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phil stanbridge

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Posts posted by phil stanbridge

  1. I am just getting ready to start this battle. I faced almost all my units towards the right side of the map. Gonna head near the right side of the map on fast or quick. Then face towards Soliers,shroud it in smoke and arty fire. Then storm into Soliers in hopes that some of the German guns will have less of an advantage at shorter range.

    No way am I gonna try to send my units through that gap. Monty can take a hike!

    Keep us posted - I'd like to see how you get on. I moved the majority of my units to the left flank and tried to gain ground there - so I did it completely differently. I didn't like the open terrain in the middle either which I predicted would be ideal hunting ground for AT guns/tank destroyers. Part of my problem was compounded by the fact I spent too long trying to rout the Germans from the village when I should have been concentrating my armour in hull-down positions. But that will teach me to read the briefing properly!

    Upon reflection I should have sent a much larger force towards the right hand flank and occupied the village there, and I should have sent my FO to the top of the steeple, but I see the Germans had similar ideas ;) I made quite a few mistakes. There's always a next time :D

    Has anyone played this as the Germans - I fancy a bash but not if the AI rushes everything forward within a few minutes.

  2. What a totally amazing battle - absolutely superb! Thanks for creating it.

    I've just been thoroughly beaten by the AI!

    I lost 63 tanks! 63 tanks and 157 KIA. I inflicted 270 KIA and 5 tanks destroyed, but I knocked out 38 armoured cars. I've never seen so much hardware on screen at once. I attempted to focus on one flank, thinking I would be clever and fool the AI but I obviously chose the wrong flank! It was packed to the rafters with Pioneer and armoured cars plus a few Marders and Wespes. I did eventually capture the first village but I couldn't outflank the counter-attack. I lost the majority of my Shermans to the Panthers over open-ground. Bloody hard to kill at distance. I tried my best to out-flank the Panthers but I was unlucky. Even my air support didn't really help. Anyway, that is definitely the best scenario I've ever played using any CM game. Incredible!

    What's really interesting though is how different this feels due to the terrain. There are no scenarios with this much space on the map and it really adds another dimension to the game-play. Whereas before you could quite easily disable a Panther with infantry if you were close enough over distance you really see the superiority of the German tank.

  3. I've just played an enormous scenario - colossal crack, on Warrior mode. Absolutely stunning battle but I have noticed the AI targetting commanders more and more. I lost quite a few until I started to group all my vehicles and automatically button them as soon as I entered any built up areas. I must admit, although I am losing lots of commanders to small arms I am not seeing any infantry assaults with grenades like I did pre-patch. I realise this isn't anything scientific but it's interesting all the same. What I'm saying is that although commanders are much more vulnerable out of the hatch so to speak the tanks themselves appear less vulnerable in close quarters. I think the commanders to small arms could perhaps be toned down a tad.

  4. Many thanks to ALL scenario designers who worked on the CW module. I have played through a few and they are absolutely amazing so far. They've given me hours of fun. They are much improved over the stock scenarios, particularly the largest ones which seem to feature much more open terrain. Great for long range tank battles. Breaking the Panzers was good but I'm loving Colossal Crack, and considering its size it plays like a dream! It's nice to see the largest scenarios being offered. They are stunning and in my opinion it's what CM was designed for.

  5. I know it's a contentious subject guys, and by supporting Juju it doesn't mean I have forgotten about any of the other modders. Far from it in fact. But the point is, Juju appeared to be in two minds about buying the module - now I realise he didn't take that much persuasion in the end, but I just thought it would be nice if we could at least show our appreciation for his investment in the game. After all, if he didn't buy it then we wouldn't be looking at his glorious screenshots. It's as simple as that in my eyes. There is no alterior motive to this.

    If people are uncomfortable with this then I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

  6. I thought this needed bumping! Can you arrange a little pot for us to throw some pennies in Phil?

    Thanks Juju. The game wouldnt be the same without it, as we've all been reminded of since the release of CW.

    Except this time you've really gone and done it, now your never going to be allowed to stop modding!

    Sure consider it done. I've already contributed so if anyone else wants to, send paypal gift to pdstanbridge @ hotmail.com

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