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Posts posted by PawBroon

  1. Ok guys.

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Being an ADSL user, I am hard pressed to realize how cumbersome it could be for you to load.

    Dreamweaver told me that this page was to load in mere seconds but I guess it was far off the mark.

    Now that was for the Homepage which will be changed on the spot.

    Do you guys load News and the LATEST Incoming WHEN CLICKED FROM THE LINK in News fast?

    The tweak is supposed to pre load in cache the previews so that you 56Kers would have an almost instantaneous popup when you click on April's previews.

    If it's faster, then I'll pre cache all the other previews reached from News.

    Thanks again to all of you who took some time to go check my site and gave me feedback.

  2. Anybody else?

    Quite frankly, it would be nice of you to speak up.

    After all, it does load fast for me and considering I'm the one doing the Reviews, I'm meant to know what's in them beforehand anyway.

    Don't be so passive all of you non broadbanders.

    If you can't even be bothered to give your opinion, why should I tweak the site for you to browse it faster?


  3. Woohoo! My plot to get rid of all Mac 56Kers is working.


    Thanks for this Paul.

    I'm afraid it's not ME though...

    Hadn't changed the home page or the way it would load.

    Just changed News and Incoming.

    So those 3 minutes of lagging might be either because of Wanadoo or because you tried just when I was uploading some tests or others.

    Glad you tried though.

    Do it again later on since it seems to be fast WinElse...

  4. Thanks Mattias.

    I'm ADSL too so I couldn't judge but the previews are supposed to be very fast now once clicked.

    So guys, the more of you do that test, the better of the 56Kers and al...

    If you want to be extra sure as a comparison, click on some of March previews since only April has been tweaked for testing purpose.

    Thanks for your help and for making this a better site for all to enjoy!

  5. I'm tweaking some parameters to make your browsing even more enjoyable.

    IE, Faster...

    What I'm doing here is to allow the pre caching of MODs Previews while Incoming is loading.

    There shouldn't be any bandwidth bottleneck but I'd be glad if some of you fellas could go click on the INCOMING link of my latest update in News and check how quick the required page is loading.

    Once you're on the Previews for April, please click on some pics to see if the popups are instantaneous.

    Thanks for your help.

  6. The FlakPz are already out for you to grab at CMHQ under the CMMOS section.

    Like the TriColor here for example:


    They just don't get the usual treatment of pic posting and small review so what's available is not always evident for all.

    As for your MOD, I'll be glad to have it.

    You can either send me pics or send me the actual MOD.

    I'm rather for the MOD since I can take my own pics afterward.

    But feel free to do it the way you see fit...

  7. Originally posted by AndrewTF:

    Your welcome. I've sent pix of alternate version to PawBroon today. He'll make them available on his next update. smile.gif

    Which should be VERY soon if anyone cares since I've been sent MODs by the dozens as soon as I uploaded my latest update.

    Those MODs are just perfect.

    I don't want to be an heretic but from a strict MODing standpoint, CMBO is getting better and better and most MODs won't get the Ultra HiRes Treatement before CMBB.

    So please BTS, don't release CMBB before Fall 2003.


  8. Originally posted by Gordon:

    What's the ETA on the H39 mod?

    I'm definitely looking forward to that.

    Quite frankly, no idea.

    It's MODed by one of those French.

    You know them fickle Frogs...


    Seriously, it's supposed to have been done by a John Doe then mailed to Franck Lazzaroni (another French MODer) and then forwarded to Saturnin who mailed it to me.

    Does that make sense?

    My guess is that Franck is indeed the culprit.

    He just wouldn't say so and I'm not even sure they'll release the bloody MOD.

    God knows I've asked for the BMPs for some time now under the pretence of doing screenies.

    What's ailing the Frogs is beyond me really.

    Why do a MOD if not to release it?

    And it's obvious this one is the best H39 to date...


    Bloody French.

    Must be cultural or there's something in their tap water...


  9. Since SuperTed seems to be off chasing the Easter Bunny, I'll have to do it myself:

    It was TRUE!

    The Frogs are lazy bums and they are updating their web sites on a per shower basis.

    Either that or it was that Six Nations rugby tourney for which we seem to be the only team still able to go for the first ever Grand Slam...

    Anyway, here is a much awaited update delivering once again stunning Sneak Previews of the MODs being currently worked on.

    I'm afraid it's once again an All German thingie.

    Is there a Pro German Bias in MODers?

    Inquiring minds want to know...

    Let's go MODs & MODers and take a look at what's cooking.


    Remember to thanks them MODers.

    I've never loved them much personally but it's nice of them to do that painting thingie for us.

    Except you Molek!

    Be honest and tell us what grass you're using...

    [Edited to fix the link]

    [ March 30, 2002, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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