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Everything posted by Havermeyer

  1. In scenario (snip) my Tiger is in partial defilade with a building, when I hear a *plink*, and notice an object arcing up and over the tank-- nice and slow. The ricochet object lands on the building I'm parked next to. Inside is a cowering Track crew, that is now dead because of the ricochet object exploding! I rewinded this about 20 times from different angles, and though I never saw the brave Piat team-- that's all it could have been. That 10 seconds of ancillary action would likely sell 10 copies of CM after being viewed by even disinterested gamers. ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  2. 8 years ago I woke up in a cold sweat, called a friend, and lamented in the year 2000 I would be: 30
  3. If you are talking about the Second Job, WBW, I heartily agree. This is the most intense city fighting I've tried so far-- and all I've done is set up the first move in the PBEM. I've yet to learn that after the 3rd (and sometime first turn, ala Prum) all good plans of mice and men... SUCK. ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  4. I'm interested to see if the SecJob causes a pause in Juardis' tactics... Maybe a little contemplation... a little hesitation, flank consolidation, etc.... and maybe the barn door will be merely ajar to the vehicle list, rather than thrown open... SPOILX X X X X(ala prum) X X X X ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  5. Starting a coffee klatsch at the office. I’ve made a 3 in. x 2 in. clipart tank emblazoned with the letters CM, that is awarded to a PBEM winner. I tape mine at the entrance to the office to generate conversation and tweak the local player(soon to be: players). So far it is only myself and Juardis... but just wait... (BTW I’m 1-1 so far). I’ve also burned the Demo to facilitate conversion to the cult. (Have sworn no one gets the game without forking the dough over to BTS for a bonafide copy (have 1 near convert, and 2 more on the burner)) Play the Demo, read the reviews, talk some trash at the office—we should get some more players soon. Anyone else have some friendly rivalry going on in their places of work/play?
  6. Fionn-- did you get this AAR report on how to lose before the first shot from Juardis in our Prum PBEM? It was over after the first 30 seconds, but I bluffed him into playing 10 rounds (and counting, but auto-surrender likely at the end of our current turn). Juardis now 1-1 (unless WBW enabled troops in the field to order up tac nukes). ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  7. Great fun to be had in these skirmishes-of-opportunity. Fast setup and equally fast play. Someone mentioned it in a past thread, but I am a believer now! Did a 300 pointer last night, with combined arms left on, and AI unit select. Ended up with a Wespe and Track against my kangaroo and vickers! The kangaroo ran circles around the Wespe but could not get it. It was pretty funny. Needless to say, I lost that one. ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  8. BIG BELIEVER IN SHARPSHOOTERS!!! They are great little devils for recon and disruption. They can button up tanks (and/or kill the commander), and as mentioned previously good for flanking. I follow the sharpshooter rule. Once in position, he has 1 minute to acquire and kill before he moves. Another nice feature-- he can be used to create infantry markers which can be used to decoy an opponent into believing a force exists where one actually does not. ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  9. I knew it... ...great minds... Playing Op (snip) I put a Jumbo on point (long column, single road)-- and the thing survived all ambushes and attacks through to the successful end-- seemed like the vehicle just behind him always brewed up rather than the J. ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  10. Again... Juardis reading these threads, and me giving away the farm... I've got Aachen saved on the second move, just prior to engaging the enemy. I play this one every other time I fire up CM, when I have a chance to play a good long while. My highest score thus far is 94 with only 14 casualties. The weapons mix is great fun! ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  11. JUARDIS!!! DON'T READ ANYMORE OF THIS THREAD!!! ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  12. x x x x SPOILS Follow: Dunno if WBW intended to, but I took the bait to move the AMI force to the near wooded hills for an ambush up the middle, just beyond the barbwire. Beautiful ambush points, with view of road and some cover. I figured I'd get a couple shots, have some covering fire and retreat to the foxholes. The boys walked into the attacking troops. Awful nightmare. At the end of the minute there was little left to withdraw. Bloody. Fantastic scenario. Still PBEMing it... ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  13. The new version addresses many of the discussions herein, and if it works as well as I'm sure it does-- makes this game even better. Sorry to those offended by the word: Ass. ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  14. I think it is critical in many of the CM scenarios. After reviewing a map, I try to reserve up to 1 platoon to throw into the mix, moving them near the area I believe my line will crumble first. I also try to reserve noncombat vehicles to speed their ability to mix it up. I think it is indispensible on both attack and defense. ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  15. Like everyone else I am fearful of The Lord of the Rings. I checked their internet trailer, and the director/producer acknowledged the tremendous responsibility of visually displaying a story line people have developed in their own minds. He did state, and I cannot interpret it, that "technology has finally caught up with the imagination of Tolkein..." I see that as generally bad. As for Pearl, I do foresee ancillary plot lines ruining the movie. As I oft said in Titanic, "Sink Already!!" ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  16. Pearl Jam Cover Band??!!?? Where is my nebelwurfer FO? ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  17. Wait... I thought I heard a quartet of violins playing a sad melody... but methinks it was merely the fat wench exercising the chords... The QB setup placed Juardis at a tremendous disadvantage. From what I have gathered, one understength PGrdr Platoon, SIX (6) half-tracks (MG mount), and two assault guns. I knocked at the six with: 1) 105mm "close-assault" sherman, 2) satchel charge, 3) grenade, 4) 60mm mortar (2 kills), 5) combo of greyhound 20mm, and some 30/50 cal (from sherman). My force alignment was 2 platoons (full complement), 1 greyhound, 1 track, and 1 105mm close assault sherman. I was panicked about the setup, but as it turns out Juardis probably never had a chance... It may be a topic for another discussion, but given what Juardis had for essentially capture the flag in a city-- the AI selection of equipment sucked. I have not trusted my ability to select a force capable of success heretofor... but I think I could do better than the AI in this case. ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  18. I'm viewing him (CMBORG) as the laymans way to track users (be it a day late and a dollar short for many of the pre-orders). ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  19. Out of curiousity... but if a scenario included a "battle-scarred" sherman, would all shermans in that game look "battle-scarred" as well? In other words, can the same vehicle have unique textures in the application? Perhaps a "battle-scarred" sherman is optimistic, as most appear in the game with flames jetting from the turret ultimately... ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  20. In scenario (snip) 4 tigers BEAM into the middle of two depleted squads and HQ/2. The 1/2 HQ unit was subsequently credited with the KILL. Sadly, I didn't notice till the end of the next turn that the (now dead) HQ had killed the Tiger. At the time I was panicking thinking I had 4 Tigers in my rear (the imagery fits the tactical situation, though the pucker would require them to be VERY THIN tigers). ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  21. Just a follow-up. A (snip) tank did wipe one halftrack out of existence, all others died of small arms, 30 cal, grenades, or 60mm mortar (take yer pick). It was a beautiful sight, with a squad, under withering fire, dropping satchel charges and grenades on a half-track in front of their building... and then at 59.98 seconds, they toss another grenade-- falling-- in super-slo-mo it drops in front of the other track, and rolls... rolls... rolls... underneath the track... 61+ seconds... boom. Three down, two to go.
  22. JUARDIS!!! (QB PBEM Opponent) What do you think? (5 halftrack kills in 2 turns) Ain't gonna be no lebensraum in this town. ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  23. To All: Very informative and well reasoned responses. I have had no experience firing any of these weapons in real life. I really appreciate the information from experienced individuals in this forum. In CM space, however, I do place zook/shreck units in large heavy buildings for ambush purposes. I have not had a fire break out in a large heavy. I have had fires break out in both light and heavy small buildings-- convincing me not to do so again. I believe the manual even warns players about placing zook/shreck (particularly shreck) teams in buildings... It's a shame the topic initiator is not reading the excellent responses herein. ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  24. Welcome Pod Person. ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
  25. The following has been stolen from another Topic. But posterity requires this response be archived. Apologies to those I have copied without permission-- I type through tears in my eyes. --------------------------------------------- quote: --------------------------------------------- Originally posted by bighead: I also tried 300mm rickets on Allied side, they killed all Allied solders within 20 mints!! Oh God!! Just a pure hell!!!! --------------------------------------------- All those poor little bow-legged soldiers running around shouting, "Medic, I need Vitamin D!" The horror, the horror. And I can just hear the German soldiers: "Fritz, you schmell that??" {schniff, schniff} "Wintergreen! Yankee Paratroopers! Hans, open fire!" ------------------ Ethan ----------- ------------------ "Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!" --British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races
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