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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Correct. The graphics are merely the representation of the action that has already been decided prior to the start of the movie. The small blue bar prior to the movie is the actual turn being calculated by the computer, including who killed whom, etc.
  2. You are probably right about the FG42 at Cassino, but in any event CMAK does not model this weapon (AFAIK). A check of FJ units in '45 only shows the K98, MP44, MP40 and MG42s.
  3. According to CMAK, a full strength Fallschirmjager squad circa March '44 consisted of 12 men, 6 armed with the K98 rifles, 4 armed with the MP40 SMG and 2 with MG42 LMGs. The platoon HQ consisted of one man equipped with a pistol, 1 with a MP40 SMG and 2 with K98 rifles.
  4. yacinator, Gamey play is a tricky subject, since what may be considered gamey to one opponent is ok to another. My own stance on it as tourney organizer is to not get involved in referring games because someone complained about gamey play. If you have a pet peeve, spell it out beforehand with your opponent. The only way you can be disqualifed is if you drop out for no reason, cheat (which is not the same as gamey play) or if your $250 tournament application fee does not arrive to me in time. Walpurgis Nacht, It is available at the depot. Go get it, and discover the joy of getting slaughtered in the land of Olympus!
  5. A couple of Dali paintings would stop any infantry assault in its tracks, if only so they can try to make some sense of it.
  6. HQs are the only units that can spot for onboard mortars. By using them as spotters you can place the mortars out of LOS to the target, and still fire on it. HQs also carry binoculars (in CMBB and CMAK), thus being able to see farther and identify enemy units quicker. Keep in mind that mortars that fire indirectly cannot fire at a particular target, but instead can only use area fire at a specific spot on the map.
  7. Rune's "Totensonntag" or however it is spelled. Wild Bill's "Ariete the Ram" Richie's "First taste of Honey" Edit: I should add that the first two came with the CD, and the third you can find by clicking on my sig. [ January 05, 2005, 06:36 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  8. You would be hard pressed to find many games in CMBB that used up 15 slots, much less 30.
  9. I plan on doing a CMAK scenario or Op (can't decide) on the battle for St. Lambert-sur-Dives. Still in the research phase. You should check out Andrea's "To the last man". It is a CMBO scenario on this battle.
  10. Almost sounds as though you didn't do a full install
  11. Almost sounds as though you didn't do a full install
  12. Update time To date we have 23 players, 4 scenario designers, 7 testers, 1 sponser (very important), and probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-8 scenarios in various stages of development. Just so everyone knows, this tourney will only have CMBB & CMAK scenarios. Personally I would love to include one from CMBO, but most were against the idea (some no longer have the game).
  13. While not classified as an "AT round", these two examples are without doubt the most effective AT weapon used in WW2: Accuracy sucked, but their blast factor sorta made up for it
  14. GAJ, I need to add those who reply to my e-mail contact list. If they reply here it adds another 3-4 steps to the process, and with 80+ replys...
  15. Relax This isn't the official announcement. This is just an attempt to gauge what interest there is in the community for another ROW tourney. We are planning on launching it sometime in Feb, real life permitting, but we still need a few pieces of the puzzle to fall into place. Obviously you all are one of those pieces. Therefore, I would like to hear from you to see what kind of interest there is out there before we begin organizing the tourney. Keep in mind that this is not the signups. That will come later, and as with previous tourneys will be conducted on a first come / first serve basis. And as with previous tourneys the vets will get first dibs at a slot. By all accounts it appears that CMX2 will be released sometime in the late fall / early 2006, so this will be the last ROW tournament using the old engine. Given that, we are contemplating using both CMBB and CMAK scenarios for the tourney, as sort of a last hurrah. We'd like to hear your take on this idea. One more thing, Please do not post your interest in playing the tourney here. Instead, e-mail me directly at the address listed in my profile. Simply let me know that you are interested, and that you have no problem playing both CMBB and CMAK scenarios.
  16. Better to go with a larger force of lower experience level. The cost for 2 platoons (crack and vet) + 1 M8 HMC in July '44 is 429 points. By lowering the infantry experience to green you can buy the following units for the same price: 2x green platoons 4x reg 60mm mortars 1x reg M8 HMC cost - 421 points or 2x green platoons 2x reg M4A1 mortar carriers (190 total rounds of 81mm mortar ammo) 2x reg sharpshooters cost - 430 points
  17. You are correct. From the link I posted earlier: "Main guns were six French 194m/m 1870 model last used during World War I by French army as railroad battery"
  18. According to this site they only saw service in the Eastern and Western Fronts.
  19. A Jaeger platoon is a close match for the Volks SMG platoon, while a Luftwaffe Fusilier platoon can be used in place of the VG rifle platoon. Jaeger: 2x Rifle 6x SMG 1x LMG VG SMG: 8x SMG VG Heavy SMG: 6x SMG 2x LMG LW Fusilier: 5x Rifle 1x MP 44 2x SMG 1x LMG VG Rifle: 4x Rifle 1x MP44 2x SMG 1x LMG
  20. I've just uploaded two new CMAK conversions of Wild Bill CMBO scenarios to the depot. A Canadian Confrontation has the Canadian II Corp's attacking south from Caen during Operation Goodwood. German units include elements of 12th SS Pz Div. A Rock in the Flood depicts the Polish 1st armored division's famous stand on "The Mace" during the battle for the Falaise pocket. Special thanks to Pyewacket for his excellent map conversion program. More to come Edit: More has arrived Two more scenarios are now available at the depot. Both are small, and best played as allies against the AI. Aachen takes you into the cauldron of urban warfare, where progress is measured one building at a time. This version is as close to the original as possible...with a few evil exceptions Ramelle - Saving Pvt Ryan has you assuming the role of Captain Miller, as he tries to defend Ramelle and save Ryan. You are outnumbered and outgunned, can you hold on? [ January 15, 2005, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
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