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Posts posted by PawBroon

  1. I do appreciate your concern over Maximus, and about the fact that MODers might get the same kind of treatment from me in further Reviews.

    I've reviewed many MODs already.

    And while I've ALWAYS stated that this was a personal web site with no pretense at impartiality, I've NEVER said a MOD was useless and not worthy of a try save for this one.

    Maximus has been doing just that every time someone posted a MOD in this Forum.

    After being banned and some time before that even, he was his obnoxious racist self in every mail sent to the MODs Beta Testers.

    Funny how most MODers thought that they were having less and less feedback and amongst a full site I'm single handedly doing for them, you're pointing at a little thing.

    Are you one of those who are looking at the finger when they are shown the Moon?

    Maximus has not mailed me about those Panthers.

    Fact is, we both think they are worthless.

    And while I was bashing this MOD (and not others from him which are quite nice and will be reviewed in time) I never said that they were bad because Dave himself was a useless idjit.

    Nothing personal.

    It's a personal web site offered for free to the MOD Sluts.

    There is nothing in here that would be recognized as BAD by my ISP like Racism, Illegal Files etc.

    Just MY opinion, stated on MY site.

    Considering it's self moderated, one can only see that I've been doing worst in the Pool...

    And even though it was aired only at the end of January and does not contain all of what I hoped for, it is already well over 14000 pages read.

    And there is no counter on the Previews...

    I can't please all I'm afraid.

    And if you're too put off by the way I deal with it, please do yourself a treat and stop visiting it.

    None of those 14000+ pages earned me a cent.

    I will NOT have this site turned into PC by a Commitee of Wise Men.

    Now if fellow MODers are concerned about how I could review their upcoming MODs, please drop me a mail about it and I'll edit the incriminated part of the review.

    Just because it's all about MODs AND MODers.

    And Michael, you're giving me too much credit already.

    MODers are MODing.

    Or not.

    Can't think of one who STARTED a MOD to be reviewed by me.

    Nor can I think of one who dropped because he was afraid of my feedback.

    And though you're only 1 out of 14000 pages read, I do really appreciate you taking some time to give me some feedback.

    It shows you were feeling strongly about it.

    That's why I've done just the same...


  2. Originally posted by Mord:

    Nice screens there Pawbroon your site is really taking off. And it really has filled a gap that we needed. But I didn't see anything about your Archer. Whatever happened with that?


    Thanks a lot for your positive feedback.

    The Archer is done and was sent to Der Kessel for a week end update.

    Keep on visiting it as Mensch will update his new MODs and Scenarios quite soon.

    He was aiming for an upload yesterday if I remember.

    So it will be posted sometime soon...

  3. She's certainly no brave man.


    I wouldn't expect her to mind you...

    You might not know that but some of us introduced our better halves to either the game or the board.

    Emma doesn't have to actually own the game to be worth her salt in contributions.

    Reading MODs & MODers to tip me on the worst typos is one of the few services she's providing.

    But I won't elaborate.

  4. CMBO is just being released as a retail version in Europe.

    Why would BTS sale a less expensive CMBO since for most of the would be CMers, this game is new?

    Beside, there is no reason why CMBB should make CMBO instantly worthless.

    Of course the game would have been tweaked and thus be better in the way of Doodads, Arc of Fire and somesuch.

    But for wargaming in the West, CMBO would still be Yo Mama wargame.

    Why dump its price then?

    Does a T34 instantly lower the overall value of a Churchill VII?

    I don't think so...

  5. "He gets all the crucial ones in there."


    Crucial should be anywhere between almost 2 years ago and now I'd say.

    Most CMMOS MODs are quality ones.

    Go get DD or Tom's S Grass.

    Get Magua or PanzerTruppen's Buildings.

    Get all of Marco Bergman and Fernando Carrera Buil's.

    Same for Felgrau and AndrewTF's MODs.

    The rest is a matter of Taste.

    Now as have been stated time and again.

    For a socks blowing look, get Tom's Winter MODs called Battle of the Bulge.

    For dandy terrain conversion just like this one, get Magua's Normandy Pack for a very nice MOD.

    Speaking of conversion, go get NOW Deanco's Gunmetal Interface and Clipboard for the single most used MOD.

    For sound MODs.

    Get the ones Madmatt told you about because MDMP is the best starting point.

    Then add Nightcrawler and Scipio's Sounds of Death and cherry pick the ones you fancy more.

    If Crucial was when CMBO was bright and cheerful, I'd hate to see what you consider as Normal...


  6. Originally posted by mensch:

    As for Broonies TD mod it's still in test and I will only publish it when he give it the green light. Although he gave a very perdy assult boat to put online.

    The Archer is done.

    I am writing the Article as of NOW and you'll be able to upload both MOD, Byte Battle and Article this week or for the week end at most.

    Sorry for your wife and I do hope she'll get better.

    Since Team Canada trounced the Yanks 5 to 2 for the Hockey finals, you had at least one bright moment during that week end.


  7. I'm glad you're thinking so high of my website.

    What Makjager is doing is quite simple.

    And it's typical of the way he does his MODs.

    First he is doing a HiRes base colour of the MOD with the edges drawn.

    The effect is like this:


    And then, following his own blueprint, he is using the Dodge and Burn Tools to highlight the edges and get that 3D effect.

    Just like this:


    After that, it's just like with the last article published in How To.

    You add layers either on Multiply, Screen or Luminosity depending on the effect you want to achieve and you start to paint.

    Try for yourself and remember most MODers will help if you ask them.

    You hadn't asked me and I'm being obnoxiously helpful.



    BTW, this Tiger will rock.

    Let's start a 200 posts thread to put some pressure and the fear of God on Paul!

  8. Feedback received and tweaks are in progress.

    So we're not far from a release...

    This one will be sent as EnthusiasmWare.

    Thus only Kip and Vader will receive it through mail.


    I hadn't heard from any of you about what to do between a Pershing or a King Tiger.

    People said there were problems in the MODing Community but I guess those are with the MOD Sluts.

    I'll try some buildings then this time...

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