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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What about the Seven Years War, Danish-Prussian War, Austro-Prussian War, and Franco-Prussian War? They did okay then. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Those weren't real wars.
  2. This, I take it, is a subtle hint to read the cesspool on a more regular basis, eh? Boy, you people freak me out. A lot. ------------------ You wouldn't know the dust of Thermopylae if it came up to you, handed you a business card reading "Dust of Thermopylae, 480 B.C.E.", then kicked you in the shins. -Hakko Ichiu
  3. CavScout, If you don't know the enemy is there, the only indication you will get, IIRC, is the sound of gunfire. No targeting line, no tracer. ----- You wouldn't know the dust of Thermopylae if it came up to you, handed you a business card reading "Dust of Thermopylae, 480 B.C.E.", then kicked you in the shins. -Hakko Ichiu [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 08-25-2000).]
  4. So why post something like this? Why not a question about the frontal armor on the Sd Kfz 7/2? Or the best use of half-squads. Or Gebirgsjager vs. Fallschirmjager? This thread is just the thread you bemoan. Oh whoa is the message board! ------------------ You wouldn't know the dust of Thermopylae if it came up to you, handed you a business card reading "Dust of Thermopylae, 480 B.C.E.", then kicked you in the shins. -Hakko Ichiu
  5. Granted, you are responsible for my qoute but I must disagree. You cannot argue that because there were other high quality soldiers, the Germans were not. However, I will argue that the German super-soldier is a myth started by the Roman Empire after their defeat by Germanic barbarians. I mean, think about it, the bloody Germans never won a war after that! 2000 years, people! ----- You wouldn't know the dust of Thermopylae if it came up to you, handed you a business card reading "Dust of Thermopylae, 480 B.C.E.", then kicked you in the shins. -Hakko Ichiu [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 08-25-2000).]
  6. I was playing against Freyland on a 1250pt night-time probe into a town. He brought 8 or 9 HTs and every turn followed this sequence: My guys open up. Bang, pow, bang. Everyone in the 3rd freakin Army opens up in response. My guys run, panicked! and routed!. I was fortunate to land some 300mm in some lucky spots and pulled out a draw (Ha!) cease-fire. ------------------ You wouldn't know the dust of Thermopylae if it came up to you, handed you a business card reading "Dust of Thermopylae, 480 B.C.E.", then kicked you in the shins. -Hakko Ichiu [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 08-25-2000).]
  7. Scott, Though I'm sure it may feel like it at times, I, and others, don't see this increased vulnerability you describe or amazing accuracy of the MGs on the tanks.
  8. I cannot turn my sword on my native country. Who, pray tell, would you fight for, Steve? ------------------ You wouldn't know the dust of Thermopylae if it came up to you, handed you a business card reading "Dust of Thermopylae, 480 B.C.E.", then kicked you in the shins. -Hakko Ichiu
  9. Pzvg, I think what these guys are missing is that feeling to truly lose a war. Shelby Foote mentioned this in his books, that southerners are the only Americans to know defeat. He discounts Vietnam as being too isolated and too far away, both physically and psychologically. We southerners got beat, handily, by some of the most despicable and effective tactics in modern history, militarily and politically. As a result, we have a social understanding of war and defeat that most Americans don't. My family got killed and scattered, just like the Germans, Russians, Poles and Chinese. My cities were burned and subjugatged. Its hard to have respect for what that means to a people when your people haven't gone through the same thing. So cut 'em some slack, when we sack New York in the next Civil War, they'll begin to understand. You wouldn't know the dust of Thermopylae if it came up to you, handed you a business card reading "Dust of Thermopylae, 480 B.C.E.", then kicked you in the shins. -Hakko Ichiu [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 08-25-2000).]
  10. I think BTS is the best developer/producer since the old days of Sierra On-Line. Now if only they would create a development kit for the mod community (A la Valve)...
  11. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the way, I do play as the Allies. I play mostly the US side. I've learned new respect for the Sherman tank when used properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That would be not at all, right?
  12. Sorry I didn't search... And here I thought I had a sufficiently esoteric topic. :0 My new (And first) qoute, which was originally unattributed due to my overwhelming incompetence: You wouldn't know the dust of Thermopylae if it came up to you, handed you a business card reading "Dust of Thermopylae, 480 B.C.E.", then kicked you in the shins. -Hakko Ichiu [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 08-25-2000).]
  13. The only time I've seen increased vulnerability is with Crack and Elite tanks, as the TCs are much too brave, which I guess is to be expected. It seems that you have just been having poor luck.
  14. Guys, I was wondering if anyone had information on this group. From what I understand, they were an elite formation in the Theban army and were defeated by Phillip of Macedonia. I've heard some amazing stories about them but never any hard facts.
  15. Tankersly, I agree with you wholeheartedly, good post!
  16. Please lock it up. And it was a joke. A funny one. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 08-25-2000).]
  17. Calvin, I'm loathe to respond to your argument, primarily because you don't listen to other's arguments. Its not obvious, or there would be no debate. As to complexity, anything of such magnitude is complex. This is why it garners such diverse reactions. Your simple response, and others like it, is a knee-jerk reaction bred into you so you didn't have to waste any time thinking about it. That's fine when you're eight but when you're an adult, you have to approach complex issues with a healthy amount of respect. The demonization of the enemy has a long, long history. German barbarians, Sumerians, Hittites, Yuan, sub-Saharan Africans, Indians, Incans, Aztecs, Conquistadores, American Indians, Loyalists, Federalists, Confederates, More American Indians, Aermenians, Turks, Belgians, Imperial Germans, Imperial Japanese, Communist Russians, Nationalist Chinese, Nazi Germans, North Koreans, VC, Colombians, Iraqis... et al from the beginning of time to now. Let's remember that groups are only useful for the census, that groups are made of individuals and individuals all have positive and negative aspects. Don't give me any of this crap about issues being simple or obvious.
  18. Dr. Brian, I've posted this in a more intellectual way, you've chosen to ignore it, so I'll be blunt. Your stereotyping of people with Nazi usernames and your ardent defense of your position are for more like the conduct of those you are bashing, unlike the thoughtful and open minded responses of the people trying to tackle such a complex issue. Your simplification is the same thing the Nazis did. TankDawg, Your point is taken but realize that is a socialized response and another simple answer to a very complex question.
  19. (Please note that this post in no way is meant to demonstrate that TankDawg is dumb) (Oh, and don't you love the fact that you could write a REALLLLLLY slanderous post and then, after getting your enemy in a huff, change it to a post about fluffy bunnies.) Bobby Lee was Robert E. Lee, Confederate overall general during the American Civil War. He fought even though he believed in Union and abhorred slavery because he felt his honor demanded he fight for Virginia, his state. Dr. Brian, You cannot condemn an entire people, even singling them out based on era, because of their actions as a state or class. This is irresponsible and is the primary reason why the Nazis managed to do so well politically. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 08-24-2000).]
  20. Kind of like ol' Bobby Lee during the American Civil War, eh?
  21. ROTFLMAO! We can have an 800+ post on hamsters, a dozen 50+ posts on Brinnel numbers and mantels, but AI is boring. I am now going to go to alt.binary.ai and begin a discussion on the proper August 3rd, 1945 camo pattern for British Airborne squads to see the other side of this case.
  22. We're getting progressively off-topic but keep in mind that racism wasn't even a bad thing back then. Fact is, WWII is what made racism "Bad", along with Nationalism and aggressive war. Before that, it was ok to whack Armenians because they were Armenian, discriminate against blacks and aborigones, beat up Jews, etc. When the "Free World" went to war with the Axis, it was necessary to paint everything they did as bad, so as to justify Dresden and Tokyo. The result of this was the demonization of nationalism, racism, eugenics and a dozen minor philosophical bents. I'm amazed that American propagandists did such a good job that you are now attacking people for wanting to play Germans (With all their admittedly cool toys) or having German nicks.
  23. The Firefly's superiority in this case comes from placing a tank with a fast turreted 17 pounder against an unturreted SPG (TK?).
  24. That is NOT, repeat, NOT a hoax. The Combat Mission/CAWG virus will render all other application unusable. It will also render your friends, jobs, significant others, hobbies and everything but Combat Mission unusable. Whatever you do, do NOT open the Combat Mission virus, the only thing known to get rid of it is the CM2 virus, which is reportedly even worse.
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