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ASL Veteran

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Everything posted by ASL Veteran

  1. When I was stationed in West Germany back in the day there was a US military convoy driving along the roads to return to post from a field exercise of some type or another. Well, apparently a member of the Soviet embassy decided he wanted to have a close look at what the US was driving around in and he kept dodging in and out of the convoy taking pictures. Eventually getting fed up with this behavior two large US trucks coordinated while the Soviet car was between them. The front truck slowed down dramatically while the truck behind him continued on until finally they stopped and trapped the Soviet car between them. I remember seeing a picture of it when I was in Germany. I don't know for sure if the entire story is true or not, but I do remember people hanging around our Air Defense missile site brazenly taking photographs even while we were looking right at them. There was a small access road of some type that passed along in front of our barren hilltop missile site and they would just drive along the road, stop, get out of their car and just start snapping away like they didn't even care. I think there is picture in the Soviet archives somewhere of me waving at a Soviet spy.
  2. Alright Elmar, so you think that you need to be protected from the Fox News agenda (whatever that is) by having Fox News taken off the air. So Elmar, do you watch Fox News every night? If you don't watch Fox News every night, or even any night, then Fox News hasn't been very effective in brainwashing you have they? If you do watch Fox News every night and you need Fox News taken off the air to protect yourself from their brainwashing, then either you don't know how to use a remote control or you don't have any other news options available. I find both of those options to be unlikely. So, somebody help me out here. Why do you suppose someone like Elmar might want to take Fox News off the air?
  3. So what is the ultimate objective of Fox News then? What is the Fox News 'agenda'?
  4. So ...... just so I can understand .... if you, "Costard", "Elmar", "DieselTaylor", etc start watching Fox News regularly then you will get brainwashed and have your world view and fundamental system of beliefs altered to match those of Bill O'Reilly?
  5. It would be an improvement over continuous real time gaming - which incidentally is the only option currently available other than PBEM. I think that if you think in terms of what's available in CMx2 now rather than what was available in CMx1 (or whatever your preferred end state is), then I'm sure you would find TCP/IP We Go without movie playback as a nice addition to CMx2. If I remember correctly the goal would be to include movie playback later, but to include it without movie playback just to get the feature into the game earlier than would be possible if movie playback was added as well. Anyway, I'm sure that if I've made any errors Steve will be along to correct what I've posted.
  6. I seem to recall a post that Steve made a while back where he said that they would try to get TCP/IP We Go into CM:N without movie replay if they could, but from the responses by the beta testers it sounds like that hasn't come to pass. I was left with the impression that getting TCP/IP We Go into CMx2 was on the agenda though. It just might not be with the initial release of CM:N. There would be obvious advantages to that addition from a scenario balancing perspective for BFC at a minimum so it would seem to be in both their interests and ours to add that 'feature'.
  7. Even before the war I'm not sure the US had an Anti Tank Rifle so yeah, it's probably a good assumption that he meant AT Rifle Grenades. Anyway, this just reminded me of a time, probably 30 years ago, I was playing Tobruk with a friend and an acquaintance of his who was new to wargaming. I was playing as entrenched British defenders and I had a lot of Boys ATRs. Naturally the ATRs were almost totally ineffective against their tanks and I guess I complained about it or something. My friend's acquaintance then loudly declared "Well what do you expect when you've got a bunch of boys firing your anti tank rifles!" Yes, he was being serious when he said that.
  8. The game is looking very nice! I like the "ASL American" green color for the US icons. That does appear to be the exact shade of green as the US cardboardtruppen use in SL / ASL.
  9. No, not an expert. I'm just aware of what's happening, and if you read HG Well's "The New World Order" and "The Open Conspiracy" then you would be aware of what's happening too. It's not an accident that the students protesting in the UK desecrated various things that are associated with British Nationalism. The statue of Winston Churchill, The monument to British war dead, The Prince of Wales etc. It's by design. Ultimately though your opinion of my lack of intellect is irrelevant because like water wears down a stone, individual European nationalism and sovereignty is wearing down over time. If you fail to see it, then that's your issue not mine.
  10. I don't want to get into a big debate over immigration, but there is a definite purpose to the immigration issue. Immigration is a 'problem' by design not by accident. It's not just that it's immigration, but it's the way the immigration is taking place. You have to think 'outside of the box' in order to see it though. No, I don't blame the immigrants either. What happens if you have a large population of "immigrants" who the political classes of your nation are allowing to set up shop in your country without asking them to integrate into your nation culturally? First it erodes your nation from a cultural perspective which serves to diminish and destroy your national identity. Second, you have a large population of people living in your nation who do not share your cultural identity and who have very little allegiance or connection to the nation that they are now living in. Therefore, if these persons also become wards of the state and they have managed to destroy your national identity to a large extent, when it comes time for the IMF or the EU to bail out your nation because it can't pay it's bills, these people would be happy to demonstrate and protest in the streets in favor of totally erasing your national identity and merging your nation into an EU super state. If your nation can't pay it's bills, then the nation just needs to get bigger by merging into the EU and eliminating your national identity so the government gravy train can keep on coming. There are powerful people in European government positions who want that to happen. They dream of the day where there is no more France, Netherlands, or Germany. They dream of the day where it's just the EU super state and every other national identity dissolves. Encouraging large numbers of immigrants who do not integrate culturally and have no allegiance to their host nations can make that happen. These new immigrants will then owe their allegiance to the new super state that was created to attend to their needs. Hard to believe? Wait for it.
  11. Now then, you can’t have a New World Order if people succumb to their natural tendency to resist government control. Let’s see what HG Wells has to say about this The conception of government as bullying. This sentiment is best summed up with this quote from George Washington How to overcome this conception that government is ‘force’ as opposed to being your ‘friend’? This is important because if you can’t get the Proles to see the government as their friend it will be impossible to get them to buy into the New World Order with one world government run by the elites. The New World Order would be resisted by the ‘junior and inferior’. Why are these people rioting? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihe2Y-9e970&NR=1 They are rioting because the government has decided to reduce subsidies. In other words, the people rioting look upon the state as sugar daddy and they want their hand outs to continue. They have become dependent upon Government for their well being. This is the key to unlocking the problem of getting the Proletariat to buy into the New World Order. John Maynard Keynes was a professor of economics at the London School of Economics. The London School of Economics was founded by the Fabian Society (Progressives). Let’s have a look at Keyne’s economic theories http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=afq2007#p/u/27/VoxDyC7y7PM http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=9915 Essentially Keynesian economics involves the government or the state pumping money into the economy in order to ‘stimulate’ demand. That’s pretty convenient when you consider that one of the objectives of the New World Order is to get the Proletariat to think that government is your friend instead of being your oppressor. I think Nancy Pelosi sums up both Keynesian economics and the purpose behind it nicely in this clip here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAhmYKlsWW4 The bigger the welfare state becomes and the more the common folk are dependent upon it the more they will become a tool of the government and a willing participant in the creation of the New World Order. This is how the Open Conspirator wants the common folk to view the government. I think this will be my last post on this topic. The links to "The New World Order", "The Open Conspiracy", and "Anticipations" from HG Wells are there for anyone to read if they choose to. Is there something to it? I don't know and I'm not really trying to convince anyone that there is. It's a fact that the Fabian Society - at least before WW2 - was pro Eugenics. I believe that the NHS was brought in by a Labour government in 1948 and according to the Fabian Society's own website every Labour PM has been a member. Quite honestly I've been waffling back and forth as far as what to make of this stuff. I'm just putting some stuff out there for people to make up their own minds. I was only able to make all these postings because I was already familiar with the Fabian Society before I found HG Wells' books. There are even articles in the Daily Telegraph about HG Wells and George Bernard Shaw from just a few days ago so there really isn't anything I've posted that is 'secret' information. You can easily find all kinds of stuff on the Fabian Society if you choose to look. If someone can make a case that there is nothing to it then I think I would be happy. I honestly would. I guess maybe that's my purpose in posting this stuff. I'm hoping someone can show me that it's all bunk and I can rest easy. Just saying the analysis is mediocre and that I'm tilting at windmills doesn't really add anything though because you haven't specified where the mistakes are and why you think that way.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXSvV57oB3k Did you see that? Democracy is much too messy for the New World Order and would have to be tossed in the ash heap of history “in a polyglot world a parliament of mankind or any sort of council that meets and talks is an inconceivable instrument of government”. The New World Order would have to be managed by “suitably equipped groups of the most interested, intelligent, and devoted people”. No doubt HG Wells feels that he is qualified to be one of those individuals. No doubt he also feels that you and I aren’t smart enough to be one of those people or to be smart enough to elect the right kind of person for one of those positions of authority. Therefore an ‘enlightened elite’ would have to run this New World Order utopia on our behalf. A utopia which is based upon “Science” as explained here Yes, you read that right. The world community of our desires requires a deliberate collective control of population as a primary condition and in order to achieve that women can be tranquilized. Once they have control of ‘breeding’ the Open Conspirators can discourage the birth rate of ‘specific types’ as the community may consider desireable. So who else might not be welcome in the New World Order? Let me repeat this part “the organized world community conducting and ensuring its own progress, requires a deliberate collective control of population as a primary condition.” A primary condition. Oh yeah, remember George Bernard Shaw? Yeah, let’s have another look at him. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED What would be the best way to advance the ‘primary condition’ of the ‘organized world community’? What better way to ensure ‘proper breeding’ than to provide the Proles with healthcare? Remember that the deliberate collective control of population is the primary purpose of The Open Conspiracy. You see, if there are people who get cancer the best thing to do is to make sure that those people getting cancer don’t breed and create other people who may get cancer. You cure cancer by ‘breeding’ cancer out of the human population. No, you shout! That is not what making health care a right is all about! No? Well let’s look a little deeper shall we? Let’s have a look at what HG Wells said in his book “Anticipations”. You can see the entire article here, and there is a link near the end of the article where you can download the actual book or read it online. http://oldthinkernews.com/Articles/oldthinker%20news/hg_wells_anticipations_of_the_new.htm Let’s check this article from the CATO institute here regarding the new US healthcare law http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=10469 Here is an article from the Heritage Foundation about the UK’s NHS among other things http://www.heritage.org/Research/Reports/2009/02/Comparative-Effectiveness-in-Health-Care-Reform-Lessons-from-Abroad Let’s put a few quotes side by side and have a look at them. First from The Heritage Foundation article. Now let’s take a look at George Bernard Shaw and others (taken from this site, http://www.worldfuturefund.org/wffmaster/Reading/Biology/Eugenics.htm ) And HG Wells? Hmmmmmmmmm. Of course the best way to ensure ‘proper breeding’ is to control the birth of ‘undesireables’ in the first place. Margaret Sangar has some opinions on that. And The wealth of the state is being diverted by children? Now where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, now I remember Here is a video that does the juxtaposition for you Of course, we all know about John Holdren, Obama’s “Science Czar” http://zombietime.com/john_holdren/
  13. Even if the new Fabian learns about the subjects listed above, there is still the matter of religion to deal with. Got that? Religion is the antagonist of self and encourages individualism through individual salvation “gravitation of our interests to ourselves” as opposed to “the collective”. That means in the New World Order the religions of the Old World Order have no place since you cannot give your life to the processes of social reconstruction of ‘the collective’ and still have religious beliefs that are rooted in individualism. Time to revisit a partial quote that I put up earlier http://johntaylorgatto.com/chapters/9a.htm So individual salvation that is taught by traditional religions must be eliminated and replaced with collective salvation in order to make people a willing part of the collective Naturally then, if you didn’t believe in individual salvation and your ‘God’ was the New World Order then you would have trouble reading the declaration of independence which states that our rights come from “Our Creator”. A thousand points of light. Where have I heard that before? I do remember but unfortunately I can’t find a video of it so I’ll leave it to the reader to search for it (hint, US presidential debate). HG Well’s says that the new world religion will be the New World Order itself. HG Well’s call for a world religion though has been advanced recently. Let’s have a look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2I_HGOls4s Wow, religion as a force for “Progress”. Very interesting. The reason HG Well’s offers up the idea for the New World Order as a world religion in and of itself is because He says the New World Order must be the new World Religion because religion is the desire for service and for subordination. In other words “I give myself” to the collective. A believer in the New World Order will also not be persuaded to change their minds about the New World Order because “The explanation of why things are is an unnecessary effort in religion”. In other words, once you are a believer in the New World Order then it will be impossible to change your mind with facts of any kind. The desire for service … hmmmm So there it is. Progress is to be achieved by the ‘Open Conspirators’ having a religious devotion to their cause of creating a New World Order. So the obvious next question is what this New World Order will look like? My next post might be a bit controversial, and I thank you for putting up with my postings so far. My objective is not to debate but rather point out some things and let you guys decide for yourselves what to make of it.
  14. Where would this progress need to be made first? You see, once you have ‘evolved’ enough you will then come to see that a New World Order is required in order to save humanity from itself. What subjects must the awakening Fabian learn? Those topics look surprisingly modern. It appears that we are still grappling with those issues even today. He further expands on the importance of “education” in “The New World Order” If you are smart enough you will see the necessity of implementing the New World Order. If you aren’t smart enough, well then the Fabians have … ahem …. other plans for you. Younger people don’t have a lifetime’s worth of experience to draw upon to form their opinions thus making them malleable and easy to influence. Here is an example of some students who have probably been influenced by Fabian teachings. Since HG Wells mentions symbols let’s have a look at some Fabian symbology from here http://wc0.worldcrossing.com/WebX?14@@.1de0be86/9 I’ll get back to George Bernard Shaw in a bit, and I don’t necessarily subscribe to the link between the Fabians and the war on terror. At least not in the way the author implies. For now, just remember that the symbols are a turtle, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and that George Bernard Shaw and Sydney Webb are striking the earth with hammers. You will see an image of the window later. Continuing on http://johntaylorgatto.com/chapters/9a.htm The Wolf in Sheep’s clothing is probably a reference to being hidden in plain sight. John Maynard Keynes taught economics at the London School of Economics and that should explain why he is the patron saint of all things economic to those in government who are big spenders.
  15. I’m not going to credit those quotes just yet, but you will see the sources a bit later. All bolding below has been added by me. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. What does that mean exactly? “We are the ones” is probably either referring to Obama and his staff or advisors or perhaps himself and the audience, but what about the ones who have been doing the waiting and what are they waiting for? It could be members of the audience, but I would propose that Obama is referring to some ‘backers’ or an ‘organisation’ of some sort of which Obama is a member. HG Wells was a member of a quasi secret society. He even wrote a book about it titled “The Open Conspiracy” http://www.orwelltoday.com/wellsconspiracy.shtml The books Open Conspiracy, Anticipations of a New Republic, and The New World Order are not works of fiction, but rather a detailed description of how HG Wells would like the world to be and an accurate reflection of his political leanings. The organization that HG Wells was a spokesman for is known as The Fabian Society and The Fabian Society is still active in UK and commonwealth politics to this day. Here is a link to their UK website http://www.fabians.org.uk/ Here is how they describe themselves on their website This all seems pretty vanilla stuff. A few key words jump out though. The first thing that should jump out is “progressive politics”. What exactly is “progressive politics”? Progress implies that they are heading somewhere and have some sort of end state or destination in mind that hasn’t been reached yet. They also state that “all Labour Prime Ministers have been members of the Fabian Society”. However, other politicians have described themselves as “progressives” and should probably be considered as Fabian Society members or sympathizers. Here are some examples: You may have noticed that the two people identifying themselves as “Progressives” in the links above are not members of the UK Labour party. So we know that Fabian Society members aren’t necessarily members of the Labour Party in the UK. This might explain that second to last sentence, “It is affiliated to the Labour Party but is editorially and organisationally independent.” Indeed. Let’s check in with HG Wells on what “Progress” means from his book “Open Conspiracy”. Wow, who wouldn’t be in favor of progress? I guess that all depends upon whether you think progress is needed or not. Of course, he hasn’t describe exactly what the endpoint would look like yet, but he explains why “Progress” is necessary. The origins of this demand for Progress comes from Darwin. http://johntaylorgatto.com/chapters/9a.htm So what would HG Well’s world look like if “Progress” reached it’s ultimate endpoint? The first thing that would have to happen would be to encourage a sort of ‘grass roots’ open conspiracy in order to enact the appropriate changes. He describes it this way Assuming you were intelligent, first you would wake up and say ‘let’s make the world into a great world civilization’ where the interests of the individual as individual are without significance, and then you would proceed to carry out the realization of that goal in plain sight. It would be a conspiracy that was hidden in plain sight.
  16. Incidentally HG Wells wrote another booklet entitled "The New World Order" which can be found here http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/new_world_order_hgwells.htm New World Order....New World Order .... where have I heard that before?
  17. I found this rather interesting book / pamphlet while surfing the other day. It was written by HG Wells back in the 1920s and this is his revised version from 1933 I believe. I think you guys should give it a read - a very careful read. http://www.inlex.org/stories/wells/opencons.html#10
  18. Unless you are a journalist, Putin is the most gentle, nationally gregarious, and peaceful man on the planet so I don't see any reason why he would want to launch an attack on the US just because Palin was elected (I doubt she will run anyway). Incidentally treaties aren't voted on in the House. Treaties are only voted on in the Senate.
  19. I wasn't running for office in this election :confused:. It's also interesting that you would equate a discussion about economics with politics. Yes, very interesting indeed. That would actually be worthy of a thread all on it's own.
  20. I sent a save file to Normal Dude for my half of the turn. Thanks for looking into it.
  21. I'm playing in a PBEM game in the CMSF base game in the scenario Al Amarah and during my last couple of turns when I was planning my moves I happened to glance down one of the streets where I had killed some insurgents earlier. I noticed that something looked a bit odd ... the dead insurgent was wearing full US Army kit!! :eek: I know I never had any troops down that way and I remember killing some insurgents in the street over there so they couldn't be my guys! When I clicked on the dead "soldier" it showed the picture of Insurgent Fighter but the body on the map continued to show up as a US Soldier. It's been like that for at least two turns. Does my opponent have insurgent infiltrators in his ranks ready to confuse my troops at any moment? Unfortunately I can't seem to make a screen shot of it. When I tried to Print Screen and paste it into Paint it didn't work. I do have save files from my half of the turn. I do not know if my opponent sees the body as an insurgent or a US Army soldier like I do.
  22. Well it's true that monetary policy may not be where Keynes spent most of his time, but money printing for the purpose of creating inflation is probably more directed at the demand side of the equation and that's why it would fall into the Keynesian area in my mind. Maybe it's "new Keynesian" Obama and all his economic advisors are Keynesians and if you want to know what a true Keynesian thinks just read one of Paul Krugman's articles from the New York Times. However, I'm not really going to debate the point as my expertise is in Finance not Economics. I found another article about Keynes here for those interested http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=9915
  23. Here is a pretty decent video for you http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=afq2007#p/u/27/VoxDyC7y7PM It's anti Keynesian, but he breaks it down in a simple fashion and he hits all the high points. Quantitative Easing is briefly mentioned at the 3:14 mark or thereabouts. I am not a Keynesian so the views in this video are views that I share. Others are free to disagree of course .
  24. Well I posted the video because I thought it was funny - not because I wanted to start a serious discussion about Quantitative Easing. The article linked is probably a worst case scenario for Quantitative Easing gone bad. Quantitative Easing is pure Keynesian economics so if you are interested in reading articles on it just do a search for Keynesian Economics or Keynesian Quantitative Easing and you can find all kinds of stuff on it. If I find something about Keynesian economics that won't put everyone to sleep I'll put a link up.
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