ride is a lot easier but we're still rolling pretty good. Arrive back at Grenada in the dark and tie up next to the Clipper. Tonight, the party goes with a vengeance, we have to use up those doubloons!!! Saturday Quiet ship. Most have departed for early flights. We, however, have another night at the Mariposa. Make our goodbyes at noon, swear we're coming back, and sadly head out. Get to the Mariposa. Surprise! Seems the pool liner sprung a leak while we were gone. No Problemo. Back to the beach. Beach is always better than pool in my book. Dinner and a few drinks, then to bed. We too have an early flight. Sunday To the airport. Drone on the prop job as the sun comes up. San Juan. Drone on the big jet for the afternoon. Orlando. Oh dear god, look at all the children. Stupid Mousetown. Drone on a small noisy jet for the evening. Home again at O' Dark Thirty in 10 degrees. At least it wasn't snowing. And here endeth the tale. Till next time…
  15. Old modulator/demodulator ripped out. Even older one put in. Rather like how Shaw got his job, eh?
  16. You know, this joke would almost have had a chance if I hadn't already mentioned I was barefoot. And if somebody else had typed it, of course.
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