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Posts posted by PawBroon

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Manx:

    Good luck with the site, although i'm still trying to figure out what the bloody hell you are going on about!<hr></blockquote>

    You are not implying that you were expecting me to make some sens?

    Now mind you tis easy.

    Somewhat subliminal but easy.

    Read again.

    If you understand mine I promise I'll go try to sort yours.


    Thanks for the support Manx.

  2. Now where is SuperTed when you need him?!


    There was some thread going on about what the MODing Community was doing.

    Mostly it was quietly MODing and minding its own business.

    But being a sneaky git, I snatched some thingies like this pic:


    And did a full Web site of it...

    MODs & MODers

    This site is dedicated to all the individuals who contributed something to Combat Mission.

    May they live in Interesting Times...

  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

    MacOS users will not be able to access CMMOS mod packs.<hr></blockquote>

    St Gordon help me.

    Of course Mac users can access CMMOS MODs.

    They could just NOT use CMMOS to apply the MODs on the fly.

    I'm a Windows user and I don't use some of those.

    For example, I like my AFV snowy.

    Why would I install a AFV_Whitewash and AFV_Snow when I can simple RENAME the extansion to AFV.Bmp and be done with it?

    There is a tremor in the Force but it wouldn't be because of OS.

  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

    CMMOS and other systems that are Windows only have effective torn a chunk from the mod community as a whole.<hr></blockquote>


    CMMOS doesn't DO MODs.

    CMMOS doesn't do anything WITH your BMP.

    Makjager is MODing on a Mac.

    Of course it's unhealthy and all but he can still produce BMPs.

    Then some fellow with a PC just do a RuleSet, which is JUST a text file telling CMMOS what to do with those Mac created BMPs following a naming convention that even a Linux Guru could explain under 1700 pages with TeX.

    So all in all, you're wrong.

    Mind you, Dorosh is right.

    It IS shrinking.

  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by KwazyDog:

    Awwww, I dont believe I made a spelling mistake in the heading though!<hr></blockquote>

    Fret not dear Ozzer.

    Plastoc is familiar French slang for plastic.

    Let's all pretend the margin between knowledge and typo is paper thin...


    As Gordon said, what you highlighted is pretty much the Bed & Breakfast of MODers.

    It does wonder for weathering too.

    Just that it wont be Multiply but Screen or somesuch.

  6. Some patches ago, BTS coded the fact that tanks would swerve their tracks towards their target to speed the aiming process up.

    I doubt the KV2 will be treated differently from what we know now, IE a slow turret.

    My bet is that you'll see KV2s turn towards you as SU152 would for example...

    Now, considering BTS has always been a coding Bag'O'Many Tricks, a surprise wouldn't surprise me.


  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

    Which would not be a problem, if this was cleared with the mod authors.<hr></blockquote>

    I wouldn't have it otherwise.

    You might have noticed the use of that fail safe smiley at the end of my previous post.

    You know such things have already been debated and are usually a can of worms.

    I was merely playing it along.

    An additional CD with most of the MODs and some scenarios and ops of the quality that is both present at Der Kessel and reviewed at the Depot would be a neat addition to anyone getting on the bandwagon just now.

    Now for personal reasons, I had it on my mind to take a cheap shot at this news.


    I'll explain why in a further mail, no need to do this in here...

  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by deanco:

    So whose hand drawn (pixel by pixel) mud .jpg did you steal off the internet to do this one, you sorry excuse for an Applicationist?? smile.gif <hr></blockquote>


    My, now I know that you're a friend.

    Much to my Applicationist shame, the mud is all mine...

    But you know me and how I work, so I had to grab this:


    It's neither big nor significant but it does look cool on that otherwise big empty flat upper hull.

    Since you're into stealing, here is another screenie with the inside of that MOD.


    You'll noticed that I did use your GunMetal.

    Am I the only one still acknowledging the Genius of your interface?!!


    [ 01-10-2002: Message edited by: PawBroon ]</p>

  9. I have no firm deadline about its released.

    What I do usually is to finish it off to the best of my abilities and then switch it to Beta status.

    By then it would be in the hands of my trusted fellow MODers who would most certainly told me what a sad little git I was when I did that particular pixel and suggest tweaks.

    If those tweaks are into my ballpark, I'll then proceed to change the faulty BMP and release it.

    All in all, some patience might be required...

  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gates-slut:

    I am CRAZY about Microsoft!!! I especially LOVE WINXP. It totally ROCKS.<hr></blockquote>

    Dear Mr Gates Slut,

    We at MsCenter have been touched by your mails and all your cute drawings.

    I know we are a bit late for Xmas but you'll be happy to learn that some of our Activation Features were meant for Kids like you in mind.

    Starting next Monday, every AFV you'll buy in CM will proudly display our logo.

    Don't thank us, it's kids like you who make us proud of doing quality softwares.

    For all of your unregistered friends or those Heathen Mac or Linux users, here is a screenshot you'd have to put as a wallpaper on their computer to remind them of all the fun they are missing.


    Should 17 of them buy Windows XP, you'll receive a Service Pack where JagdTigers are less expansive than Hetzers and turns are auto-numbered.

  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ogadai:

    Isn't that just a modded Assault Boat?<hr></blockquote>

    It is.

    Only one you'll find in the game anyway.

    So no LCI, LCT etc.

    Best you can do is giving it a more Navy like look and a ramp for the troops and at the end of the day you'll still have some sort of rowing boat...

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