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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty: PawBroon, you git, where the freak is the setup? Or did you get lost triyng to work the scenario editor? You know, this is like trying to speak Scottish, you bastarrd ... and OGSF is a bastarrrd too!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I am not one to spam BTS on the Forum like Cpt Pinard is doing about now. But it's tempting to insult every single guy who'd try to help me if I was to post the nature of my predicament. Now let's pretend I had installed the latest NVidia drivers (that would be 12.90) and that CMBO would never launch either past the point of showing me the movie (Charles is a gamey bastard BTW, have you seen all that arty?!) or to the point of asking me my screen rez and then froze. Because I know some of you are Techies, YES I tried to get back to my previous setup but it's not working. In fewer words, ME STUCK, NO TURN, ME OFF 3 WEEKS ANYWAY STARTING NEXT SAT! Thanks for your concern and feel free to offer advice. I feel like Geier now. I'm soiled... [ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  2. For all the Young Ones and for those too lazy to click on provided links: I remember you said Oyster David. That was a nonsense obviously as Tiger jinxed it so badly as it looked like some beaver or maybe a deformed rabbit.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Berlichtingen'd: This is outstanding news! Mace is one year closer to death! Woot!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No kidding? By smell alone I thought Mace died two weaks ago already. Happy Boyzday SheepDip!!!
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chow Chow: PawBroon it strikes me as akin to THEFT to take the thread title proposed by another member and use it for your own.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's not theft you Petty Larcener. The Vowels Challenged One had the sense to post a good title for a would be Thread and soon after choose to use a lame one. I hadn't used it for me, I used it for the Community. So you Shaw (may I call you WindBag?), next time you're about to ask me what I've done to the Pool, look into yourself and see what you've done for Her. As a side note I've unilaterally decided that the Pool should be a Her since we are spending so much time in it... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We have usually waited until the Bald Angry One alerts us before we create a new thread.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I hadn't noticed you were so respectful of what the Eight Ball had to say. But if you were, you'd remember our standing rule of engagement specifically forbid the Pool to go over 300 posts. The rest is folklore to amuse rednecks like you who can't manage a change of power without triggering a dire need of interventionism by the UN. Why wait for the Serial Padlocker if we could be self policed and do it smoothly? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You are, how shall I put this, not always the most easily understood of posters to the MBT, it therefore behooves you TO USE FREAKING VOWELS ... even if MrSpkr doesn't in his name. It would be NICE if the first post was at least understandable.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What say you? My vowels, the lack of use about which it is all suposed to be?! Would abundance of said letters my posts less french suddenly read? I would more aged most certainly turn when or if rather, I'd say, you're to master my own native language to the extent of the one above and beyond which I currently rank in sheer speakability!! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>NO RULES POSTED. You try to gloss over that by stating that we aren't SSNs ... no BUT THE RULES ARE THERE FOR THE SSNs THAT INVARIABLY WANDER INTO THE NEW THREAD.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't be such a wise ass WindBag (you're really sure you won't regret being called Shaw?). I mean, you know you are not one of those Orthodox Sticksters? What's the point of posting Rules if they are not to be understood because: b612/Me French, MCVLXII/Vowels went a lacking? If I am to understand you, the cumulative effect of all that would have rendered the Rules unheeded. Why go to all the trouble then? You are so pathetically folkloric sometimes... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It is WRONG to have the MBT hosted by the French ... I'm not sure why but it just IS ... it's one of those gut level things.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I love you too Pumpkin. Since you are so happy with the Frogs, I'll entertain you with one of our stories. A few years ago, a French TV crew went to some of your places you're so famous for. They wanted to do a series about the locals. Since Cousteau, Frogs had always been fascinated by backwater places and cross breeded species. So that TV crew had a guy on television while he was doing a home brew. They asked him if he had some stories to tell for French TV. He said: Last month ah lost a houn'dog in th' montains, we got drunk wif likker, we went t'git thet houn'dog back an' we all raped it on account o' this hyar is th' Law of our place. The Frogs were shocked, they told him that you couldn't say such things concerning animals in the Land of Cousteau. So the guy said: Two weeks ago, ah lost mah wife when she went fo' a stroll in th' montains, we got drunk wif likker, we went t'git th' bitch back an' we all raped her on account o' this hyar is th' Law of our place. At that point the Frogs were truly horrified by the way of those Yanks. So they tried one more time asking for a sad story, because it would appeal to the masses, but one with no animal or women being raped by hordes of drunkards. And the Yank concluded with a sad smile: Last week ah went t'far in th' woods an' ah lost mahse'f...
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Ths s th n nd nl Tr Csspl! Pls gnr ll frthr ttmpts b dsrptvs lmnts t prmt lm Thrds nd dcs whtnts. Thr s n Rls. Wh shld bthr t tp bld Rls wtht vwls nw? Drp dd nw! [dtd bcs wsn't png ttntn!]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why is it that none of you buggers are fluent in MrSpkr? I mean, I managed to have a game with most of you Pigs and I am not even Dr Dolittle! I said: There is NO Rules. Why should I bother to type bloody Rules without vowels anyway? You're not supposed to be Scm Sckng Nwbs, are you?! Now for something completly different, although being on a short fuse probation, our old friend (I'm not too literal here) Lewis is getting at the Finns again. That's dangerous... We all know the Finns could get him banned as surely as they fought off the vile Reds while retaining a modicum of critical judgement over the German. I mean, what with that Hitler guy and all. Speaking of our Teutonic friends, Sunday Emma and I will be meeting the Urban Legend named GermanBoy in Paris for a drink. I know anybody even remotely german is to experience a sexual exhilaration akin to a Viagra induced stupor while walking down the Champs Elysees. But the point is to tell you that the defunct Andreas WILL stop to share a beer even if I have read in his alibi and know better. I know some of you went through Paris and hadn't even forewarned me... Ok I am known to have sex with Cesspoolers but one of them is me and the other one is mainly female! Can't you see we can have a safe Hotseat One Night Stand in a risk free environment and wine to go with it? Oh boy! Nevermind...
  6. I must admit it could be. Although as a Frog I am quite trained to speak with a mouthful of anything eligible. Comes with the territory...
  7. Ths s th n nd nl Tr Csspl! Pls gnr ll frthr ttmpts b dsrptvs lmnts t prmt lm Thrds nd dcs whtnts. Thr s n Rls. Wh shld bthr t tp bld Rls wtht vwls nw? Drp dd nw! [dtd bcs wsn't png ttntn!] [ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Well unfortunately you know how I feel about Tiger's mods. Yes, the paint jobs are nice, but the detail sux. Gordon started a Hi-Res Cromwell ala Marco-style, long ago but his fingers couldn't take it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You know how I feel about how you feel... Tiger couldn't cram the level of detail Marco or Fernando do over breakfast? OK, that much is a fact. It's not difficult to see for oneself. Are the vehicule mentioned above vastly superior to the stock BMP? Yes and there's not a chance you might prove me wrong over that one. Will I use Feldgrau's Churchill and Flash's Cromwell? Most certainly and without any second thought. Now because I am paid by the Community to provide a Reality Check each time you're loosing it, here comes: It's horrendous isn't it? There a certain Frogness in it. I mean, it's almost as Teletubbian as Tiger's Chaffee... Ooops! Max, Max. We all know you are a valuable contributor and that your time would most certainly be better spent doing something else. Why don't you take some time off and please ask Madmatt to get those Panthers off the hook? If all else fail, why don't you just stop posting and pretend you've left? Or better still, why don't you leave and we'll all pretend you're still posting? To settle that I propose a Clash of MODs. Send a setup around 1500 Pts, you with an all Fernandoed force and me with an all Tigered. Well see if your 72DPI shall overcome my 144DPI!! And because being a windbag qualify you as someone who would most certainly appreciate the concept of passing gas, I fart in your general direction. Pfffffttt!!
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ryddle: For the same price, why buy French over the Americans?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> To please me? We Frogs had grenades. I can substantiate that by various historical accounts and serious iconography. That alone should withstand peer reviewing. BTS, please fix or do somefink! AFAIK Free French have grenades in the game too. But don't expect Gammon bombs and whatnots because Frogs are just generic troops and much to my dismay (I don't want to show off but I have a very big dismay) you won't find Colonial Troops or the Foreign Legion which were our shock troops and were more likely to be equiped like rabid grenade launching fellas...
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Warmaker: I would prefer a disciplined, trained, and equipped military over a large armed mob. A field day anyone?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Depends just how large the mob... Isandhlwana anyone?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Desantnik: Churchill, Cromwell, Comet and Challanger look particularly disgusting. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that's a tribute to Tiger's MODs. You'll find those done quite nicely at Tom's HQ. Some are even winterized...
  12. It's a PaK40 75L46 or something. Some 90 were produced and they are NOT in CMBO. Can't we revive the Pro Allies Bias Thread and lynch BTS with it while more generally being rude and ungrateful? Please? Huuh?!
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Basically like a puma only with a short barrelled 75, right?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not too short: Nice one...
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fieldmarshall: Where is the AA MG-42 in CM? It was just an MG-42 mounted on a tall tri-pod, and it was placed in a foxhole and then camoflage put over it to help conceal it...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'd hate to tell you this but have you looked in all foxholes and under all covers? And have you noticed there's a Charlie? That cute little fella should be easy to find. Unless he had been killed and was MODed in which case the red and white stripes wouldn't be that obvious afterward.
  15. Yes. I feel the shame. Sorry. But I want to know!! Errr, please? Anyone bald with a technical background and some ties with the BTS crowd?
  16. Ah the running over grunts with big tracked toyz! *Crying at the found memory* Boy there had been some times since it last came. Errr, well, let me see. When I was playing CC I can remember you could turn the Yanks to squishy bits driving my Hetzer over them. Was pretty much SOP. I mean, it was in CC wasn't it? And, wait, someone should MOD a special BMP for overran troops. Yeah I can fell it coming! And crew maning MGs should be allowed to abandon them to run to safety! Arghhhh, now I'm excited with all those prospective new features! I need someone to post sneak pics of CMBB, I want CM3 to be Napoleonics! This Free Be-Aitken-For-A-Day had been offered by the Pool. David, whenever you're online feel free to step in! As a side note, I can remember Steve and/or Charles stating that they'll never model such a functionality. You just don't drive over grunts. It's rude. You can kill them a little but you don't morph them to fertilizer. If you want to see for yourself just how disruptive being pulped to oblivion is, play a PBEM against Lawyer. That poor lad never truly recovered...
  17. What are you doing in here lazy bastard?! I just bought OpFlashpoint and I can say I'm not pleased to know you are not over your drawing board! C'mon! On the double!! Well, I was thoroughly entertained by what you did for CM and wish you well. Does that mean one of those OF islands will next be a desert? Take care.
  18. Once upon a time there was a cute little newbie who came unto the forum and said something like: G'day mate! What it would be kewl to have multi turreted tanks?! What say you mate! Top sheila! To which Steve said: Shut up you ignorant Ozzer! Then it was hinted that multi turreted AFVs would wreck Hell on the TacAI and on facing and whatnots. Firing from HTs would be just that. How would you code it? And so the SheepShagger was banned and nobody asked such questions. Voila... The ability to fire on the move would be cool for a zone denial with flamethrowers firing from the back of HTs though.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: I saw a film he co-starred in, the name was (checks)... I can't work out what the name was, but he was a smalltown Sherriff who has to prove himself to a couple of patronising FBI agents.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That would me One false move. Great one. Starred with Billy Bob as in A simple plan. Speaking of Paxton, if he gets mad at his agent, do I have to give all my DVD back?
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: The nice thing about PawBroon is you can read his posts 4 times and still not figure out what the hell he is saying.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well it's weird because I actually type those posts exactly 4 times before submitting them. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>By the way, there is a new mod for French soldiers Pawboon. It was made by a WW2 German veteran. Unfortunately, it only includes the backs of the soldiers' uniforms. Claims that was the only side he ever got a good look at. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Old One really. I know you know the real value of our Colonials and that of the Legion. As I said once, why would you want to fight the whole war if some Pvt Ryan is willing to get his ass busted to save yours? Pray tell? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTW -- Thanks for the e-mail PawBroon. I appreciate it. Je puis voyager à Lyon en quelques mois. Où habitez-vous?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well don't mention it. I thought I was writting to Aitken that why I was being nice. If I may, EN QUELQUES MOIS is not French. Peer reviewing would hint to the fact that EN is unsubstantiated and that DANS would have been more historically and gramatically correct. Needless to say I live in Paris you dork. That's 2 hours from Paris for those who are Kinetically Challenged. As a side note, LINDAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about that challenge? I had never been beaten by one of you Krauts! Come on, even Andreas the Teutonic had bought the Farm time and again against me. I'm a Frog for Steve & Charles sake! Anyone real willing? Am I to understand you ubercyber are all fakes? Huuh?!
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty: Broon, ya lumbering, cotton pickin', CessPool-dwelling Git, if you don't get a taker for one of those new Berli maps at Der Kessel, pick one and we'll have a go. Now, that you've exorcised those German AFV demons, maybe you can beat me legit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That Bocage thingy would be it Mr M. No unit restriction save for Fionn's Purple Haze of 1972. Good hunting.
  22. Outstanding Bocage Map. Congrats Dan and thanks for the quick update Mensch... Now I need to play that one. Someone? Anyone real? Lindan?
  23. What do you know about all of this?! You should produce bonafide links to Threads from the Past showing without any doubt that you were there and that you have a legacy to post such comments. If you can't understand the concept of intelligent posting and peer reviewing as stated by Slapdragon himself quoting Rexford (In "I had a penetrating dream") then you'd better pack your things and head off for the Boonies till CMBB is released. What is that fantasy about people being flamed because of our dire expectancy towards CM2? I say Pffffttt to your logic! I don't like you!! You are mostly German I've been told so you're like an Aitken Light. Now you Sugar Free Scot, send me a Setup and whatever it is I should say to finish this. I hope you never did MODs because I'd hate to miss you. Sheesh! Try to keep that game from being gigantic. I'm a Frog, too many soldiers do wonders to my digestive life. And for the ignorants, I am rude because I am from the Peng Challenge Thread. Now if I can find myself one of those distinctive piece of yellow clotheware so that Regulars could notice from afar I am different...
  24. And I hereby take the lead in that sudden Paxton's quotes plague that is hitting the fan. Pun intended. "I got 3 rules: 1) **** happens. 2) **** happens on a regular basis. 3) You better get used to rule 1 and 2."
  25. Oh Behave you Serial Film Quoters!! Andreas, if you are to come to MY part of the World and avoid ME then I'll send a 15000Pts QB every single day till your modem turn liquid and produce some bubbles. As a long standing member (Down Bauhaus) I demand that you come in here and have a game and be offered wines. Pfffftttt!! Who is this Priest guy and why is it that we are humping his leg?
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