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Everything posted by Geier

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedy: Oooohhhh look, a closet Harry Potter fan.<hr></blockquote> Ooooohhh look, a potty Fanny Harrier closet. Bet it leads to bleedin Narnia.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer: Guys I gotta ask y'all a favor: Capt. America<hr></blockquote> That would be jshandidorfl according to ... well himself mostly.
  3. Nothing to see here. Move along. Ahem. Johan [ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]</p>
  4. Simon Fox you horrible little man. I have long hated you from afar and will continue to do so. Pointing out the (obvious) misspelling in The Unedited Ones sig just shows how anal you are. I fear it is now edited and rectified, if you will. Why, if I knew better (I honestly don't) I would not challenge you to a game of CM where we would play The Unedited Ones latest abomination. If we did, I would not let you play the defenders but would send you a setup later this evening (which equals last heart of Saturday night in Oz). So, what say you? Good. Setup will be whinging its way toward you later than it was now. {edited due to the nagging feeling that some sentence somewhere made sense to someone somewhere. And to bring Mark IV out of hiding.} Johan
  5. Why is the sky blue? How many rounds of 81mm mortar fire can a Gebirgsjäger evade while reloading a panzerschreck? If this value is below 5 why is this not modelled in CM? Have you checked this? IIRC they were specifically trained to avoid 105mm while Sneaking down Slopes but I feel that it should work for 81mm as well. Isn't there a difference between 105mm VT falling in French tall pines and 155mm in Belgian Scattered trees? Why am I asking all these questions that I don't want the answer to? I read about a bird that only sang just before an artillery strike once, is this modelled? And if so, is it modelled correctly? Can't everyone run along and test this, I just made it up? And what about canteens? Anyone? Bullethead: Why? True. How come? Does it smell really bad and is it modelled? I'm not arguing. Jeff D: Can you prove that? Without a hat? Thank you for your time. Expect long irrelevant answers to questions you haven't asked soon. Go here for more of the same. teJohan
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Given that I have been having... well, my own luck today I probably will... food poisoning<hr></blockquote> Birthdays ... Mine was OK in a way. The trick is not to tell anyone until it is too late and then watch them fall all over themselves explaining how they knew it all along but all phone lines collapsed and then the cat died and... Not that mine was last tuesday or anything. Not at all. That would be silly of me to have to pint out such a thing. Wouldn't it?
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: And what part of "Byte Battle, Double Blind" did you NOT understand? <hr></blockquote> Not a sausage. Hugs, Johan
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus: You agree with Joe? IDIOT!<hr></blockquote> Battle sent to Lard. He will choose sides and then forward it with accompanying orders to St Bauhaus who will then ... do ... some stuff. But then he will setup his appointed side and blow Joe to smithereeens. Or not. May all involved choke on it. Johan [ 11-22-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]</p>
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: He will contact YOUR second [sNEER] ... always assuming that you HAVE a friend who will act for you, if not perhaps the CessPool can APPOINT one ...[/sNEER] <hr></blockquote> I'll act as his second. I'm the only one here who actually listens to "Bela Lugosi is dead" anyway. Or saw Love & Rockets live for that matter. What do I do? Oh yeah, I'll pick a scenario for you to play. And Lars can choose who gets to play with what color. I take it this is totally unacceptable to all parties (esp The party of the third part)? Good. Let's continue then shall we?
  10. Dear Mr Gates-slut, Send me a fecking turn or I'll format your hard drive and install Windows XP on it. The Hungarian version. Dear Mr Shawnachoo, Send me a fecking turn or I'll ... do something. Quite possibly something that hurts and quite possibly to your person. I'll brood on it during the winter. It is a sad world when the most reliable opponents are a drug-riddled nutcase and a hamster captive. And some guy who has read Eye of the needle FAR too many times.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Germanboy: Now, if that is the best you can do, it shows quite clearly all that is wrong with this place. <hr></blockquote> Well hello Mr Grumpyboy! What a total and utter waste of my time (or indeed anyones time, except possibly the Utahrians), to think that I bothered to read all of two paragraphs of your inane drivel. Just because Seelöwe II still hasn't been given the go-ahead and those trains still don't run on time, there is no need for you to write those clearly underedited posts that you write. However, credit where credit is due (me). Gerbilbouys post are obviously annoying to many of you. I can't think why unless of course you are all as hopelessly clueless, inane and criminally inept as he is. You see, annoying = good As for canning the MBT, well what a novel concept, I'm sure thats never been tried before. The fact that Satan clearly has possessed The Penginator and made him agree with some silly Sinister Plot (tbloodym)seems to elude you all as well. Before canning the MBT you should ask yourself if all the wrong people wouldn't celebrate? Think of the ones who always have wanted to shut us down. "Shucks, that durn Peng uh thingy (hihihi I said thingy) is gone. I never understood any of it so I hated it cause I'm a really righteous guy. You know? Now I'll post a thread about how the tank AI always should make me win. I sure like watching dem purty letters and know that I wrote em. I saw a show that was about tanks once on Disco Very so I know everything I need to know. The fact that I am unable to find my ass with both hands, a flashlight and detailed video instructions does not stop me from expressing my views and forcing my prejudice on anyone." Do we want this creature to be, even for one tiny second, happy? Content? And if so, do we want to shoulder such responsibility? I think not! The MBT should stick around because it annoys a lot of people that I (and most of you useless sods) like to annoy. Not because there is some abstract taunt void that needs filling, not even because "it used to be worse in a better way". The MBT – devoid of all quality but still annoying to someone somewhere. Johan P.S Peng. Send me the gawdam file so I may blow yure gawdam men to gawdam smithereeens. Gawdam.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Apparently.<hr></blockquote> Alright then. Johan
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: You need to work on commas too.<hr></blockquote> Do you really think so Joe? Johan
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: I'd like to point out that with your post, things haven't improved!<hr></blockquote> It's probably because I lack your special grasp of how to use exclamation marks! If only I could work that one out, I'd be brilliant! You, are an idiot! Johan!
  15. I have noticed that the standards of this hopelessly useless place has slackened. Bloody typical. No longer do we taunt, challenge and despise the way we used to here. It's more like an old women's club where you exchange recipes for pies with each other and say in that Terry Jones-once-again-playing-an-old-woman-voice: "Oh dearie dearie me, I think I already have that recipe. I think it was me who wrote it once. Has it got rat in it? Oh it has? Well, probably one of me Old Ones then." Then we have the Utahrian running around with his Torquemada setup accusing people of anything his narrow little mind can conjure. And those are the good parts. Now then, then now, we've decided to sort it all out by divulging the contents of a recent email exchange where the Sodding Git, aka Ethan, after folding in and admitting that he was, indeedy-deedy, cheating in our latest game. Knowing that the man is wont of bragging, I pushed him about some more until he confessed that it all had happened by chance and that he hadn't actually meant to cheat, showing once more what a despicable creature he is. Circumstantial cheating is, as most of us know, a sad and tawdry business that only pure-blooded losers indulge in, whereas Cheating with intent is a noble, honorably pasttime that should be applauded. So in order for you morons to get a clue what everything is about really I have decided to post bits of my latest exchange with the Useless Sod here so that you may take comfort in the knowledge that someone, somewhere is upholding our fine traditions. It is possible that Ethan may publish his retort here, where he indubitably will lie, fabricate and very possibly not tell the truth. Here goes: Dear Useless Sod, I just would like to point out that I have always thought of you as a cheating, password-copying, edge-hugging, bad-smelling rotten bastard. Also, I believe hating yourself in the morning only shows your lack of ambition and talent. I hate you at all hours, 24-7, every day of every year without even breaking a sweat. But then I am a pro, not a useless rotter who tries to emulate superior players by using the same passwords as them and who is unable to see the difference of "ALLIED player type in your password." and "AXIS MOTHER_BEAUTIFUL_BLOODY_GENIUS player, type in the holy brilliant password so that you can watch the enemy run before you like burning wiener dogs. Or dachshounds." Takes, breeding, skill and an intellect superior to yours obviously to do that ALL the time, not MOST of the time. Hmpf. So to punish you and to punish you severely and with malice, lots of malice, I've decided that you must bring us a shrubbery AND play: The bloody brits AND (possibly) the bloody canucks IN the fecking snow on a diagonal map designed by the man who as we speak are hashing out the details of an operation called SEE LÖWE II. Yes, the German Edited Boy has once again created something awful and you will have to play it. Not only will you play it, you will lose it and lose it most miserably. Try avoid hacking this one. You twit, Johan
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien: What will you be holding so that I may identify you. <hr></blockquote> He will be the one (all a ruse really) closely studying the April 1999 issue of "Juggs", while murmuring "Those haf to be fake. Zey haf to be. Ach der decadent British." You should approach him by making the secret code sign (jumping up and down, arms flapping, while you sing "Lust for life" in D major). He will then offer you a cigarrette to which you must respond that your "buttocks are sweaty". He will then put the fag in a tuna sandwich, hand you the magazine and run away. Having made contact you may then go and find the damn entrance by yourself and if you can read you will note that the museum is "closed until further notice from The Proper Authorities." Good luck, Johan
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu: I know, everything's slower up there in meatball land now that you are under 14 meters of ice, but still.<hr></blockquote> Yeah, but the computers run like rats on crack covered with vaseline. Turn sent. May your tungsten turn out to be tinfoil.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by mensch: Aeim here! ps... I'm only here as long as the riff raff stay out!<hr></blockquote> Capital! That leaves uh. Well. Steady on there old chap, are you sure you are not referring to the Insignificant Utter Bastards? Known as SSN's? Didn't we hire that Utahrian to keep those blokes in line? So that we didn't have to waste bullets? But I see that he is busy prosecuting the bad Mr Morningstar. I'm sure none of us wish him (or anyone else) well. Anyway, I sent you, old menschy-me-boy, a file and I hope you choke on it, wot-wot, trying to take advantage of me just because I'm Panzerly Challenged at the moment. Why back in my Panzerlied days we would drive around all over Poland. Heini at the wheel, Schparky behind the gun, Dino among the shells ... Ahem. Anyway, the remains of your last attempt at a flanking maneouver still brings a smile to my face. One of my finer ambushes I must admit, second only to every and any turn I've ever played against Mark IV of course. And why doesn't Hakko Ichiu enjoy those lovely messages from our friends in the former Eastern Bloc countries, sending us messages of love, hope and strange url's, we ask ourselves. Why? All mankinds (not womankinds) greatest inventions has evolved from our two basic and chief interests, killing people and watching nude wimmen. Think about that. Now stop it. Yes you too Mr Utahrian. [ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]</p>
  19. And if I had bothered to check with Herr Dorosch's site before opening my mouth I would have read that, yes, indeed did the SS discourage the use of "Herr". Sorry for taking up space but it is anyway interesting that so many novels and films hasn't picked up on this little fact. Johan
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gyrene: Michael, thanks for the info. It's interesting to note how somebody like Goering would push for such a token gesture. Paints a good picture of the paranoia amongst the High Command of Germany late in the war. Gyrene<hr></blockquote> Something else in this vein I believe I picked up from Len Deighton's "Bomber" is that the Waffen-SS (possibly the entire organisation SS) discouraged the use of "Herr" in communication, something that the Wehrmacht (and Germans in general) always used. That is, you said Herr Leutnant, Herr Doktor but not Herr Sturmbannführer. Anyone who can corroborate this? Johan
  21. Oh yes. I am back. I have a new email addy. Mark IV: Resend whatever the last turn was. We both know you have it and we both know it is properly numbered. As I recall I was slowly and painfully pulling your colon out through your nostrils. I also know that that is a more pleasant experience than properly puttying your walls. I have a new email. mensch: Yeah. It's coming for you. I have a new email. Mr Peng: We lost our files didn't we? Didn't properly number them either as I recall. You and me bubba (can I call you bubba?), gotta do us one of em byte battles buddy boy. Choose one from Der Kessel and die-die-die. Also, I have a new email addy. and last and definately least, we have Hakko Ichiu. Resend. To my new addy. And I want you and need you on icq too. I believe I properly surrendered to a lot of people but if you want/need/crave a grave, just resend or send something new. I have a new email addy. Toodles, Johan
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by DrAlimantado: my bad memory. my poor ass. I can send killer-rabies-reindeer. We got yesterday. I am defenitely. I got a bad genetic heritage. I am up here. <hr></blockquote> And since when do you believe anyone anywhere is the slightest bit interested in anything you say do or think, ever? You may keep all the snow and I thought I'd remind you that down here we still have sunlight until about 5 pm. And no drive-by-shootings from snow scooters either. Peasant. Johan [edited because it will annoy someone] [ 11-02-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]</p>
  23. I would like to take this opportunity as the only thoroughbred Nordic Cesspooler to point out that both Dr Alimanretardo and Ghastly Smelling Dog are silly little men and that I will beat them severely on top of their ugly little heads should they amass any points whatsoever. They are both, regardless of what their passports state, retarded idiots and fine upsitting specimens of that most dreaded of unmodelled soldiers, the unterswede. I will be monitoring this closely and, as I am unable to participate, demand that all and any prizes must be sent through me for sampling. Toodles, Johan
  24. So the pod is now as old as well, offhand I can't think of anything as old as that. 40 huh? Anyway. There has been no turns out from me since hell froze over awhile back and well, actually, I haven't played CM in four weeks. At all. There are several reasons for this, most of them are good (for me). I'm not playing something else either, fact is, I'm not playing anything at all, except "The old laughing lady" and "No quarter" very loudly on my car stereo whilst commuting. You may draw any conclusions you like from this information. There will come a time someday when I will once more gamily load my kubelwagens and come charging with pistols wildly firing at y'all but that time is not now, nor is it this weekend. Hold your breath, Johan
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