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Posts posted by PawBroon

  1. Gosh golly.

    It seems were going somewhere after all.

    Having overcome it's natural fear of loosing both his time and his precious shrunken credentials, Brittl had come up with a setup.

    I dunno what kind of drugs he's on but all of the files attached were unusable.

    If I was SheepDip, I'd say it's a commie plot.

    The Pool being now UpsideDownUnder one can go as far as claiming it's a Pommie plot.

    Ok you brainwashed sons of, err, what are you using to reproduce there?

    I am NOW awestruck by the results of years of French nuclear testings done in your backyard...

    I knew because I had seen on the History Channel that a giant lizard went to New York and wrecked Havoc just because we frogs are playful and then, everybody wants NY to buy it.

    Here is what that famed reporter Rod Hilton had to say about all the events:


    FADE IN:



    Mr. Mayor, a boat off the coast of a

    country sunk. We retrieved it and

    found giant claw marks on the side.


    Probably the weather.


    We also found tissue samples of some



    Still the weather. Hey, did you

    notice that I look just like Ebert and

    my assistant looks like Siskel and I

    give thumbs up?


    Ha ha! **** you, Siskel and Ebert! I

    will now draw attention to Ebert's



    I want a donut.


    Sir, this thing whose tissue we found

    is off the coast of New York. It's



    What is it? Where's my cheesecake?


    Sir.. we think it might be


    Computer Graphics!




    I want chocolate.






    (listening to music)

    Girls.. just wanna have fun. Oh girls

    just wanna have..that's all they

    really wannnnnnnnt.. some..

    A helicopter lands nearby. An OFFICIAL LOOKING MAN steps

    out and walks to MATTHEW BRODERICK.


    Come with us. We're with the




    Uh..uh.. what did I do?


    Singing that song is going to put a

    cheesy 80's song on the soundtrack.

    For that alone you should be killed.

    They shove MATTHEW BRODERICK into the helicopter


    You can't do this! I'm Ferris





    GODZILLA stomps on things that New York is famous for.

    He also passes an opportunity to have sex with the STATUE

    OF LIBERTY. HANK AZARIA pulls out a video camera.


    I'm gonna get this on tape.

    As a result of GODZILLA, something comes CRASHING down.

    It almost HITS HANK AZARIA.


    Whew, that was close.


    Whew, that was close.


    I think Godzilla is pregnant.

    As a result of GODZILLA, something comes crashing down.



    Whew, that was close.


    Whew, that was really close.

    MARIA PITILLO walks in


    I am Matthew's ex-girlfriend and part

    time supporting character. I want to

    be a newscaster but Harry Shearer

    stands in my way.


    I hope we end up together in the end.


    Um.. So am I still destroying stuff

    here or do you want to continue making

    it look like this movie has a plot?


    (as Kent Brockman)

    I think we'll do some more plot.

    Let's take a look at how I am an ass

    and how I stand in Maria's way.


    Let me air a clip she found and take

    credit for it.


    (the 26th time it's shown)



    And there you have it, folks.



    That rat. And it's Gojira, not



    Ha ha! That is funny because it's

    pronounced Godzilla but those crazy

    Japanese people can't say nuthin right

    and Maria is stupid.


    Ha ha! That is funny because the

    original Japanese version was titled



    Goody! More special effects money has

    arrived! Let's proceed destroying

    things mindlessly.

    GODZILLA walks around, destroying everything. He GROWLS

    and leaves a giant peice of GODZILLA EXCREMENT on a

    notable spot in New York



    There are baby Godzillas here. They

    look like Raptors from Jurassic Park

    but they are not.


    RAPTORS for 20 minutes. They get out and the stadium

    gets BLOWN UP.



    My kids. This blows! I will break

    stuff! LOTS OF STUFF!

    GODZILLA breaks STUFF.


    Oh no you don't.

    They shoot MISSILES at GODZILLA and GODZILLA is blown

    into peices.


    Whew. We're safe.


    I love you.

    They KISS. The camera zooms in on GODZILLA'S eye. It





    Hey! What about me!?


    And me too!


    Har har! You'll be in the sequel! And

    on Burger King cups! It'll never stop!




    That was it!!

    And BTW BlouseMouse, the Size does Matter part wasn't intended for you.

    But then, maybe after all...


    Nice one as usual Sean, just noticed that you switched Bouille for Berli because Truth is all of us Poolers wouldn't know Bouille in the first place...

    Boy I feel full of life and energetic.

    It's the week end I'm still to test that TCP/IP thingy.

    Either that our I'll have to go in the shower with No/1 and Onan to wash myself thoroughly.


    I shall unleash Death, Pestilence and Failed Blue Tests on ye!!

    Any other day or so with Emma

    [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 12-02-2000).]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

    I don't even recall you being particularly active when I taunted you all PatBoone.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    OK everyone, gather up for the mandatory cathartic Pool Hug and let all explain to Rain Man how things are IRL.

    Refraining from spaming the Pool with comments, taunts, genitalia and otherwise not funny contributions is quite easy.

    You just don't post.

    One can never achieve being one of the Old Sap with inept logorrhoea.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>PatBoone--you are a pustulent sore on the face of humanity. You are like cheese covered with the wrong sorts of mold. You are like a lactose intolerant gut filled with a gallon of fresh milk. I will rend you limb from limb, cook you up like a little edible dormouse, and serve you baked into a puff pastry with a bit of brie. Sounds yummy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well thanks.

    See? My point exactly.

    What is it with you that you all think that a proper taunt is:

    a/ Attacking physical attributes or lack thereof

    b/ Threatening to maim someone

    c/ Speaking of genitalia

    d/ Any combination of the above...

    So, Chrisl I hereby threaten you with the maiming of your lack of genitalia!!

    It works...


    Now if I could be bothered to look up the little Java Applet that would do this AutoTaunting then we could all be equal posters and Flooders United.

    Can't you all be yourself?!

    Now Bauhaus knows that he could field 21cm of OOB as a bonus over the rest of the crowd.

    Croda and his inner self (not the Greek who's merely visiting, the one who's here to stay in him) and all of the others that makes it different.

    Go standardize it.

    Send that file yourself and see if I care.



    I shall unleash Death, Pestilence and Failed Blue Tests on ye!!

    Any other day or so with Emma

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Some of us have dedicated a hard drive to our beloved CM. Some of us living in Jerseyland that is. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That must have been the moron who hadn't realised that no matter how the CM Exe was named, it was still usable.

    You would then launch the one that was required at the time.

    Thinking that you had a 300Mb duplicate folder instead of just 1 CombatMission104.exe and 1 CombatMission105.exe is something I'll have to remind you from here to eternity...



    [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-30-2000).]

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Did I see that the Greek had finally arrived?


    Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

    Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

    But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Bouillé,

    All these tigers which, without pity, Déchirent the centre of their mother!

    We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

    We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues


    Yes! Yes!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!

    Now everybody gather up and witness that simple but oh so touching endorsement.

    After gazillions of postings with his Celtophilic sig, the Seanachai of Minnesotan Fame comes back with a BabelFished Marseillaise.

    The Marlow Dance Remix of our French National Anthem...

    What does it teach us?

    Being French is the spearheading of Fashion Victim.

    Not only do we have a GO KILL THEM ALL thingy we can yell before every rugby match but it's quite buggering other countries for they are required to play it when our President is on a World Tour.

    And boy the guy sure does the Touring...

    Now listen up you sycophants, morons, non-french and whatever else.

    I'll make it simple because I know some of you are basically americans and the rest are ozzers.

    What Senility just told you in so many words is the way things are supposed to be.

    A few days ago when Lost2Peng was still sulking from that vile attack launched against him without prior TCP/IP warning, some mails were exchanged and the Ways of the Pool were much discussed.

    I'll do a simple cut & paste of one such mail for all of you who weren't on the mailing list.

    The only thing that will be proven here is that I'm too lazy to come up with new ideas and that I'm far too infatuated with my own postings for my own good.

    In any case, as the Bald One would say, BITE ME!!!


    Blah Blah Blah Young & Restless style plot Blah Blah Thank you.


    Thank you yourself. You started the Pool in any case, it's your baby while it is

    merely our toy.

    As any form of intellectual property and as a bond to an ever growing and petulent community, the Thread and you are prone to attacks, bashing, public lynching, turkeys sacrificial pagan ceremonies and eventually french posting.

    That’s the ONLY thing those Newbies can't seem to understand.

    It's not a ****ing free forum.

    It's not a Taunt'O'Drome.

    It's a place where we have grown to know each others and where the level of sheer brilliance and intellectual panache is very demanding (from now on I'll shorten "sheer brilliance and intellectual panache" into "Frenchness" for typing user friendliness).

    That was the goal of my puny little Groucho Marx quoting.

    If we are not better, if they are not better, then we don't belong.

    CM is the greatest game of all times.

    Last time I had that much pleasure playing alone was related to that Biblical guy, Onan...

    But CM is a mere media, it's what caused it...

    Here is a lazy Cut & Paste {BOY I DO THEM QUITE OFTEN ACTUALLY} of what I answered to Aitken's invective in the Famed sexually tilted PawBroon thread started by Emma.


    Originally posted by David Aitken:

    Oops, I thought this was a forum about a wargame.


    All wrong.

    If you are just in it for that then you're missing much of the fun...

    The game was discussed.

    Then the demo was released.

    The game was cursed.

    Then the CD was sent (well, OK not to you Canadians).

    Then the game was cursed again.

    Tweaked, cursed, tweaked, cursed and then quite perfect.

    In that long and winding road some friendships were made.

    Some people are plain assholes.

    Some are cool.

    Some I'd be willing to count as friends.

    But by and large, we are ALL talking about CM.

    Because what makes this place is not the game, it's the people.

    If you can't get past that simple notion then I must agree with a late post of yours.

    Scotland's educative system IS in shamble...


    So I guess even if it was so very schmaltzy, it pretty much sums up what the Pool is to me and to some others.

    It has carried you through months of unemployement.

    It may even have helped you go through you're failed sex life (the dates you mention here and there...).


    Damn you Sean if you EVER touched while thinking of one of my posts...

    That's pretty much it.

    Most of us Elders are back to post in the Pool.

    A full round of tauntings had been done that hadn't happened before (I've never played Chup, MkIV and Geier before) and with the playing will come our natural tendency to taunt and to be harsh.

    We will have to be ever watchfull though.

    The next Cesspoolnarok will be here before Xmas and with the Next Gen, a new batch of wannabes will pour down.

    Those will not all be like Marlow or Croda, so we will have to careful.

    Being a Taunt Thread, my best bet is to play along the rude act and plainly ignore those if they are just bringing in their Genitalia.

    With us French, there is enough of that for the whole lot of you...

    We are gifted bastards.



    That's it.

    With almost 6000 posts credited to the Peng Thread in any shape or form, what it is NOW is far more than you can just merely glimpse by posting here and there and most generally waste your time and hassle our patience.

    And YES Seanachai, the Greek is here.

    Being famed for circumnavigating people and posting behind theirs backs, ColeSlaw has backyarded us all...



    [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-30-2000).]

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Coleslaw:

    Yes, I enjoy CM voyeurism. In fact every time I watch Gaffer's turn, I dress in traditional Greek Royal Guard dress and fondle myself in front of the living room mirror.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well then I'll make sure you are enjoying yourself.

    Too bad you hadn't partake on the one that's just ending because it was truly great.

    Mind you Gaff has a somewhat different appreciation of my masterful dispatching of his troops.

    But who cares about one who's not even posting in here?

    BTW, you being our first Greek ever, here comes a traditional joke to dispel the idea that you might be welcome in here:

    It's a whore who's visiting her gynecologist and after much probing here and there, the guy tells her that she got herself Chlamydae...

    So the poor sod being understaffed in the basic understanding of VDs asks the gynecologist, Chlamydae!! What are those?!

    And the Doctor to answer, well, Chlamydae comes from the Greek, and the whore to yell I WAS ****ING CERTAIN, THAT GREEK WAS AN UGLY MOTHER ****ER!!!

    Now bugger off...



    I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

    [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-28-2000).]

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Coleslaw:

    See, I have dignity!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ah, he is kicking back!

    As a Greek I wouldn't want you to do more personal things to my back than merely kicking it...

    Say Peeping Tom, if you are to take the back seat of my soon to start new PBEM with Gaffertape, you'd better make me proud of you in here.

    Err, backseater...

    Say, are you Greek as in Greek tragedy or as in nasty rear end surprise?

    We already got ourselves the SheepMeister, do we need to attract every single SerialDipper in here?


    I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

    He blowed up really nice!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    At least one of us had been blown Mate.

    Now quit whinning about flanking move as I recall you relied heavily on that.

    How do you think an inefficient bugger like yourself could claim victory over me when all of the others and been put to shame?


    I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

  8. Aoww!

    Can't you Yanks and Ozzers let us Europeans sleep without being terminally stupid.

    See for yourself, now we got ourselves a Pommie Thread.

    Bored/1 is pestering us like the inopportune kid he is.

    Say kiddo, I know the collective pleasure we're having in here has that certain Bauhausian quality that you may someday reach if you rub yourself clean too soundly in the shower.

    Doesn't mean Rub/1 that we all wish to partake in your self inflicted discovery.

    Go out, bugger Adolphus, don't forget to quote the whole shenanigans when you just intend to say COOL...

    And lest I forgot.

    I did that last backup of the Second Thread and as required by my charge, have it for posterity.

    For that along and because we Frogs are dumping quality products in our non Yank, non Pommie sewage systems, I propose to host the Next Gen Thread.


    And now for a bit of a sing song.

    Being a chauvinistic bastard and because I just fulfilled a public service, the French National Anthem!!

    Every body better stands up and if that buggers you go straight to my sig...

    Here are the lyrics of that famed revolutionary, let's kill them all, you're still here Rub/1, musical of ours.

    If that doesn't qualify us as world class loonies and hosters to be of the Pool whodunnit?

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Allons enfants de la Patrie,

    Le jour de gloire est arrivé !

    Contre nous de la tyrannie,

    L'étendard sanglant est levé, (bis)

    Entendez-vous dans les campagnes

    Mugir ces féroces soldats ?

    Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras

    Egorger vos fils et vos compagnes !


    Aux armes, citoyens,

    Formez vos bataillons,

    Marchons, marchons !

    Qu'un sang impur

    Abreuve nos sillons !


    Que veut cette horde d'esclaves,

    De traîtres, de rois conjurés ?

    Pour qui ces ignobles entraves,

    Ces fers dès longtemps préparés ? (bis)

    Français, pour nous, ah ! quel outrage

    Quels transports il doit exciter !

    C'est nous qu'on ose méditer

    De rendre à l'antique esclavage !


    Quoi ! des cohortes étrangères

    Feraient la loi dans nos foyers !

    Quoi ! ces phalanges mercenaires

    Terrasseraient nos fiers guerriers ! (bis)

    Grand Dieu ! par des mains enchaînées

    Nos fronts sous le joug se ploieraient

    De vils despotes deviendraient

    Les maîtres de nos destinées !


    Tremblez, tyrans et vous perfides

    L'opprobre de tous les partis,

    Tremblez ! vos projets parricides

    Vont enfin recevoir leurs prix ! (bis)

    Tout est soldat pour vous combattre,

    S'ils tombent, nos jeunes héros,

    La terre en produit de nouveaux,

    Contre vous tout prêts à se battre !


    Français, en guerriers magnanimes,

    Portez ou retenez vos coups !

    Epargnez ces tristes victimes,

    A regret s'armant contre nous. (bis)

    Mais ces despotes sanguinaires,

    Mais ces complices de Bouillé,

    Tous ces tigres qui, sans pitié,

    Déchirent le sein de leur mère !


    Amour sacré de la Patrie,

    Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs

    Liberté, Liberté chérie,

    Combats avec tes défenseurs ! (bis)

    Sous nos drapeaux que la victoire

    Accoure à tes mâles accents,

    Que tes ennemis expirants

    Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire !


    Nous entrerons dans la carrière

    Quand nos aînés n'y seront plus,

    Nous y trouverons leur poussière

    Et la trace de leurs vertus (bis)

    Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre

    Que de partager leur cercueil,

    Nous aurons le sublime orgueil

    De les venger ou de les suivre


    Now I feel incredibly better.

    Reminds me of the day when our French rugbymen sunk the BattleSheep.

    Boy I'm too good to post in here.

    Rub! If there's some room to spare in your shower I'm coming in to clean also...


    I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

    [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-28-2000).]

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

    [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You see Whitlow, when I do the double stumble stunt you just did, I always delete the first mention of:

    [This message has been edited by a Jerk (edited 11-27-2000).].

    This way it's not so self evident.



    I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

  10. The kids are playing on a non MMX Pentium 166 with a Voodoo 3000 PCI and 48 Mb RAM.

    It's 1024*768...

    So I guess you'd better update to the latest 3000 Drivers as they do the tricks.


    I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

    [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-27-2000).]

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

    I'm not very impressed with the urban scenarios I've seen, so I made my own.


    Check out the results at my website.


    Shameless plug.

    Bright BMPs user!!

    Nice map BTW...



    I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

  12. You might also want to install ZoneAlarm as it is free for personnal use and is 100% efficient to stop any unwanted intrusion whether from the outside or from out of your HD (SpyWare...).

    In case you are wondering I am NOT working for them but being an ADSL user and always logged I had checked on all firewall offers and that one is the best bang for the non buck (Tis free remember?).


    I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

    As long as Chuppy can keep posting his pseudo-gay references.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Of course, there's nothing wrong with that.

    Probing of any kinds IS a public service in this Pool.

    If you care to do a search in both of the Pools you'll find wealth of body cavities search references.

    It's all part of a process called PROBATION where the Elders thrust knowledge upon, and mostly into, wannabes.


    For Jon it came as a revelation when he had a Midnight Express encounter with a limey constable once setting foot on that desolated island.


    I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

    Now that wasn't very nice Pushbroom. It's very true, but not nice. For that you will die.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    C'mon Mr 98to2 the only dangerous thing that could eventually happen to me while playing against you is a seizure.

    Since you were also threatening to do that little wagging of yours that just made it into my sig, I might also have a fit...


    Now send a setup and put some clean underwear before you catch a cold.


    I shake my thingy in your general direction. Bauhaus

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Old Dog:

    Here (with Marco's permission) is an advance look at Marco Bergman's in-progress mod pak covering the M5A1/Stuart family (5 x M5 + 2 x M8 versions total to be covered). Gotta say it: this is some terrific high-res stuff.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Tell me the M8s are not ONLY the HMC but also the Greyhound!!!

    Please Please Please...



    I must say I am pleased with the turn the thread has taken during the last few days, and if someone could show the French where the door is we would all be better off.


  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Harv:

    The fact that you were foolish enough to reply would mean that it was the right tack. Are you always so easily tricked, or was this just a bad day?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    My, but we have a Jedi Knight in our rank.

    You are not schooled in the way on the Pool, we have our own Bushido like code.

    So if you want to stick around instead of being mostly ignore by all of the non French in here (that includes pretty much everyone), try to learn that basic simple fact.

    We are rather more prone at being fouled than fooled.

    And lest I forgot, bugger off!!


    I must say I am pleased with the turn the thread has taken during the last few days, and if someone could show the French where the door is we would all be better off.


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