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Everything posted by Franko

  1. By the way, I have all the ASLCM scenarios that were at that site, and I will freely share them with anyone who wants them. I'm not making any money at it, and neither was that site. That site actually REVIVED my interest in ASL, until Hasbro pulled the plug. Bad Business on Hasbro's part. As a result of HASBRO's attitude, I'm not buying any ASL stuff forever. And Multi-Man Publishing can kiss my ass, too. Frank [ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: Franko ]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Louie the Toad: To Franko: How did you happen to arrive at FTCR mode of play? I just watched "The Thin Red Line" last night. The view from the ground, crawling in the tall grass and all, reminded me of our Level 1 play. I found it interesting that the G.I.'s in the film were "surprised" by terrain features they could not discern until they actually arrived at a spot where they could see them. ( I guess it was because they were in the early 40's and they didn't have a computer driven mouse they could use to fly over the terrain to scout it out while viewing the battlefield from 100m up in the air !!!) Sarcastic Toad<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I just always liked playing at Level one because it had such a hectic jumbled feel to it. Chaotic. In fact, I RARELY play back a film more than once. I just pick one spot (behind my lines of course), and play the film once. I do save ALL the turns of a scenario to play back AFTER i finish the game (then I usually go DOHHH! I screwed up that one!). IMO, its the only way to play. I never click on an enemy unit, using only the keyboard commands to swap targets. Sometimes, i never PICK the targets ..I let the A.I. do that (I mean, only thing a commander does in battle with respect to targeting is scream "FIRE! FIRE! SHOOT! SHOOT! GET UP AND SHOOT!" Usually, soon afterwards, the commander himself is shot. I just started jotting the rules down one night between scenario designs. I used them for awhile, tweaked them a bit, and thought "hey, why don't I post them on the board, just for the hell of it?" They got a good response, except for one asshole who emailed me all pissed off because I insinuated that I was insulting BTS (or whatever) because I called everyone. He shall remain nameless, be he goes by Panzerman (whoops). Its just more fun. And I lose frequently this way. I LIKE games where I lose. Frank [ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Franko ]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: ONE REPLY?!? I post a new mod and I only get ONE reply back? Geez I remember when a CMHQ update could generate 20-30 posts in just under an hour...Woe is me.... Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You guys have fallen off the radar screen. Plus, its August. I'm also noticing a degree of burnout..you should strike hard to retain your public. Frank
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rommel22: Why is it saved as a tourney version in the first palced? I have the same problem I don't get to pick sided. But oh well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> just a screw up on my part, thats all. I thought that if was saved as a "tourney", no one would be able to look at its design elements. Unfortunately, I did NOT know that it thereby excludes single player play. Frank
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wwb_99: One answer: one side as assault boats. The AI cannot handle them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There are no assault boats. However, if you would like me to send you a "non tourney" version, I'll send you it directly if you email me. Sorry for the problem. F. [ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: Franko ]
  6. Actually, a "mish mash" looks far more accurate to me..German units rarel displayed uniforming, something difficult to see in black and white photos..but look at the infantry, for example...i've seen squads of men with like a half-dozen different camo schemes, especially in 44. German soldiers in particular must have looked like a motley crew of bandits. BAD ASS bandits, of course. F.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wesreidau: Hey Franko! Please can you tell me if there are any specific scenarios already available for level 1 gaming? I`m keen to give it a shot..but would like to start out with something setup for it. I`m too scared to do anything else <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have two scenarios on Manx's sight (see link below), which come with the FTC rules. Also, I'm working on additional scenarios, to be released soon, which are ONLY FTC. If Manx's site does not work, let me know, and I'll email you the first FTC Pack. Frank
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Louie the Toad: Hi Franko, Say, I just tried clicking on your rules at the Combat Missions website. They come up for about two seconds, then the area that should have the rules goes black. Darkly Toad<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I know, I'll have to notify Manx..but he's on vacation. Hey Toad, would you be interested in being a playtester on my next FTC-specific designed scenario? I almost got it complete. F.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peter Panzer: …should it be your kink, there are a few other methods one may employ in order to ratchet the anxiety level of a scenario up a notch or two – I believe franko has dutifully listed them at some location and, in a peculiar fashion, applied his name to this style of play as though he had invented it (no doubt for clarity’s sake – multiplay agreements/easy reference and what not...) that trivial oddity aside, I must say, I completely fall in line with the refreshing sense of gameplay and the flair for the dramatic, which he too espouses… …in essence, this manner of play emphasizes a collected sense of restraint which results in countless opportunities for improvised action and a sometimes genuine sense of dismay… forming up in an opportune treeline, “baker” platoon is charged with reconnoitering a nearby hill: aside from a shallow copse of trees at the center and to the right of the crest, Lt. mcGourtney and his boys don’t have a damn clue what may or may not be waiting for them, why should you? [“Full” fog of war, level 1 perspective situated behind or in the extreme proximity of the highlighted squad/team, only troops within visual range or command radius may be issued orders, you may not “scout” the terrain with your mouse…] so, sgt. tutillo’s green as grass, 2nd squad lost their bearings while humping through the last cluster of woodland, eh? tough **** Lt., either you have 1st squad doubleback in an attempt to hussle them up or you continue pressing toward the objective, all the while cpt. jablonski continues berating you over the wireless: “…mcGourtney, your jamming us up back here son, now you get those men off their asses and up that goddamn hill…” …stumbling up jablonski’s “hill”, 1st and 3rd squads discover it is, in actuality, the first of a series of false ridges, beyond which, lay numerous wooded ravines and escarpments, generously laced with dug-in infantry and machine gun positions, as the boys from ohio would soon testify… …again, I refer you to franko’s highly detailed outline of this gameplay style, have a look, try it out, have fun… [ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Peter Panzer ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Elegantly put..but honestly, folks, I never HEARD of the IRONMAN rules. I simply compiled a set of rules to make AI more realistic and more challenging. And, I daresay, it WORKS. I lose my OWN scenarios playing FTC. By the way, my new version is coming out soon. Frank
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GonzoAttacker: First of all I must say I enjoy Wild Bills Aachen. Second did you ask Wild Bill what Part of Aachen Battle he was trying to do with battle? I believe it to be accuarte for the few streets his scenario has on it.. It gives you the feel of the tactics that were involved. It is short and sweet. Finally, There are many first person accounts of the battle and if you are too lazy to go look for them then why even try to do a scenario? Have you tried a Scenario called "Knockem All Down" you will find it at Manx's site.. It is one of the many Battles of Aachen.. Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I Agree with you 100%, Michael, for what its worth. Panzerman is just a young kid, though, so you must have patience with him. F.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Not Austrian for God's sake - I think BTS should adopt a policy of being tough on Austrians, and tough on the causes for Austrians!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Agreed..how's that saying go..the Austrians have succeeded in convincing the world that Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler was German?
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ellros: For real fun.. try Franko's Ironman rules with the scenarios he built for it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank you very much. Generally, I find it hard to recommend my OWN scenarios, but there's a few of mine out there that are rumored to be pretty good. F.
  13. CM is a fun GAME. BTS has done a good job making a GAME. Why is it that there is always some TOOL who takes himself, or his history, or whatever, so GODDAMN seriously as to provoke meaningless arguments which lead to meaningless gestures, such as "leaving the BTS board". No one on this board knows as much as they think they know, all could stand a bit more knowledge, and just about everyone could stand just a tad more civility. No wonder why many gamers don't get laid enough. Sheesh. Big deal, so the guy didn't do a "search" or advocated dead body bmps. Who gives a ****. Come back Tiger, ya big baby. And whoever provoked him into such a meaningless gesture as resigning from the board, shame on you, you big dork. Merrily designing scenarios, Franko P.S. I did a search under "Wargamers who take themselves too seriously" and found so many dildos that I just thought I'd start a new thread. [ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Franko ]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My rule of thumb is to ask myself the following question: Should my forces really be able to know this, to see this and/or to do this in actual combat? Or, as Franko says am I cheating ! Realistic Toad :cool:[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Correction..Franko says "Am I a G*ddamn cheating bastard?" F.
  15. Does anyone else think that the snow roads are far too white? Has anyone made a mod that "darkens up" the roads..I've been designing a new "Mini-Op" set in the snow and it just looks awful. Doesn't square at all with photos I've seen of the terrain. F
  16. The whole Mortain campaign is a big favorite of mine, and IMHO JasonC's analysis is right on the money. I have developed a couple of scenarios based on the Mortain fight, both of which come with my FTC Combat Pack (if anyone wants them, email me). I seriously looked into the fight at Hill 317, but I thought the scenario would NOT have worked well for CM. First, the hill as a topographical feature would be difficult to model. Second, it was mostly an "artillery" fight, where one rather amazing Forward Observer (who wrote the book "Enemy North, South, East, West") plastering the hell out of Germans whenever they showed themselves. Though heroic, its not a "workable" game. I may try again, though.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter: Ya I have been wasting the AI for some time now. I hear your rules make CM a lot more difficult against the AI. So if you would send them my way as well. Thanks Shatter<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You bet...and if all of you out there are not using the FTC Rules against the A.I., you're a bunch of godd*mn cheating bastards. F.
  18. I have received a number of requests for the FTC rules (some call them "Ironman" rules, but I still have never seen the "Ironman" edition"). I'll be happy to email a copy of the rules to anyone who requests, plus a couple of introductory scenarios. I also have submitted them to Manx's site, but I don't know when he'll get to it. Simply post here or email me.
  19. Well, as a member of the now defunct "Dirty Half Dozen," I'm sort of an indirect victim of this "criticism", but I still have no idea what sort of criticism it was..but whatever it was it shouldn't discourage you from keeping up a first rate site. Meanwhile, I guess I've been fired. Anyone need a scenario designer? Frank
  20. I am almost through with my Point du Hoc scenario, entitled "Just Beyond Overlord". Franko
  21. I also have a non-tourny version for those who want it.
  22. I also have non-tourny version if you guys want it. Frank
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx: Got it Franko...I'm in the process of uploading it now. Give me 5 minutes. Cheers!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> MANX! I just sent you the correct file..the first one was incorrect..use the second one! Frank
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