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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. The tradition continues! ****** ROW Tournament Rules The deadline for submitting scores is June 14th ****** AAR’s and their role in ROW ROW stands above other tournaments as a tourney where we want to get all strands of the CM community playing (as yet) unreleased top quality scenarios. It offers a great reward for those who win the finals. For this opportunity to win wine and play scenarios not yet released to the general public the production of AAR’s is the price of your admission. If you fail to produce AAR’s for your games you will be excluded from playing in the finals. This simple change is designed to ensure that other players and scenario designers get some constructive feed back from your experience. To help you write an AAR here are some suggested headings or areas to cover. The Plan. What did you intend to do with your forces? How did you read the map? Explain your views on what you might be fighting against. How did you plan the game before starting to play it? The Reality. What happened? How did the plan survive the initial contact? What changes did you make to it? What went well what went poorly? Lessons Learned. What would you do differently? What worked well and badly for your opponent? Designer Notes Provide feedback to the designer. What did you like about the design? What would you change with the map or forces? The Effect on Final Scores Bonus points will be added to your final Tourney Score if you submit AAR's. Remember no AAR means no progression to the finals. Each full credit AAR will be worth 4% of the highest player's tourney score (before adding his AAR's). If you write five full credit AAR's you will receive additional tourney points equal to 20% of the highest player's tourney score. AAR's will receive either full credit or half credit. You must write more than just a few short paragraphs for full credit. We will let you know if an AAR is too short soon after you send it to me. You don't have to write a book either. Just cover the areas listed above and you will have it cracked. You could choose to write a piece on a scenario that is more of a Scenario review than an AAR if you want. The main thing we're looking for is constructive feedback. IMPORTANT How to Submit an AAR 1) AAR’s should never be sent in with game results. Send them in a separate email. 2) AAR’s can be .txt, .doc, or .pdf files. Do not write them in the body of an email. 3) AAR’s should not be more than 4 MB Uncompressed. Screenshots can cause you to go over this limit easily. We would recommend the .pdf format if you want to include several screenshots. 4) In the subject line of emails containing attached AAR’s, write your Username and the scenario name. For example: Madmatt, The Ambush Further Explanation The primary purpose of the AAR's is to provide the scenario designers with feedback on their work. If you've ever designed a scenario for the community, you know how rare it is to get this feedback. Writing AAR's is one way to express your thanks to the designers. Even negative feedback is welcome as long as it's constructive and not mean spirited. Another thing AAR’s do is help people learn to improve their tactics. Every scenario is played 36 times in a tourney such as this. There are 36 other people who had to deal with the same tactical situations you did. It can be very instructive to learn how others handled things, especially if you did worse than most. (BTW, all the AAR’s will be sent to you upon request once you have completed your games.) Lastly, by writing an AAR (or review) you are doing the community a small favour. This is because the designer can tweak the scenario based on feedback before releasing it to the community. Having a scenario played 36 times by 72 different people is a great test of a scenario. We think it's safe to say that very few, if any, scenarios get that degree of testing before they are put out to the public. Those of us who enjoy these tournaments need new scenarios (security). In return for these scenarios the designers should get the feedback they like. The Prize To help encourage AAR’s this year there will be a prize for the best AAR as judged by the players and organisers of the tourney. Not a big prize but something that will be worth winning. Your choice of any issue (still in print) of the magazine After the Battle. Check this site for details of this publication: - http://www.afterthebattle.com/ab-con1.html AAR UPDATE PLEASE READ ---> IMPORTANT INFORMATION Great news people are starting to send in their AAR's. Bad news is that I need you to provide a set header as explained below: - Please right at the start of the AAR very clearly do the following: - 1. Your Player Name (this is what you signed upto the tourney as.) 2. Your opponents Player Name. 3. Your Group and Section. 4. The name of the Scenario. 5. Your E-mail Address for responses about the AAR. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS I will e-mail you and ask you to re submit it. I do not have the time to try and find out who you are. I need to file it as it arrives quickly and with the minimum of bother. There are far too many of you and games to add this potential burden! Please also send the AAR's direct to me. Do not send it to Kingfish or Spanish Bombs and expect them to send it on. We are trying to keep the flow of work to a minimum. All AAR's can be sent here: - Holien(at)9woodford(dot)Clara(Dot)Co.uk N.B. The AAR prize is open to all players who play the scenarios during the timeframe of ROW and write an AAR and submit it to me using the guidelines above. (It is not eligable to staff). We will be judging them on style, content and message. It does not have to be perfect English but you need to convey the message and we will try our best to understand you if English is not your first language. If in doubt please ask friends or native English speakers to check it for Typo's and use of language. We will not be judging it on spelling but on what it is saying and we need to understand what the author has typed! UK / US English differences will be tolerated. Any questions e-mail me. ****** Current replacement list: Replacement List: ON DECK: Nestor In the hole: Levitacus Next in order: John Osborne MG42 Vorishilov herrbixx Enqvist sandy AC BigMik1
  2. 120 days from the launch date (Feb 15th) which puts the deadline at June 14th
  3. 120 days from the launch date (Feb 15th) which puts the deadline at June 14th
  4. 120 days from the launch date (Feb 15th) which puts the deadline at June 14th
  5. I need 'The high cost of real estate' in order to finish out the ROW I battlepack. I tried the depot, as well as my own hard drives. No luck. If you have it please e-mail it to me. I greatly appreciate it.
  6. I need 'The high cost of real estate' in order to finish out the ROW I battlepack. I tried the depot, as well as my own hard drives. No luck. If you have it please e-mail it to me. I greatly appreciate it.
  7. ...secretly jots down a reminder to award Ace Pilot a couple of extra bonus points...
  8. Trust me, if the Nabla system was nothing more than a straight average then Jarmo and Treeburst wouldn't have bothered writing this. Here is the nuts and bolts of how the tournament is scored, which btw is copied from the manual I listed above: This is what the scoring program does: 1. It rst looks for scores that do not add up to 100 due to contested/unoccupied VLs, and split the dierence between the players equally (this is for CMBO, note that in CMBB CM points always total 100). For exam- ple, a nal score of 70-20 would be converted to 75-25. Scores will always add up to 100 after this adjustment. There is a very good reason for doing this involving agreements between players designed to maximize their scores. Perhaps you can gure it out? 2. The median score for each side of all the scenarios is determined. 3. The dierence between a player's score and the median score for the side he played will be determined for all scenarios. 4. The standard deviations from the median scores are determined for all scenarios. This value will always be the same for both sides of a given scenario due to step 1 above. 5. The dierence from the median will then be divided by the standard deviation resulting in the \normalized dierence from the median". 6. The normalized dierence from the median is then assigned a Nabla score for the scenario. This is done with a formula created by Nabla that is at work inside the scoring program. 7. The average of all a player's Nabla scores (one for each scenario) is then determined, resulting in the player's nal tourney score. The high score in each section is the winner of the section. Step #1 is really not needed, as all scores add up to 100% in CMAK.
  9. Not a river per se, but you may want to look into the German's assault on some of the forts at Sevestapol. IIRC, one involved an amphib assault across the bay.
  10. Correct Incorrect Yes, there is. Go here, scroll halfway down and read the section titled 'The Modified Nabla scoring system'. This will give you a basic understanding of how the scenario score (the one you send to me) is taken, then compared to all the others scores of the same scenario and side, then calculated to achieve your tournament score. Keep in mind that this scoring system is being updated as we speak to include the full Nabla program, not just the modified version. So, to answer your question, your tournament score is much more than just the tactical victory that the scenario awards you. That is only taking into account how you did against your opponent. In this tournament you must also do better than the other 35 players.
  11. But of course. You do understand that one of these scenarios is 'Sounds in the Night'. I accept no responsibility if you download it and accidently open the gates of Hell.
  12. They were involved in the battle for Primasole bridge in Sicily, as well as the capture of Taranto in Italy. Try the time period July - Sept '43. IIRC, there was also a battalion sized drop in Tunisia sometime in Nov / Dec.
  13. Also in the works: Two versions of the Alpha battle. One set in '43 in Tunisia, the other in '45 in Italy. The entire ROW I battle pack A CMAK remake of South Hertogenbosch, a huge 4km x 6km operation set in the Netherlands, Oct '44. About face #3, the last of a 3-battle CMBO series. [ April 01, 2004, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  14. SPR Check out the German equipment link.
  15. Just submitted 'The battle for Falaise' to the depot. It was originally going to be released thru Boots and Tracks, but with the switchover to our new site we no longer have room for our CMBO scenarios (which numbers in the hundreds when you consider Rune's and Wild Bill's contributions). Enjoy, and please let me know what you think of it.
  16. Games finished as of 03/27/04: South of Vevi Jbertles vs Ankulin Wellsonian vs The Capt Victor Charlie vs Flammenwerfer Things that go bump in the night Ankulin vs mPisi jbertles vs Steve McClaire Vadr vs The Capt Wellsonian vs Sgt Kelly PHL guy vs Overkill Sripe vs a1 Steaks Londoner vs Ace Pilot Cuzn vs Melnibone MickOZ vs Victor Charlie Jaws vs Heavy Drop Dangereous Dave vs Capitano Gino OWL vs Wadepm Larsen vs EMIG Squeezing the Melon Redwolf vs Steve McClaire Vadr vs Sgt Kelly Sripe vs Determinant MickOZ vs Flammenwerfer Capitano Gino vs Walpurgis Night OWL vs Larsen Frontier Firefight '40 Steve McClaire vs Ankulin Redwolf vs Jbertles Enoch vs Tychus Determinant vs A1 Steaks Scheer vs MickOZ Flammenwerfer vs Michael Dorosh Pacestick vs Jaws Walpurgis Night vs Alsatian Wadepm vs Larsen Retreat from Metemma Redwolf vs Ankulin Wellsonian vs Vadr PHL Guy vs Enoch Cpt T vs Sripe Nolloff vs Determinant John Kettler vs Londoner Flammenwerfer vs Scheer Panther Commander vs Brent Pollack Dangerous Dave vs Walpurgis Night Larsen vs Nidan1 41 out of 180 total (22%) In case you missed the announcement, Jarmo Hurri a.k.a. 'Nabla', has returned and is currently tweaking his famous tournament scoring program so that I can run it off of excel. What this means is that we will be using the complete Nabla program to score our tourney, not the modified version that was used in ROW III.
  17. Games finished as of 03/27/04: South of Vevi Jbertles vs Ankulin Wellsonian vs The Capt Victor Charlie vs Flammenwerfer Things that go bump in the night Ankulin vs mPisi jbertles vs Steve McClaire Vadr vs The Capt Wellsonian vs Sgt Kelly PHL guy vs Overkill Sripe vs a1 Steaks Londoner vs Ace Pilot Cuzn vs Melnibone MickOZ vs Victor Charlie Jaws vs Heavy Drop Dangereous Dave vs Capitano Gino OWL vs Wadepm Larsen vs EMIG Squeezing the Melon Redwolf vs Steve McClaire Vadr vs Sgt Kelly Sripe vs Determinant MickOZ vs Flammenwerfer Capitano Gino vs Walpurgis Night OWL vs Larsen Frontier Firefight '40 Steve McClaire vs Ankulin Redwolf vs Jbertles Enoch vs Tychus Determinant vs A1 Steaks Scheer vs MickOZ Flammenwerfer vs Michael Dorosh Pacestick vs Jaws Walpurgis Night vs Alsatian Wadepm vs Larsen Retreat from Metemma Redwolf vs Ankulin Wellsonian vs Vadr PHL Guy vs Enoch Cpt T vs Sripe Nolloff vs Determinant John Kettler vs Londoner Flammenwerfer vs Scheer Panther Commander vs Brent Pollack Dangerous Dave vs Walpurgis Night Larsen vs Nidan1 41 out of 180 total (22%) In case you missed the announcement, Jarmo Hurri a.k.a. 'Nabla', has returned and is currently tweaking his famous tournament scoring program so that I can run it off of excel. What this means is that we will be using the complete Nabla program to score our tourney, not the modified version that was used in ROW III.
  18. Games finished as of 03/27/04: South of Vevi Jbertles vs Ankulin Wellsonian vs The Capt Victor Charlie vs Flammenwerfer Things that go bump in the night Ankulin vs mPisi jbertles vs Steve McClaire Vadr vs The Capt Wellsonian vs Sgt Kelly PHL guy vs Overkill Sripe vs a1 Steaks Londoner vs Ace Pilot Cuzn vs Melnibone MickOZ vs Victor Charlie Jaws vs Heavy Drop Dangereous Dave vs Capitano Gino OWL vs Wadepm Larsen vs EMIG Squeezing the Melon Redwolf vs Steve McClaire Vadr vs Sgt Kelly Sripe vs Determinant MickOZ vs Flammenwerfer Capitano Gino vs Walpurgis Night OWL vs Larsen Frontier Firefight '40 Steve McClaire vs Ankulin Redwolf vs Jbertles Enoch vs Tychus Determinant vs A1 Steaks Scheer vs MickOZ Flammenwerfer vs Michael Dorosh Pacestick vs Jaws Walpurgis Night vs Alsatian Wadepm vs Larsen Retreat from Metemma Redwolf vs Ankulin Wellsonian vs Vadr PHL Guy vs Enoch Cpt T vs Sripe Nolloff vs Determinant John Kettler vs Londoner Flammenwerfer vs Scheer Panther Commander vs Brent Pollack Dangerous Dave vs Walpurgis Night Larsen vs Nidan1 41 out of 180 total (22%) In case you missed the announcement, Jarmo Hurri a.k.a. 'Nabla', has returned and is currently tweaking his famous tournament scoring program so that I can run it off of excel. What this means is that we will be using the complete Nabla program to score our tourney, not the modified version that was used in ROW III.
  19. Any unit withdrawn (or routed) off the map in an Op is lost forever.
  20. How big a scenario were you thinking of creating? I have one that features a reinforced regiment per side, and that is plenty big.
  21. Map size I believe is 24 square kilometers, and that may be only for Operation maps. Ammo loadout is dependent on unit type. Turn limit is 120 turns for scenarios. I think 20 battles for Operations. Army size is really dependent on the total number of units allowed on a map, which I believe is 256 (although I'm not sure if that is 256 per side or total).
  22. My goof. All is fair and Raff to the Rescue are both included in the CD, so they shouldn't link to B & T. Serves me right for submitting a scenario before I had my morning coffee.
  23. I've just submitted 'The Baksan Bridgehead', 'All is Fair' and 'Raff to the Rescue!', although the linking URL did not show up. I'll have to contact the Admiral about that. Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I need a good kick in the butt
  24. First post is edited to include tourney deadline and Holien's updated AAR rules. As for starting 2 threads, I would prefer to keep things in one location. If we need to cut down on the number of postings then we shall do so, but if it's not bothering anyone then let it ride. As for asking one of the board admins to make the ROW thread a sticky, while I would love to see it, I feel that there are other threads that deserve that status more than we do (Bug thread comes to mind). Besides, its not like we have a problem staying on page 1
  25. First post is edited to include tourney deadline and Holien's updated AAR rules. As for starting 2 threads, I would prefer to keep things in one location. If we need to cut down on the number of postings then we shall do so, but if it's not bothering anyone then let it ride. As for asking one of the board admins to make the ROW thread a sticky, while I would love to see it, I feel that there are other threads that deserve that status more than we do (Bug thread comes to mind). Besides, its not like we have a problem staying on page 1
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